![]() Questions & Comments about Ancient History | Question Number | Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2006
1 | Consideration of the implications of a Eusebian fiction postulate
| 2 | Eusebius: Contra Apollonius (History DELETED) pro Jesus (Fiction ADDED)
| 3 | What is actually novel in the "spiritual advice" of the NT over the OT?
| 4 | Database of authors (and their respective writings) of antiquity (0-300 CE)
| 5 | FJ: Eusebian fiction postulate & Julian "Against the Galilaeans"
| 6 | The word pagan and the word Hellenic
| 7 | specification of the mass of literature labelled Eusebius
| 8 | the identification of Enoch, Idris and Hermes
| 9 | fictional jesus and Julian's testimony (362 CE)
| 10 | History, myth and fiction in BC&H: a general terminological question
| 11 | Epictetus's non-reference to (christian) Galilaeans?
| 12 | Martyrs through refusal to enact sacrifice
| 13 | The (long lost?) songs of Arius
| 14 | Is the Gettier Problem relevant to BC&H?
| 15 | the Nicaean myth of biblical creation
| 16 | Eusebian Fiction Postulate
| 17 | the unutterable inference of mainstream BC&H
| 18 | how zen aware are minds associated with BC&H?
| 19 | star trek tangentiation
| 20 | Pythagoraean root for Platonism?
| 21 | archeological evidence for pre-Nicaean christianity?
| 22 | Ben Perry and his "Life of Secundus the Philosopher"
| 23 | History: the most probable explanation?
| 24 | Was Flavia Iulia Helena the 1st christian pilgrim?
| 25 | paleographic dating: unacceptable as 100% authoritive (C14 & 21st CE)
| 26 | The Diggers' Oath & the Nicaean Creed
| 27 | Did Origen refer to christians at all?
| 28 | when was the new bound to the old?
| 29 | The Alexandros grafitti exception
| 30 | Ammonius Saccas a pre-Nicaean christian?
| 31 | Jerome's eleventh man
| 32 | Did Constantine have absolute power?
| 33 | nascient Christ cults commandeered (4th CE)
| 34 | Ralhph Waldo Emerson's influence on BC&H
| 35 | FJ: Index of Theories of the History of Christianity involving FICTION and/or FRAUD
| 36 | The Ignatian Epistles Entirely Spurious
| 37 | The Antipodes Problem
| 38 | The 40 day fasts of the Buddha and the Jesus
| 39 | a question of objectivity
| 40 | The TF and the implications of 4th CE fraud
| 41 | Dating and role in textual transmission of Codexes A, B and Aleph
| 42 | questionable historicity of St. Justin Martyr
| 43 | How the modern christian church sits atop the obelisk of Karnack
| 44 | Constantius' (337-361CE) obituary by Ammianus Marcelinus
| 45 | Apollonius of Tyana in Ammianus Marcellinus
| 46 | Julian's (360-363 CE) obituary by Ammianus Marcellinus
| 47 | Ammianus Marcellinus (Res Gestae, English translation)
| 48 | Arnaldo Momigliano and the TF
| 49 | Foxe's story (Acts and Monuments, 1563)
| 50 | Hollerich's "Court Theologian" Eusebius
| 51 | 1st citation of Pliny's references to christians?
| 52 | The Date of Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica
| 53 | Abraham's Holy Land
| 54 | Abrahamic religion and monotheism
| 55 | Pre-Nicaean use of the word ?µ???s??? ?
| 56 | the (non-christian) role of certificates of sacrifice (251 CE)
| 57 | Epitome de Caesaribus (41:16) - assistance with the Latin?
| 58 | Historia Augusta (4th century CE)
| 59 | Constantinian summons to Nicaea was regal not imperial
| 60 | that the Arian controversy was about the recent implementation of a new & strange god
| 61 | Momigliano's "The conflict between paganism and Christianity in the fourth century"
| 62 | rescripts
| 63 | purported pre-Nicene Clementines certainly post-Nicene
| 64 | Historiography of antiquity and hierarchical vs relational database technology
| 65 | christmas festival 4th century?
| 66 | H I S T O R I C I T Y - Can it be reduced to a percentage value?
| 67 | How much of 'Q' is essenic in Philo of Alexandria?
