The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Avoidance of Injuring Others |
Avoidance of Injuring Others |
Verse 311
If hurting others would bring princely riches,
The pure in heart would still refuse.
Verse 312
It is the principle of the pure in heart never to injure others,
Even when they themselves have been hatefully injured.
Verse 313
Hating others, even enemies who harmed you unprovoked,
Assures incessant sorrow.
Verse 314
If you return kindness for injuries received and forget both,
Those who harmed you will be punished by their own shame.
Verse 315
What good is a man's knowledge unless it prompts him to
Prevent the pain of others as if it were his own pain?
Verse 316
Any actions which a man knows would harm himself
He should not inflict on others.
Verse 317
The supreme principle is this: Never knowingly
Harm anyone at any time in any way
Verse 318
Why does he who knows what injury to his own life is like
Inflict injury on other living human beings?
Verse 319
If a man inflicts sorrow on another in the morning,
Sorrow will come to him unbidden in the afternoon.
Verse 320
All suffering recoils on the wrongdoer himself. Therefore, those who
Desire not to suffer refrain from causing others pain.
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Avoidance of Injuring Others Chapter 32 of 133
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia