Thus Apollonius departed from his master and teacher. And is it not
possible that just as the name of Apollonius, in the New Testament, was
changed to that of Jesus, so Iarchus became his "Father," while the
Brahmans dwelling on the heights of the Himalayas became "angels in
heaven"? As a farewell gift, the Brahman sages, on the threshold of their
valley of mediation, gave Apollonius and Damis camels on which to cross
India westward to the Red Sea, where they continued their journey by
Apollonius returned to Greece from India to accomplish the same mission
that Pythagoras had done before him, namely, to carry westward the Wisdom
of the East, for which his predecessor won only persecution, ending in the
burning of the Pythagorean meeting-house in which Pythagoras and his
disciples were assembled.*
On his way home, Apollonius sent the following letter to Iarchus:
"Iarchus and the other sages, from Apollonius, greetings: I came
to you by land; with your aid I return by sea, and might have
returned even by air -- such is the wisdom you have imparted to
(* de Beauvoir Priaulaux, in his "The Indian Travels
of Apollonius of Tyana," written in 1873, comments as
follows on this statement: "Easy and pleasant as this
mode of travel [air] is thought to be, Apollonius had
recourse to it but once -- on that memorable occasion
when about midday he disappeared before the tribunal
of Domitian, and the same evening met Damis at
"Even among the Greeks I shall not forget these things, and
shall still hold commerce with you -- or I have indeed vainly
drunk of the cup of Tantalus. Farewell, ye best philosophers."
According to another translation, Apollonius's letter read as follows:
"I came to you by land and ye have given me the sea, rather, by
sharing with me your wisdom, ye have given me power to travel
through heaven. These things will I bring back to the mind of
the Greeks, and I will hold converse with you as though ye were
present, if it be that I have not drunk of the cup of Tantalus
in vain."*
(*From Iarchus, his master, Apollonius received the
"cup of Tantalus," symbolizing the wisdom which it was
his mission to bring back to Greece as Pythagoras had
done before him. Tantalus is fabled to have stolen the
cup of nectar from the gods; this was the "amrita,"
the ocean of immortality and wisdom of the Hindus.)
Mead in his "Apollonius of Tyana," makes the following comment on this
quotation: "It is evident from these cryptic sentences that the 'sea' and
the 'cup of Tantalus' are identical with the 'wisdom' which had been
imparted to Apollonius -- a wisdom which he was to bring back once more to
the memory of the Greeks. He thus clearly states that he returned from
India with a distinct mission and with the means to accomplish it, for not
only had he drunk of the ocean of wisdom in that he has learnt the Brahma
Vidya* from their lips, but he has also learnt how to converse with them
though his body be in Greece and their bodies in India." [*Brahma Vidya:
the knowledge of Brahman or God, the universal spiritual Consciousness
which creates, sustains and permeates the entire cosmos].

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