Netscape 3+ Background Color Chart | |||||||||
#848484 | #C2C2C2 | #FFFFFF | |||||||
#FF0000 | #FF8400 | #FFFF00 | #84FF00 | #00FF00 | |||||
#00FF00 | #00FF84 | #00FFFF | #0084FF | #0000FF | |||||
#0000FF | #8400FF | #FF00FF | #FF0084 | #FF0000 | |||||
#0000FF | #0000C2 | #000084 | |||||||
#00FF00 | #00C200 | #008400 | |||||||
#FF0000 | #C20000 | #840000 | |||||||
Web Publication by
Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
- Southern Summer of 1997
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Background Color System |
The above tabulated colors should be varigated within the table - each according to the code displayed - if and only if the version of Netscape you are currently using is 3.0 or above.
The system used to generate background colors is dependent upon the use of three sets of (two digit hexidecimal) parameters to describe any combination of 256 tones of three colors - red, green and blue. The format of the background color statement is as follows:
Hope this information is of assistance.
Pete Brown
Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
January 1997