| 68 | comparitive historicity (Apollonius of Tyana c.f. Jesus of Nazareth)
| 69 | Poll: How necessary are the classical histories to BC&H study?
| 70 | HJ: self-explanatory, assertion or postulate?
| 71 | the inscription of Arykanda?
| 72 | zen and the archery of NT biblical history
| 73 | Julian's Caesares (Constantine and Jesus take up abode with Incontinence)
| 74 | Ancient and modern "Divisions of Philosophy"
| 75 | Poll: HP: Was Paul an historical figure?
| 76 | [Latin tr needed] - what an Irishman is reported to have said to Patrick.
| 77 | complete set (HJ, MJ, FJ)?
| 78 | Exploring Richard Carrier's "Eusebius was either a liar or hopelessly credulous."
| 79 | Barbarians 7 Romans 0 (thanks Clivedurdle)
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2007
| 80 | neopythagorean (non Abrahamic?) statement of monotheism
| 81 | Which new discoveries would provide evidence for 4th Century christian origins?
| 82 | Why did "the world groan to find itself Arian"?
| 83 | The Eusebian tribe of "pure" christians and the Marcionite splinter-christians
| 84 | Eusebius' "thrice-blessed" references in Vita Constantini
| 85 | Fernando Conde Torrens (Eusebius & Constantine dunnit)
| 86 | gnosticism and neo-pythagoreanism
| 87 | BMCR: Constantine as an 'eminent theologian'
| 88 | MJ Theories - what are the postulates?
| 89 | Porphyrian and Eusebian views inconsistent re the Essenic roots of "christians"
| 90 | When did the Roman Empire actually decline & fall?
| 91 | Archeologically who is the earliest "christian human being"?
| 92 | Apollos of Alexandria and the Early Christian Apostolate
| 93 | The Life of Demonax - Lucian
| 94 | Marcus Aurelius Antoninus' reference to "christian obstinacy" (circa 167 CE)
| 95 | Chronology of the Anti-Marcionite Prologues (post Nicaean!)
| 96 | Julian - Gore Vidal's novel (1962)
| 97 | C14 and the "Teacher of Righteousness" (1st CE?)
| 98 | How to obtain inscription translation (Bryn Mawr Classical Review article)
| 99 | Momigliano's "Devils and the Classical Tradition"?
| 100 | E.Schwartz: were German professors of Kirchengeschichte victims of their poor Greek?
| 101 | Emperor Julian's prime motive for writing "Against the Galilaeans"
| 102 | relationships between "the old" and "the new" components of "the bible"?
| 103 | Package specifications: "the fabrication of the Galilaeans"
| 104 | Constantine's Bible: "conspiracy theories" vs "absolute political power"
| 105 | Evidence of perversion of the patristic literature
| 106 | Porphyry's death and Constantine's "Porphyry found the reward which befitted him".
| 107 | IRONY: God's way of Confusing Biblical Scholars?
| 108 | Greek stelai inscriptions and the use of "Aurelios"
| 109 | Momigliano's Miracle
| 110 | St. JUSTIN MARTYR's fraudulent misrepresentation of an ancient inscription.
| 111 | Momigliano, Eusebius and Invention of new forms of historiography
| 112 | discussion about Arius, Bullneck and Bull-burner (
| 113 | What would damage both the HJ and MJ theories the most?
| 114 | Register of prenicene citations re: "christianity"
| 115 | catacombs of Rome as containing archeological evidence of pre-Nicaean christianity
| 116 | Can it be denied that the Council of Nicaea was a military supremacy party?
| 117 | Question about Diophantus (mentioned in Josephus)
| 118 | Arnaldo Momigliano's "Eusbebian 300 year 'correction' to accepted Chronology"
| 119 | Constantine in brief: highly intelligent supreme imperial mafia thug
| 120 | Why the delayed publication of good news? (
| 121 | Are the "Christians for Christians" Inscriptions of Phrygia really Pre-Nicaean? [x2]
| 122 | Constantine the mafia thug split from moderation. . .
| 123 | carbon dating the new testament texts
| 124 | Critically skeptical of the existence of evidence for pre-Constantinian christianity
| 125 | The Second Cybernetics: Deviation-Amplifying Mutual Causal Processes - Magorah Maruya
| 126 | Who was the "Official Thirteenth Apostle"?
