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Impulse EngineeringMatter, Strings, Aether and the Sun | Outline of Ideas (Oct 96)
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Spring of '96
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Date: 19 Oct 1996 22:45:15 GMT
From: tessien@oro.net (Ross Tessien)
Organization: Impulse Engineering, Inc.
Newsgroups: alt.sci.physics.new-theories, sci.astro, sci.physics.particle
Subject: Matter, Strings, Aether and the Sun
I have for the past year and a half, been working on the concepts of pulsating spheres as forming the fundamental basis of sub atomic particles. This model has some interesting attributes not the least of which is the fact that spheres which resonate at 0 and 180 degrees will "attract" one another while those with like phase angles will repulse. This was all shown way back before the turn of the century, I later found out.
(Note: A spherical standing wave is a geometry similar to what you would get if you used a bobbing ball on the surface of water, i.e. a fishing bobber, and you forced that ball to bob up and down repeatedly with a specific frequency following a sinusoidal positional relationship. That would send a series of waves radially out from the center with a specific wavelength. If you take that planar geometry, and then revolve it around an axis in the plane of the water surface and passing through the center, you will get a spherical standing wave structure with pressure fronts instead of the elevation wave fronts in the water analogy.
Also, in this model of space-time and matter, the aether is what is resonating and forms both space-time manifold and the matter itself as well as being the carrier of light and all forces as these waves, extending out into space around the particle.)
But the interesting thing I have recently figured out is that if you look at the wave structures of two adjacent spherical standing waves, you will find that they have constructive (if the waves are phase equivalent (0 degrees relative phase angle to the space nodal structure)) and destructive (if phase opposed (180 degrees)) interference’s along the line of sight through the centers of the adjacent particles. That interference turns out to re-enforce or to break down the standing wave patterns of the respective particles and to lead to thrusts which yield the properties of attraction and repulsion.
In other words, if the position of one wave relative to the other, accounting for the transit time of the waves, is phase equivalent or phase opposed then you will get constructive or destructive interference of the two standing waves. The same concepts can be used for multiple particle interactions by applying the geometry’s between the particles.
The reason the above is interesting is because if you consider just the line of connection where maximum interaction occurs, that is just like a vibrating spring. And if you consider the interaction of the waves at a 45 degree angle or at about all other spatial angles from the line of contact, there is very little net constructive or destructive interference. So, as far as each spherical standing wave is concerned, the only thing affecting the energy arriving at its center is the line joining the two particles. And that looks just like a string, or a spring depending on if you want to study transverse, or compressional modes of vibration, respectively. But the equations I think are all the same from a theoretical point of view of combining strings or springs.
So, with such a model of matter what you wind up with is a situation where the particles interact in a manner amazingly like what is currently being evaluated in string theories. But you have a much better intuitive feel for what is going on, and what questions to ask.
Lets explore this concept a bit more deeply and look into some effects that might manifest with such a model in the situation where two particles scatter, i.e. collide and recoil, by using like phase angle resonance’s which lead to constructive interference’s.
If I take the analogy of the bobber in the water, I can turn the situation around a bit and bring in the notion of space and of time. To do this, I must pretend for a while that the wave energy is not created by some mechanism pulling up and down on the bobber, but rather, suppose that the wave energy is arriving from the outside and is converging on a location in the middle of an infinite pond of water.
The convergence of the wave energy will lead to a build up in the amplitude of the waves, or, a hydraulic jump. And at the center of the convergence you will see a jumping spike of water. You can perform this for yourself easily by using a large pot of water, or a water bottle at work, and tap the side of the container. That will send in an acoustic transverse wave on the water surface. If you repeatedly tap the sides of the container, you can initiate a resonance with the diameter of the container, and the propagation time of the wave front. You should easily be able to get a stable bouncing spike of water in the 2D reference frame.
3D is really a similar thing, except as I said, the wave fronts are compression waves instead of these transverse waves. Actually, you could initiate compression wave fronts in water too, but for a 1 foot diameter container the first resonance is at about 4,500 Hz, so your finger tapping just won't do as the sound speed is about 1,500 m/s. Sonoluminescence is an example of a 3D resonance.
