The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Fortresses |
Verse 741
To aggressors and to those in fear who seek defense
A fortress is an important asset.
Verse 742
A good fort has crystal clear water, arable lands,
A hill and lovely shaded woods.
Verse 743
The texts prescribe four features of a fort's ramparts -
High, thick, solid and virtually impregnable.
Verse 744
The ideal fortress is spacious but vulnerable in very few places
And is capable of depleting the foe's determined will to storm it.
Verse 745
A good garrison is hard to assail sieze, amply provisioned
And well-suited to accommodate well those within.
Verse 746
A worthy fortress, stocked with all needed goods,
Needs good men to fend off all attack.
Verse 747
It is impossible to capture a strong fort, whether by employing
Launching artillery, tunneling beneath or encircling siege.
Verse 748
However forcefully the offensive may press,
The fort offers allies defense and foes defeat.
Verse 749
A fortress earns greatness by enabling courageous defenders
To gloriously defeat the enemy at the battle's very outset.
Verse 750
Whatever excellent qualities a fortress may possess,
It will be of no avail to men who lack action's excellence.
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Fortresses Chapter 75 of 133
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia