
Mountain Man's UseNet Archive

What is this Thing called Life?

by miltozah

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Winter of 1996

Date: 26 May 1996 22:36:53 GMT
From: miltozah
Item: news:4oame5%24cqv@sparky.midwest.net
Newsgroups: sci.philosophy.meta, alt.consciousness, alt.consciousness.mysticism, comp.ai.philosophy, alt.dreams,alt.dreams.costaneda, alt.life.afterlife, alt.meditation, alt.paranet.metaphysics
Subject: What IS This Thing Called Life?

What is this thing called life?
Is it an illusion, a dream, or a state of mind, or even a state of consciousness?
Perhaps, with a little thought, we can shed some light on this most-interesting phenomenon.

Before coming to this physical Earth plane, we exist in a place that is often called the "other side". We work there to prepare ourselves for advancement to an even higher level of existence and work, which then prepares us for a yet higher level, and so on. Before we move to each higher level, we need to decide whether or not we have fully prepared ourselves to take that step, for if we move on, and at the higher level make an error, the higher the level, the more serious are the consequences of making a mistake. We must therefore decide whether we feel fully prepared to move on to that next level or whether we need additional preparation that can only be obtained by re-incarnating on the physical plane. In many cases, the decision is made to re-incarnate on the physical Earth plane. Although there are exceptions, this generally is a cycle of approximately 140 years; around 70 of which are spent on the physical plane, and roughly a similar amount of time on the higher plane. Once the decision is made that additional lessons are needed, we must then choose (and make appropriate arrangements with) other entities to be our mother and our father on the physical plane. Once the mother has been born onto the Earth plane, has grown to an adult, and is about to become pregnant, (if that child is to have the body that we are to inhabit) we then become involved, even to the point of choosing the RNA and DNA for the embryo. We also make many other decisions about the formation of the body in which we will later reside. These decisions are based upon the knowledge that we possess (at that higher level) regarding the lessons that we need on the Earth plane. For example, if we have, in past incarnations, been uncaring or unfeeling or without compassion, or even cruel to any particular individual or to any segment of the population, such as people of color or people of low economic status, or people who have been challenged with physical and/or mental difficulties, we (again, at that higher level) may decide on the need for us, in that body, to experience such difficulties in order to have the opportunity to learn by "walking in the other person's shoes" during this lifetime. We may therefore choose (WE make the choice) to live in a body of color, or to be a person in poverty, or a person who is mentally and/or physically challenged. Sadly, there are people even today who have yet learned so little of the lessons of compassion and love that they will read the statements immediately preceding this and conclude that anyone whom they see in difficulty is there only because that's exactly where they deserve to be and therefore why bother to help or even to care. Big Mistake! Such an attitude is a reflection of lessons not yet learned and is sure to bring repercussions. We do make those afore-mentioned decisions about this body however, and the decision-making process continues on past the time of birth and throughout life. After the birth, decisions are made and guidance is given by that higher aspect of ourselves that is often called the "Higher Self". A nudge here, and idea there; these things continue throughout our lives as the Higher Self guides us as needed so that we will at least have the opportunity to correctly make decisions that we have made incorrectly in times (or even incarnations) past. In other words, we can rest assured that the Higher Self will inevitably guide us to the needed life experiences and decision-making opportunities. The decisions that we make at those times, however, are up to us.

If you have carefully read what has been written above, you must conclude the following fact: This life is not an accidental happening, and nothing in it is accidental! Let it be made clear however, that the previous statement does not mean that we should spend all of our time minutely analyzing all aspects of every one of life's events. If that were done, we would have no time for anything else and we would not get much living accomplished. This life is meant to be lived (that doesn't necessarily mean that we should "live it up" every day) so that we can have and learn from and therefore benefit from the life-experiences that are encountered each day. Knowing however, that life is not an accident, can allow us to have enough knowledge to realize that there may be, from time to time, events that are significant enough that we would be wise to pray for guidance to approach and deal with them properly and to learn from them any needed lessons. Use this knowledge wisely, therefore, and don't forget that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

There may be times in our lives when we feel almost overwhelmed by the events that take place. For some, the difficulty seems greater than for others. We must not forget however, that meeting, overcoming, and mastering life's problems, thereby learning the lessons associated with those problems, are the reasons why we have chosen to incarnate on this physical, material plane, It is extremely sad, that there are some who, when beset by such difficulties, feel unable to cope, and take their own lives. They do so because they do not realize two important facts: First, we will never be given more than we have the capability to deal with; the difficulty may be great, but it will never be beyond our ability. Secondly, taking one's own life means that the problems have not been overcome, much less mastered, and the lessons have therefore not been learned. This means that the Higher Self will make the choice eventually to re-incarnate and once again meet those same problems over and over, if necessary, until we resolve them properly. The additional difficulties that can be brought about by the taking of a life (even one's own), must also be considered. As you can see, taking one's own life solves nothing and saves us from nothing. When we properly consider the purpose of the problems that we experience and the benefit gained from working through them until they are eventually mastered, it should help us understand why it is always better to pray for greater strength, not for fewer problems!

Thank you for taking the time to read this far. If you found what has been written to be interesting, or if you have benefited from it in any way, then you are invited to visit the web page where you will find additional information of a similar nature.

Once again, my thanks.


Web address: Welcome, Traveller


Mountain Man's UseNet Archive

What is this Thing called Life?

by miltozah

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Winter of 1996