| 127 | Bode's Law, Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits
| 128 | Chi Rho or IPX (Imperitor Rex)?
| 129 | Eduard Schwartz on Eusebius; English translation?
| 130 | Pontifex Maximus and the Apostic Succession
| 131 | Eusebian Frauds in the "Vita Constantini" (Elliott; JSTOR)
| 132 | Cited opinions "that the TF is completely inauthentic" starting with Kerry Shirts
| 133 | Why did Jesus mention Caesar before god?
| 134 | Who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews?
| 135 | Are political issues important to textual criticism in the case of Julians Galilaeans
| 136 | Comparison: Graydon Snyder (1985) vs Robin Lane Fox (1986) ?
| 137 | The State of Early Christian Epigraphy: A Story of Three Stones.
| 138 | NEXUS Magazine Article: The Forged Origins of The New Testament (Constantine cited)
| 139 | Maria Dzielska: Apollonius of Tyana and His Historicity (an article)
| 140 | Nag Hammadi [348CE]: Thrice-Great Hermes; and evidence of early christian fabrication
| 141 | what is the difference between ???s?a??? and ???s?a??? ?
| 142 | Evidence that Constantine fraudulently misrepresented the patristic literature
| 143 | Constantine invented christianity in the fourth century
| 144 | A Brief History of "Christian Prayer"
| 145 | God(s) or "personal guardian spirits"?
| 146 | There were no "pagans" and no "christians" before Constantine (epigraphy, papyri) (
| 147 | Criticial Review of Pre-Nicene Christian papyri and inscriptions ==> 4th CE origins
| 148 | thesis: Constantine invented Christianity - public response to C.Weimer
| 149 | Talmud references to Jesus, the Gospels and/or Christianity?
| 150 | Did Gibbon write further on the historical character of Eusebius?
| 151 | Romans 15:28 - Country anachronism? [Spain or Iberia]
| 152 | Did Emperor Julian "LIE" MERGED
| 153 | mountainman digression on his favorite topic split from PJ's list
| 154 | How many libraries did the christians of the fourth century actually burn down?
| 155 | The Christian Invention of Judaism: The Theodosian Empire and Rabbinic Refusal ...
| 156 | Is the Prosenes inscription necessarily "christian"? (A question for textual critics)
| 157 | Burning Nestorius' history of 5th CE beliefs in the Fiction of Jesus
| 158 | Index Vaticanus Librorum Prohibitorum - English Translation?
| 159 | From which century was the codex widely used?
| 160 | the oldest christian cemetries/gravestones?
| 161 | Did Eusebius compose the "History of John"?
| 162 | Coptic gThomas 90 - Yoga; and "Yeshua says" merged with Gnostic "Codes"
| 163 | Dating the Treatise of Eusebius Against Hierocles/Philostratus/Apollonius
| 164 | Thesis paper: Trade Guilds of the Latter Roman Empire (Utley, 1925)
| 165 | Did "Early Christians" write dinner invitations?
| 166 | Was the Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles written by a non christian?
| 167 | Does P52 have 4th century comparanda?
| 168 | Non-christian Gnostic Origins and "The Hymn of the Pearl" merged w Acts of Thomas
| 169 | BC&H - should New Testament Studies be split out?
| 170 | JHS Referee Report "BROWN ON CONSTANTINE’S INVENTION". Peer Review?
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2008
| 171 | Poll: Is Lithargoel (the Pearl Man of TAOPATTA) "necessarily" Jesus?
| 172 | Zero point of sidereal and tropical zodiacs now 24.5 deg out of phase?
| 173 | Philo's Therapeutae and the Healer Asclepius in antiquity
| 174 | How does the christian mainstream explain Chrestos in the BCE epoch?
| 175 | off topic posts split from Chris Weimer biblioblogger of the month
| 176 | mountainman digression on [Cyril forged Julian] split from Acharya S
| 177 | What is the current classification system of NT Non Canonical texts?
| 178 | For those who assessed NO actual human being Jesus ...
| 179 | Why do the gospel authors have an ascetic Jesus who drinks wine and eats meat? (
| 180 | How did Arius' UNBELIEF "reproach, grieve, wound and pain the Church"?
| 181 | Interpreting the New Testament documents
| 182 | Was the Tomb inside the walls of Jerusalem?
| 183 | The Tacitus Reference (Annals 15:44) and ROSS on BRACCIOLINI
| 184 | Codex Theodosianus - English Translation?
| 185 | Interpreting the (Lausiac) parable of the Innocent Sheep & Lazarus
| 186 | John 6:53; cannibalism, Nestorius and the exciting Acts of Andrew among the cannibals
| 187 | The universe as a living thing
| 188 | Was the new testament written by pagans?
| 189 | The Cosmic Aether: New Scientific perspectives
| 190 | The "Leucian Acts of the Apostles": a comparitive review of scholarship
| 191 | Parallels between Jesus and Asclepius (The God of Medicine - Gerald Hart)
| 192 | Defending the EUSEBIAN (aka Constantinian) FICTION postulate (
| 193 | Could "docetic" be a christian euphemism for "fictional"?
| 194 | The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesus (Arthur Drews, 1912)
| 195 | Lions, bulls and the pearl of great price (NHC 6.1) 348 CE
| 196 | was Pachomius (292-348 CE) "made christian" by Jerome?
| 197 | Origen split from Did Jesus quote from the Septuagint
| 198 | Momigliano's "Devils and the Classical Tradition"?
| 199 | Would the "redeemer of mid-summer" be a christian or a pagan motif?
| 200 | The 'city of nine gates' Gita reference at Nag Hammadi (NHC 6.1)
| 201 | mountainman derail split from Mithras quote
| 202 | The Humor of Jesus: Sources of Laughter in the Bible (Amazon)
| 203 | Ambrose Bierce's journalistic concept of christian (1911-2008)
| 204 | Nag Hammadi split from did John the Baptist et all exist
| 205 | Parody, The Acts of Philip" [merged again]
| 206 | an index of fraud concerning "christian" history by century
| 207 | NT authorship and publication dates, statistical estimation via C14 dating
| 208 | The three hundred and eighteen fathers inscription (Litterbugs as an enemy of God)
| 209 | The Acts of Titus: anyone know where the text may be located?
| 210 | Riding a hobbyhorse split from earliest copy of Matt in old Syriac
| 211 | JESUS DOWN-UNDER 2008: Expressions of interest
| 212 | Attempted hijacking of Septuagint thread by mountainman
| 213 | Creation, preservation and destruction of documents in antiquity
| 214 | Does Origen cite the Clementines?
| 215 | Off topic posts split from Are most NT scholars Christians
| 216 | Jeffrey vs Pete split from Epimenides & Acts 17:28/Titus 1:12
| 217 | The association between "FISH" and "JC" via the commonality of Greek letters
| 218 | Did Arius believe that Jesus existed? split from pre-Enlightenment intellectuals
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2009
| 219 | Why was the Shepherd (of Hermas) axed from the new testament?
| 220 | Another Pete digression on Arius
| 221 | Historicity exercise for BC&H researchers: the "saints" Cosmas and Damien
| 222 | Pete's hobbyhorse again split from methodology: Ancient biography and fiction
| 223 | mountainman derail on mythicism split from criterian of embarrassment
| 224 | An account of St. George as a follower of Arius of Alexandria
| 225 | WIKI's Josephus on Jesus "discussion" page
| 226 | What percentage of books published in the 20thC were authored in the 20th, 19th .....
| 227 | Jesus the sorcerer: apostles avoid eye contact (gJudas)
| 228 | Modelling tsunamis caused by impactors: wave size and global influence
| 229 | early witnesses to the authorship and chronology of the NT apocrypha
| 230 | Domitian's christian persecution as a fiction and the Acts of John the Theologian
| 231 | Who were the "heathens" of the NT? (
| 232 | Did the Index Librorum Prohibitorum commence in the fourth century?
| 233 | Acts of Pilate (Jesus heals by the power of Ascelpius) pagan or christian?
| 234 | Arius of Alexandria and Leucius Charinus are one in the same author (
| 235 | Do Aesop's Fables feature in "The Acts of Paul"
| 236 | Hijack split from Constantine Conspiracy
| 237 | The principle of persecution was first infused into Roman law by Constantine [Renan]
| 238 | The appearance of "christian names" in the archeological record
| 239 | Mountainman on Gospel of Peter split from Jesus Better Documented
| 240 | The HJ and the Gnostic Discoveries: The Impact of the Nag Hammadi Library
| 241 | The NT as a possible borrowing from Philostratus' "Life of Apollonius"
| 242 | Why does Jesus say "Why are you asking me?"
| 243 | Exactly where did Jesus often kiss Mary?
| 244 | Christian Archaeology Scoreboard: Churches (zero), church-houses (zero) +1housechurch
| 245 | The Gnostic Parable of the Pearl Merchant
| 246 | The demonization of the heretic Arius commenced with Damnatio memoriae
| 247 | Eusebian Fiction vs Hindu Prank origins of Christianity split from History and the NT
| 248 | The Twisted Histories of the 4th Century and the conveyor Belts of Dogma
| 249 | Does Tertullian's "300 years have not yet passed" (Ad Nationes) unmask Eusebius?
| 250 | The Historical (or otherwise) Jesus and Google Trends
| 251 | The Cross and the Electric Chair
| 252 | Gnostic works buried split from books destroyed in antiquity
| 253 | Is the aether hypothesis dead Jim?
| 254 | more of Pete's hobby horse
| 255 | The dimensions of knowledge - beingness exploring beingness
| 256 | How do we reject Eusebius? A bit at a time or all at once?
| 257 | Are HJ proponents in denial of the ancient historical data?
| 258 | What sort of a "Passer-by" was the Historical Jesus?
| 259 | The mode of persuasion in the rhetoric of the New Testament canon is pathos
| 260 | The Twelve Apostles of Plotinus
| 261 | The Gnostic Mystery: Links to Indian thought ... (
| 262 | mountain man rides his hobby horse again split from Jesus never existed
| 263 | nondualism
| 264 | Fourth-Century Aphrodites Show Paganism Persisted in Judaean Town of Hippos
| 265 | The Quest for the Historical Anti-Christ
| 266 | Making fruit salad of the Testimonium Flavianum (Kookaburra Jack)
| 267 | Our generation is fleeing since it does not yet even believe that the Christ is alive
| 268 | The Prayer of the Apostle Paul [Nag Hammadi as satire]
| 269 | Monty Python, shameful ridicule of the Bible, theatrical satire, Arius and Nicaea
| 270 | Poll: Were the gospels written in "good faith"?
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2010
| 271 | Constantine the Great and Apologetic Historical Truth
| 272 | Poll: How close to the historical truth was Eusebius' Christian "Church History"?
| 273 | Noble silence and its omission in the New Testament
| 274 | How did the church decide finally on what to include and what to exclude?
| 275 | How was Crispus executed by his father Constantine?
| 276 | religious forgery
| 277 | Integrity problems - Authors and Pseudo Authors in "Early Christianity"
| 278 | Gospel of Thomas and carbon dating split from complete reconstructed Q
| 279 | Did Plotinus attack Christians or was Porphyry interpolated?
| 280 | The image of "casting lots" in the canon (Mt27:35) and the NT non canonical
| 281 | Buddha's Logic - Theodor Stcherbatsky (1866-1942)
| 282 | Is the Gospel of Thomas Ascetical?
| 283 | Did the Orthodox and the Gnostics use the same rubbish dumps at Oxyrhynchus?
| 284 | Plato and Theodoret: The Christian Appropriation of Platonic Philosophy (Book)
| 285 | Pete's theory on Arius as a satirist (
| 286 | The "Historical Jesus" and the relevance of (non negatory) Historical Revisionism
| 287 | Nondualism - and the world's "Book Religions"
| 288 | Prahlad Jani (Starving yogi) astounds Indian scientists
| 289 | Jesus and Socrates
| 290 | Exploring "Knowledge" as filling "Dimensions"
| 291 | Jesus, partial asceticism and three intentional alterations to the new testament
| 292 | What does the evidence say about WHEN Christianity arrived in India?
| 293 | Eusebius's "Historical Christian Corruption" of the Apostolic Lineage of Plato
| 294 | mountainman's theories on Arias etc. split from Celibacy thread
| 295 | Ante pacem (Graydon Snyder) - an exhaustive and critical review of Snyder's evidence
| 296 | "what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard ... "
| 297 | C14 dating the "Gnostic Gospels and Acts" to the 4th century
| 298 | The Lord C's "prayer" seeks ownership of the only God for war but doesn't mention HJ
| 299 | Marcus Aurelius Prosenes a Christian? split from Polycarp
| 300 | Was the authority of the "tetrarchy" [leadership of 4] threatened by the 4 Gospels?
| 301 | Hereticism as a reasonable position on the Historical Jesus
| 302 | The source of the "Legend" between the Greek name "Jesus" and nomina sacra code "?S"
| 303 | Do all the Greek authors of the New Testament copy/paste the Greek LXX?
| 304 | Did the sun turn away from Jesus and recalling his rays make that day sunless?
| 305 | Does P.Oxy. 3035 dated 256 CE mention "Christian" or "Chrestian"?
| 306 | Origen split from Ultimate Proof for a Late Date for the Catholic Gospels
| 307 | The "Thecla" reference on the back cover of greek Codex Alexandrinus (Vol 1)
| 308 | Questions about C14 dating, Bell Curves and averaging two independent C14 results.
| 309 | Was Mani "Christianized", was Mani crucified, and had Eusebius read Mani's "Gospel"?
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2011
| 310 | mountainman's "pagan polemic" theory of the origin of the noncanonical gospels
| 311 | Has anyone seen the image of the serpent on the leather cover of Nag Hammadi Codex II
| 312 | There is no crime for those who have Christ: religious violence ... [Gaddis]
| 313 | Online English translation of P.Dura 54 - "feriale duranum" (timetable of festivals)
| 314 | Was the 'sour wine' of the ordinary soldier, given to Jesus as a "last cigarette"?
| 315 | The Imperial Persecution of "Early Christians" - A Critical Review of the evidence
| 316 | Nomina Sacra split from in Acts, Jesus Taught Nothing
| 317 | Docetic belief and the Non Historical Jesus: "who did NOT come in the flesh" [John]
| 318 | Poll: Historical Core or Mythical Core?
| 319 | Acts of the Chresmologoi: the Role of Oracles and Chronicles - Creation of Divine Men
| 320 | Which Christian source in antiquity is not seen as heresiological?
| 321 | The Acts of Mark (English translation)
| 322 | Tom Harpur on Bible Mythology, and Why He says Jesus Christ Never Lived Historically
| 323 | The Early "Christian Poker Association" - exploring History by way of Analogy [CENSORED]
| 324 | Did gnostic preservers make "collections" of texts, like the canonical collections ?
| 325 | Was Origen turned into a Christian by Eusebius split from Contra Celsus
| 326 | Peer review? Arius of Alexandria as a Platonist Theologian in the Council of Nicaea
| 327 | James McGrath on Earl Doherty's book "Jesus: Neither God Nor Man". (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
| 328 | Gibbon has an issue with miracles (and "Christian History" in general)
| 329 | fake martin luther king, jr. quote demonstrates how we got the apocrypha (XKV8R)
| 330 | The Last Pagan (Adrian Murdoch) and The Last Pagans of Rome (Alan Cameron)
| 331 | Was Origen turned into a Christian by Eusebius split from Contra Celsus
| 332 | The Temple(s) certainly Fell - but were they Jewish temples or Panhellenic temples?
| 333 | Easter as Vernal Equinox split from chronology of Easter weekend
| 334 | Pliny letter mentions “Christ-niks” - not “Christians” - according to K. C. Hanson
| 335 | Judas as the "Thirteenth Demon" - Constantine as the "Thirteenth Apostle"
| 336 | Israel Inaugurates “Gospel Trail”, after John fails to find Jesus's footprints ...
| 337 | NatGeo gJudas: Was the C14 280CE (+/- 60 yrs) subject to radiocarbon calibration?
| 338 | Were there two Origens? split from conspiracy theories
| 339 | Jesus as a fictional myth perpetrated on the Roman Empire in antiquity
| 340 | positive and negative historicity of the HJ etc in BC&H
| 341 | AD 381 - Heretics, Pagans and the Christian State (Charles Freeman)
| 342 | Was the attitude of the "Early Christians" to the Empire noble, stupid or fictitious?
