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C O S M O S |
In the midst of these many writings and transcripts of channel logs retained after discourses, lessons and general questions, may be found the following talk. This should be looked upon as representory of the nature of the IRC Channel #cosmos on irc.superlink.net.
To Begin: 2 quotes from Sri-Aurobindo
In a synthetic Yoga all powers will be combined
and included in the transmuting instrumentation..."
and a second quote:
Realised mental being and realised spiritual being
are really two different planes in the arrangement of our existence,
the one superior and divine, the other inferior and human.
To the former belong infinite being,
infinite consciousness and will,
infinite bliss and the infinite comprehensive
and self-effective knowledge of supermind,
four divine principles;
to the latter belong mental being,
vital being,
physical being,
three human principles.
In their apparent nature the two are opposed;
each is the reverse of the other.
The divine is infinite and immortal being;
the human is life limited in time and scope and form,
life that is death attempting to become life that is immortality.
The divine is infinite consciousness
transcending and embracing all
that it manifests within it.
Each body has a relative purpose and corresponds to a field or body of cosmic proportions which exists in the same way inherent throughout all of being (cosmos)
there are actually 6 levels or bodies one in the other and 1 which transcends and contains the other 6 this is the cosmic body which exists as the entire cosmos itself.
The six also have a cosmic aspect. The six are:
This is the source of the multiplicity of beings and creatures.
Like water is water then we add sugar we taste the sugar in it; we add a bit of salt it tastes a little different again; Then pepper etc. this gives us the marvelous multiplicity of consciousness and diverse things and creatures and beings of every description and the 6 bodies within them.So each body is in the other like salt, sugar, pepper etc. many in others and all in universes, one in another and all in Omnipresence which continues to grow, expand, attenuate, appropriate more of itself, thusly creating an infinite number of universes which all exist within the cosmos.
Each body exists as the "I" we see as the feeling us, the sensing us, the reacting us, the emoting us, the memory us, the mental us, the cosmic us; and our perception is clouded by the various combinations of them, thus we cannot perceive the truth, it is imperceptible except of itself.
Witness consciousness is the consciousness of the one who is the "witness" of any single body or combination of bodies while mind is the consciousness which sees itself "AS" any combinations of bodies i.e. perceives a self which is individuated; such individuality being composed of the combination of the various bodies a being perceives he\her\it self to be; which perception is itself like a silhouette of filtered light a shadow if you like composed of senses which are activated by psycho-chemical reactions in the Omnipresent. In short it sees itself as an organic being. While Omniscience sees itself as the entire Omnipresent Cosmos.
Knowing our science we can see chemical patterns in genetics which the psycho-chemical reactions (electrical and energetic waves/pulses) called experiences/perceptions may or may not match; if they are matched then deja-vu is the result; if not then a match is sort in memory, which is stored as a certain electrical pattern just as it is in our hard disks; the difference though, between mind memory and hard disks is that the hard disk memory is static (does not move) whereas mind memory is moved around dynamically throughout the whole cosmic organism, the brain is merely the processor or receptor, it stores nothing.
Thus John cannot be found when he is dead.
These energetic charges created by chemical reactions, (just as electricity is created in a battery through chemical reaction) we call emotion; these reactions are constant and go to make what is called the emotional body which is surreal and fluid, changing constantly in density, color and incandescence just as all the other bodies are.
This body when first perceived is so very beautiful it is often mistaken for god or Purusha yet it is nothing but the chemical aspect of Purusha existing as the entire chemical universe.
From here perception becomes altered, distorted, misconceived due to what is perceived being filtered through half ignored senses, half conscious psycho-chemical reactions and emotion generated by the psycho-chemical reactions and the memories attached to that particular pattern of reaction or emotion.
This potpourri which finally confuses and distorts consciousness so badly that it appears to be separate from the infinite consciousness is what we know as mind. Limited by the very thing which is the source of its being or appearance of being.
This distortion of perception in itself may not be a problem, but the problem really begins when we (as we all do) through perception try to determine the nature of reality.
Mind being the sum of all this sensing, reacting, emoting, remembering, and distortion of perception, has its existence and birth in confusion.
Mind is perceived by something though, which sees this albeit confused perception called mind and thinks it is itself. This seer or knower/witness of mind is consciousness. This is the cosmic aspect of mind.
Consciousness is like a billion mirrors of mirrored images of what is mirrored, as it perceives nothing but itself everywhere it looks. Omnipresence being what is seen or known by Omniscience, what sees and is seen is the same thing, consciousness must therefore be this very Omnipresence.
Realize and recognize that no matter what is perceived it exists within Omnipresence and is known by Omniscience and that the confusion arising from perception is only confusion in-as-much as we think we are the perceiver of it.
Now the product of sense, reaction, emotion, memory and mind is Ego\soul\being which believes it exists, not knowing that the perception of a self is merely a separate and distorted combination of these appearing as a shadow silhouetted in the light of the Omniscient-Omnipresent-Omnipotent Consciousness.
Ego\soul\being does not see that Omnipresence is real and exists as what is perceived however distorted that perception may be. The very fact that any perception or cognition or knowing is part of the Omniscience of the "Omnipresent-Omniscient-Omnipotent" consciousness again underscores the fact that all is nothing but a mass of knowledge/consciousness.
The cosmic aspect of Ego\soul\being is the so called spirit world inhered by so called guides, beings, Devas, BodhiSattvas, channeled beings, ghosts, devils, demons, Gods and all the rest.
The existence of these places or beings is nothing but a projection, expulsion, sublimation, ignorance, rejection of the cosmic aspects of being/truth, Purusha, Atman etc.
Yet none of this is or has anything wrong with it, as any perceived self is a work in progress of Omnipotence coming to know itself. It can be seen that this very consciousness is the very thing which is the cause of the illusion of separateness.
Omniscience for example sees into itself via the senses looking into bodies from outside not the reverse.
The thing seen for example, is not seen by anyone it is seen by itself in the mirror called Consciousness.
The same applies to everything sensed in any way be it sensed by the physical senses or in some psychic way.
Nothing but nothing is sensed, known, cognated, felt, tasted, heard, seen or thought in any way whatever but consciousness both sensed and sensing.
Intent or vibration (light or waves) entering through the senses is reflected in this way or that, as this or that, due to how waves/vibration/light is modified as it passes through the various bodies.
Beginning with the senses themselves it causes the nervous system to react producing psycho-chemical reactions (reflections) to/of the stimuli which causes an emotion to arise.
Memory is then stimulated to record the patterns inherent in these reflections; which patterns may or may not have been pre-recorded (experienced) before, thus what is perceived may bare little resemblance to Omniscience.
Which first sought awareness through being, as the perception is altered by all these factors.
Even if the psycho-chemical reaction has not been pre-recorded (experienced in our lives) it may produce an cognition of what is called deja-vu due to finding a reflection in our genetic makeup as the genetics of our bodies are nothing but chemical records. In this way perception is clouded by an psycho-chemical-emotional memory-effected miasma of vibrational waves/light which miasma appears as a reflection in the cosmic consciousness as an individual mind/soul/Ego or celestial body.
The very uniqueness of this reaction-produced miasma go to make up the very multiplicity of the perceived Universe and its inherent being.
While the product of all the cosmic aspects of sense, reaction, emotion, memory and mind is called Purusha which is the universal being/spirit Atman, Adonai, Jah-Veh, Buddha, Allah, God, Gaia etc. This is the sixth body.
The Omniscient perceives from every direction, from within, without and roundabout taking in the whole.
What it is in as cosmos is Void which is the original primordial consciousness which knows nothing but Void by void as void and to it even Purusha is nothing but Void/Consciousness.
Which is its very nature.
Now to understand the nature of Purusha/cosmic body we must know the nature of Void which is pure latent potential due to its very emptiness or non-existence.
This is Omnipotence itself creating the fluidity of cosmos and the ever changing and attenuating Omniscient-Omnipresence of itself having fluidity and changing due to the nature of reaction being created by cause (mirrors again - opposite and equal effects etc).
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Three Articles of 1915
The Future Evolution of Man