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Aalders, G. J. D; Cassius Dio and the Greek World (1986)* Armstrong, Gregory T; Constantine's Churches (1967)* Aurelius, Marcus; Meditations [George Long translation] (1862) Atwill, Joseph; Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus (2005) Baarda, T; 'The Flying Jesus' Luke 4:29-30 in the Syriac Diatessaron (1986)* Barker, Don C; P.LOND.LIT. 207 AND THE ORIGIN OF THE NOMINA SACRA: A TENTATIVE PROPOSAL (2007)* Barmann, B.C; The Mount Athos Epitome of Cassius Dio's Roman History (1971)* Barnard, L.W; The Antecedents of Arius (1970)* Barnes, T.D; Sossianus Hierocles and the Antecedents of the "Great Persecution" (1976) _________, An Urban Prefect and His Wife (2006)* _________, The Composition of Cassius Dio's "Roman History" (1984)* _________, Constantine's Prohibition of Pagan Sacrifice (1984) Bennett, Richard; Systematic Murder of Believers The Untold History of the Inquisition (20??) 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