| 343 | Was Mani a Christian redux split from Overlooked Reference to the Marcionite Paraclet
| 344 | Question probability of distinct duplicate (name, DOB, suburb) football players in teams A & B
| 345 | Paul's reference to a forged and "Christianized" Hystaspes (Clement Strom 6)
| 346 | Do we have a Letter of Paul to Constantinople (NHC 2.4) ?
| 347 | Can Jesus be exorcised?
| 348 | In which century does the earliest evidence of the Greek LXX appear? MERGED
| 349 | Resurrecting/Examining the rejected Leucius legend (author of main apocryphal acts)
| 350 | Did Constantine burn Plato and Euclid after Nicaea?
| 351 | Avi's question about YHWH/LORD and "possible forgery" in the Greek LXX
| 352 | FAQ: Constantine’s 4th century Invention of the Christian Religion
| 353 | Mani and Authorship of the Canonical Gospels (HHI Review)
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2012
| 354 | Seventeen hundred years ago today (28th October 2012)
| 355 | English translation of the Halkin (or Patmos) -Vita
| 356 | The Flavian Hypothesis: does it explain the evidence?
| 357 | Pete's favorite Vivekananda quote split from Philo, Josephus et al.
| 358 | A new and full method of settling the canonical authority of the NT (Googlebook 1798)
| 359 | Tom Holland responds to Glen Bowersock's review of In the Shadow of the Sword
| 360 | Cranium Bones and Tooth of John the Baptist [Heady material evidence]
| 361 | Secular hegemony and its academic sources before Jesus & the Nicaean Church
| 362 | Acts of Saints Processus and Martinianus (English translation?)
| 363 | Pete's f*cking conspiracy theory split from Discrepancy in Eusebius
| 364 | Did Jesus Exist? The Trouble with Certainty in Historical Jesus Scholarship (Verenna)
| 365 | The phallic 'Savior of the World' hidden in the Vatican
| 366 | Date of the Ascension of Isaiah split from new reading
| 367 | The British Messiah - Carausius "the awaited one"
| 368 | on the idea that Jesus did not exist being a modern notion. (Ehrman)
| 369 | Luke 19:27
| 370 | Where do scholars say the pagans disappeared to after Nicaea?
| 371 | Computus
| 372 | Warlord theory of religion split from Quranic conceptions of Jesus
| 373 | Grumpy Jesus and a pagan swimming pool (Asclepius at Bethesda)
| 374 | Christianity as "a religion of threats and bribes unworthy of wise men" (Augustine?)
| 375 | mountainman digressions split from Mystical Controverys at the heart of Nicaea
| 376 | postulates at the foundation of various historical theories of christian origins (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
| 377 | What codex did Jesus carry?
| 378 | What was Athanasius's comparision of Arius to Sotades meant to achieve?
| 379 | Were there mass conversions in the early 4th century Roman Empire to Judaism?
| 380 | Was the historical Jesus a "Big Lie"?
| 381 | Handling Fraud: methods and stats in science, ancient history and "biblical history"
| 382 | the disciples were called "Chrestians" first (Codex Sinaiticus; Acts 11:26)
| 383 | "The Greater Questions of Mary" (Epiphanius via Ehrman)
| 384 | JESUS DOWN-UNDER 2012: Expressions of interest
| Question | Number Subject Matter of the Questions Asked in 2013
| 385 | Does Galen mention Christians?
| 386 | Does Cassius Dio mention Christians?
| 387 | Acts of St Saturninus (English translation)
| 388 | mythicism and blasphemy laws
| 389 | Greek term translated as "base fame" in Constantine's letter of 325CE?
| 390 | Magdeburg Centuries (1st-13th CE Church History): English translation?
| 391 | The 4th century politics of harmonising the contradictions in the gospels
| 392 | What started gnostic hereticism?
| 393 | Was the Gnostic response to YHWH as an evil Demiurge a satire of YHWH?
| 394 | Acts of Linus (English translation?)
| 395 | Subversion of the Greek "daimon" [δαίμων] in the Gospels
| 396 | How secure is the terminus ad quem for Dura Parchment 24? [Mass C14 phobia?]
| |