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Aether TectonicsExploration of a new way of looking at | Introduction to Aether Tectonics
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Autumn of 1996
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Introduction to Aether Tectonics |
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 96 00:13:45 -0800
From: tessien@oro.net (Ross Tessien)
To: sci.physics
Item: news:4cuqvl$b04@hg.oro.net
Subject: Aether Tectonics, a new field of study
On January 9, 1996 I am beginning a new field of research which I will name Aether Tectonics which is the study of the flow and interaction of large regions of aether with momentum in a given direction. Since most do not accept yet that there exists quanta which are the building blocks of the aether and the matter of our universe, this is going to be a lonely field for a short while until we can present the evidence we have learned in a way that others can understand all of it.
I would appreciate any ones observations in astronomy of features I have not cited that match these predictions. Such features would include wide expanses of space void of stars, Spherical galaxies that have likely not yet formed a Black Hole and haven't yet contracted into a disk, Nebulae that have large clouds of dust where there are convergences and stars forming, and especially any galaxies with center objects suspected to be Black Holes that are off center as recently observed by Hubble. Such a galaxy should have the appearance of having a disk normal to the plane of the galaxy as this will be the emergence of the jets subsequent to breaching of confinement.
The above comments will be more clear subsequent to reading my concepts for the construction of space, below.
Thank You for any help you may have. Please respond to tessien@oro.net
Sincerely, Ross Tessien,
There exist in nature, no attractive forces.
Here are the basic rules for Aether Tectonics.
1) There is a super fluid filling all of the universe and it is named aether.
2) It can flow macroscopically in such a way that there are different regions of space that are in relative motion and that they carry momentum.
3) At this scale, I will not deal with the structure of the aether to describe how and why particles can be condensed from these Aether Fronts, but they work much like storm fronts here on Earth which contain water vapor which is condensed from the collision of two storms giving rise to the condensation of droplets of water. Aether Fronts give rise to the condensation of particles.
4) To look for such regions of space, since we cannot see the motion of the aether itself, we need to look for distortions to the transmission of light to find moving regions (these are called gravitational lenses in one special case), or we need to look for regions of particle condensation. Nebulae are such a region of space that at one time, and possibly still depending on the nebula, were condensing matter from the collision of two or more large clouds or Aether Fronts. The natural gravitational shielding mechanisms will take over to push the particles together once they are formed due to differential gravitation.
5) Any region of space that forces a convergence of the aether will give rise to an increase in the local quanta density in the lattice conduction conduits. This will give rise to the formation of matter. There exists, as indicated in other posts, a critical density at which the quanta collide and give up their energy in the form of a hydraulic jump and initiate a spherical oscillation of the quanta which move in a radial fashion as viewed from a reference frame fixed in the center of the particle, or in a vortex ring trailing the particle as view from a reference frame in motion relative to the particle due to Doppler shifting of the perceived motions in agreement with GR.
6) On such region of space is at the convergent focal point of four or more galaxies or super clusters of galaxies due to the inability of the aether to move away to a lower pressure region of the universe. This is an unusual occurance. Another region of space that focuses the flow of the aether is a particle of matter. For this region, large assemblages of matter amplify this effect. Stars and planets for example, amplify the pressure and density of the aether which is why time slows down as space becomes "thicker" and the quanta move more slowly due to the increasing frequency of collisions ergo the reduced mean free path. Stars, however, either can not, or are ineffecient at condensing matter.
7) A more important region of space at which the flow of the aether is convergent and focused is in galaxies. Viewed edge on, the emitted energy (at the frequency of radial oscillation which is much higher than we measure with our instruments which use the translation of electrons as a basis of sensing) is intense and curves the direction of passing energy toward the galaxy. This results in a convergence of energy at the center of the galaxy for two reasons. First, due to energy that was refracted inward from outer space but which passed by the stars and continued on toward the center of the galaxy. And second, due to the emissions of the stars directed toward the center of the galaxy which as well will be refracted by energy from all of the galaxies stars and improve the convergence of the center of the galaxy. This will give rise to the creation of matter in the center of the galaxy.
8) Another consequence of the refraction of energy noted above is the interaction of this flow on the stars that comprise the galaxy. Since the aether is condensing at the center of the galaxy, there is a net flow. The flow will accelerate inward and this acceleration will be observed as a hertofore unknown component of gravitation for those who use the attraction gravitational method. This acceleration will not fit into their equations and will give rise to anomolous observations. Most apparent of these is the formation of spiral arms, and the formation of a bulge in the center of the galaxy where the acceleration of the convergent flow begins to increase the static pressure of the aether which then will take on a vector component normal to the plane of the galaxy, and in the direction of the axis of the galaxy.
9) A consequence of matter formation in the center of the galaxy where the source of energy came from outside of the galaxy, is the innevitable formation of a Black Hole at the center of galaxies. When the Black Hole forms, then rather than a particle here and there, distributed in space around the general center of the galaxy, all of the aether will flow into and condense inside of the Black Hole. This gives rise to a convergent flow of aether and the acceleration thereof.
10) This convergent acceleration results in a tremendous pressure build up that is especially marked at the point where the aether attains the velocity of light inward. You will still see stars or other ships below you further in to the hole because you are both moving at the speed of light, but in relation to each other you are below the speed of light. You will still see stars outside as their light is accelerating in with you but the horizon will be raising up. You will only know this by the deficit in the number of stars, but it will appear as though space continues on for a great distance toward the BH due to the increasing red shifting of energy coming to you from the BH. That light, and any light emitted from your craft will not make it past the event horizon.
11) At the event horizon, you will notice that your gyroscopes indicate that the centrifugal force has reversed direction indicating that you are being pushed away from the Black Hole. This is because you are experiencing the build up of pressure of the aether and indeed you in fact are being pushed away from the hole by this action. However, you are still accelerating in toward the hole as the steepness of this pressure gradient increases.
12) A tremendously important event in Aether Tectonics is that of a Black Hole. It is a source of stretching of the surrounding aether as information of the new BH spreads out across space at light speed, the velocity of all rarefaction waves in any fluid. The BH therefore, over the course of its life time, builds up a momentum in the fluid that is the aether and which we call space and most consider to be static, fixed, and empty. This expansion of the space surrounding the BH for millions of light years (assuming the BH is millions of years old) is like a separation zone in Plate Tectonics on Earth where rifts form on the ocean floors in ridges. The difference is that in the aether, the "tear" is of a spherical nature.
The converse effect is equivalent to the "subduction" zone in Plate Tectonics where the aether is convergent. This, as I said above occurs in three primary regions of space. First, where multiple large clouds of aether collide (these "clouds" could be entire universes unto themselves). Second, at the region of space where a galaxy focuses energy. And third, at the point of creation of the largest fundamental particles in the universe, Black Holes.
13) Another tremendously important event driving the flow of the aether is the one where "new" aether is released out into free space. This occurs when Black holes breach their confinement (remember they are not held together by "attractive" gravitation which does not exist in nature, but rather are forced into being by the convergence of the surrounding aether and as such are tremendously pressurized). There are two ways this can happen, but only one type has been observed to my knowledge. I will detail what to look for here.
=====> A) The normal breach occurs after a long time as the BH fills up with matter condensed from the aether and from stars and galaxies that have been consumed. Matter takes on a more fundamental structure where even quarks are crushed, but it acquires an increased rigidity and can support the compresion. I do not know how to calculate or say what this form is, but I observe the events so I know they take place and therefore this must be the case. Any way, small tornado like vortices will form at the poles of the BH due to the amplification of the inherent rotation of the surrounding universe within a distance measured in light years times the age of the BH. These vortices, just like tornados, will diverge away from the surface of the BH far inside of the event horizon, fountain over beneath the event horizon, and fall back into the hole. Outside of the event horizon and all the way down in to the core of the BH there is a funnel of aether and matter flowing into the BH just like water down the bath tub drain. The smaller, intense, vortex described above is confined inside of this larger vortex, but with the reverse direction. This is the same mechanism we use here on earth in cyclone separators where the air with particulate matter is forced to reverse on itself and spiral in a tight vortex back up through the center of the surrounding vortex. It is a very natural behavior for a fluid.
In any case, the intensity of the in flow of space increases over time, and this gives rise to an incresing intensity and height of the smaller vortex. The couter acting mechanisms are that the BH is gaining in diameter, the event horizon is gaining in area, and the pressure of the aether in the surrounding communication distance flowing in to the BH is decreasing. Thus, the confinement pressures effectivenes is being dimished. Eventuall, this leads to the smaller tornado vortex gaining enough vertical height to reach the event horizon. When it does, it will join up with a much less intense but otherwise similar divergent vortex outside of the event horizon. This gives rise to a tremendous out flow of matter and energy and aether as they are really all the same thing. This jet of matter thrusts the BH toward the second pole.
Normally, the second vortex will breach and the BH will be forced back into the center of the convergence of the galaxy/aether. This is because the pressure on the second vortex to breach will be less than the pressure on the first and so it will emit a greater thrust. We observe this as jets in a number of galaxies. A particularly good view of one that burst long ago is 3C273 pg 344 in Thornes "Black Holes and Time Warps". After the BH has emitted all of its contents, then it is an empty hole into which the convergence of space (aether) continues to flow. It begins, however, to dissipate the energy built up by the BH over its life time and the convergence velocity drops to below light speed and the event of matter formation becomes visible at the outside surface of the quasar. The red shift is in part due to the convergent flow out of which the emitted light must climb, but the intrinsic brightness will indeed be greater than any star could ever produce. Now a Black Hole can as well emit light from matter outside the event horizon just as indicated. A major part of the heating, however, is due to the convergent flow of the aether into the BH so I am not strictly saying that this is the only mechanism for the powering of a quasar, but rather, this is another one that is out there. I do not know if we could distinguish between the two unless we could measure a change in the magnitude of the red shift with time. For a BH, the red shift should be increasing, whereas for an empty BH dissipating energy, it should be decreasing.
=======> B) Now, there is a risk that the first jet will be pinched shut as the BH is thrust past the center of the convergence of the event focal point. If this occurs, then the BH will continue to coast as the convergence continues to push it out of the focal point. The second jet will still breach confinement and thrust the BH back toward center, however, this time there is no opposing thrust of the first jet since it was extinguished. This is very dangerous as the BH is now far from center and will gain a tremendous amount of momentum prior to reaching the center again. It will continue to gain momentum as it continues on past center out to where the BH finally breaches the second jet.
If the BH escapes confinement, then it will open up and release all of its contents at once rather than over millions of years out of the tiny jets as in the first example. Such a release of energy would be felt throughout the universe as a tremendous shock front propogated across the entire universe. This shock would give rise to a reflection at the outer bounds of our universe due to the reduction of the density of the aether and the corresponding reduction in impedance of the medium. This will resonate as the return pulse of energy converges on the origin of the emissions, though they would be out of focus unless the BH exploded at the exact center of the universe.
I guess, this would be called judgement day when we observed this energy arrive here at earth. Recent observations of a suspected Black Hole 9 light years off center of the galaxy containing it by Hubble might make one want to buy some grain even if you weren't a Morman. In any case, I know of a lot of good gold mines around here to shield the radiation pulse, but this energy will go right on through matter so I don't think it will help much. Further, this kind of emission from the distant reaches of our universe would easily have killed a bunch of dinosaurs, but I still think the meteorite theory gets that nod.
One last point, this energy will not be observed before it gets here so there is little point in worrying. It will be a compression front whereas all other forms of light are transverse rarefaction mechanisms. This means that the velocity of this shock front will probably be on the order of 1,000 to 1,000,000 times faster than light judging from the characteristics of other materials here on earth. We could, however, tune in to the shock front that arrives here as the second jet first breaches confinement and then hold our breath. Again, I think a prayer might work better to catch a ride on the Lords faster than light space craft with seating for 144,000 if I remember what they said correctly!
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Aether TectonicsExploration of a new way of looking at | Introduction to Aether Tectonics
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Autumn of 1996
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