

Inventions, Patents,
Brands & Designs


Fraser Old


Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1996


"Inventions, Patents, Brands & Designs" is a book about the Australian intellectual property environment. It is written by a practicing patent attorney, but it is not expressly written for the benefit of practicing patent attorneys, although it might certainly be a useful resource for both practitioners and students in this area. The author has approached this publication as an exercise in the provision of information in this unique field of legislation, and has presented the extensive subject matter in clear and easy-to-read terms. The following section of text appears at the introduction to the book in the published edition of 1993:

Interspersed through the book "Inventions, Patents, Brands & Designs" the reader will find carefully analysed flow-charts which depict the major actions through which various intellectual property applications must pass in accordance to the current (as at publication) Australian legislation. Industrial property from patents, trade marks and designs, to petty patents, plant breeders rights and copyright are dealt with in a definitive, concise and consistent fashion.

The publication may represent a layman's guide to the subject of Australian intellectual property, but at the same time it certainly provides a technical specification of the field for students, researchers in the field. Both local and overseas researchers who would seek both general and specific information relating to the Australian intellectual property environment could find no better handbook.

In the following section of this review we will examine the content of the publication by duplicating the structural content of its chapters, for in this manner it will be clearly observed that the scope of the treatise is extensive.

Informational Content

The following reflects the extensive subject content of this publication, and has been taken directly from the book. In addition to information covering the following, the book offers a concise glossary of terms relating to key legislational concepts in the Australian (and international) intellectual property environment.

Inventions, Patents, Brands & Designs

Fraser Old - 1993

The How, What, When, Where & Why
of Intellectual Property Protection

(1) Patents

(2) Trade Marks

(3) Designs and Copyright

(4) Miscellaneous

Further Information

This excellent book provides a clear explanation, able to be understood by a non-specialist, of the Australian intellectual property system. Originally published in 1993 the book is now slipping out of date but the discrepancies are very minor. For example the maximum term of an Australian patent is now 20 years (not 16), multiclass trade mark applications are now possible, and the Plant Breeders Rights Act has replaced the Plant Variety Rights Act. However, the practical differences are slight and the overall basic intellectual and industrial property system remains unchanged.

The author advises that a second edition awaits a revision of the Australian Designs Act
which expected to take place about 1997 or 1998.

Copies of the book
"Inventions, Patents, Brands & Designs"
may be obtained by writing directly to the publishing company:

P. O. Box 560
Milsons Point
NSW 1565

Cost per Copy = $60.00

Telephone (02) 9955 2264
Facsimile (02) 9955 2700



Inventions, Patents,
Brands & Designs


Fraser Old


Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1996