So, the convergence of the water in our example leads to an elevation rise as you approach the center of the circular standing wave. This is a bunch of water piled up by the reflection of the incident wave energy, and it is simply a hydraulic jump in a unique configuration where the KE is being converted into gravitational PE.
If you consider a single standing wave with a mound of water piled up, and then you send in some wave energy from a given direction which interferes with that standing wave, then the confinement of that water will be weakened and some of the water will leak or flow, down and out of the mound through that destructive interference.
If that were a particle of matter in aether, that emission of aether would lead to an acceleration of that particle because the emission only has one velocity, c. And the emission only has one direction in which to go, the line joining the two particles. And both particles would interfere with each other, thus both particles would be accelerated away from one another via emissions.
In the case of DD fusion, if the reaction products were n and He3, then they would accelerate away from one another while spewing out a stream of aether at each other. So, where does that aether go and what does it become? Simple, "SPACE".
E = mc^2 because the energy is derived from the emission of aether at the velocity of light, from the standing waves which are nothing more than acoustic standing waves in the aether. i.e., there is no real separation between space, matter, time, energy, force, charge, spin, etc. All of these properties are just measures of the manner in which the aether has been forced to move in a given region. That is why matter is coupled to space and to time.
The above equation can be written in a form that includes momentum in the sum as follows;
But the above discussion implies that there is another momentum component, and that mass is conserved. So, this equation can be re-written as follows;
m1 is the mass of the particle(s)
p1 is the momentum of the particle(s)
m2 is the mass of the aether
p2 is the momentum of the aether
In other words, you must account for the conservation of aether in the system where the matter "particles" are nothing more than resonance’s in the aether that forced a piling up of the aether into a small region of the universe.
If we were to adopt this model, then we would not be amazed by things like stars having a tremendously hot solar corona that has hydrogen at 6 million degrees and oxygen at 100 million degrees K. The reason is because we would expect to be able to look and find some affect on the matter near the surface of the sun as the aether makes its way out from the fluidized bed of particles making up the sun, and is finally allowed to expand out into the lower pressure rest of the universe.
That expansion, we would expect, would induce an acceleration on the nodal structure of space-time within that aether. And for that reason, we should expect to find that acceleration being imposed on the matter caught in that expansion. And if there is an inertial acceleration imposed on matter caught in that acceleration, we would expect to find that the matter would be accelerated to velocities that were the same, independent of mass.
Now this is a strange expectation, because it is currently believed that only magnetic fields and electric fields could cause these sorts of high temperatures, or in essence, velocities as T is defined as the KE of the particles. Funny thing is, 100/6 ~= 16, the mass ratio of oxygen to hydrogen. So, the temperature that was determined was due to the ions having the identical velocity dispersions in the spectrographic readings. But the charge to mass ratio is 1/1 and 8/16 = 1/2 (maximum if fully ionized, which is not the case so the actual value is less than 0.5).
Thus, we find that the charge to mass ratio is at best, 1 : 0.5. Which if we do not invoke any strange geometry’s or resonance’s to get the precise match in final velocity dispersions, we should have expected half the acceleration for the oxygen. But if I am doing this right off the top of my head, that would lead to a final velocity ratio of 1 to 0.25 for H to O velocities. And when we square that to convert to temperature, we get a temperature ratio of 1 to 1/64.
In other words, the hydrogen should have been hotter, and then random collisions between the H ions and the O ions lead to the subsequent heating of the O ions to the value of equilibrium with the H. But in no circumstances should we have wound up with the oxygen being hotter than the H unless we bring in as I said, some sort of resonant mechanism. That of course raises two pointed questions. presumably any resonant heating of the O in preference to H would need to have had the energy come from other hot O ions oscillating at the natural resonant frequency of the O ions. But that is like the chicken and the egg story and you could not invoke that. So, you will have to just say that something did it and leave the something blank.
The second pointed question is, even if you leave the reason for the heating blank, why did the heating wind up shutting off precisely where the ratio of temperatures matched the mass ratio? In other words, why did the H ions get accelerated to precisely the same velocities as the O ions?
If I drop an oxygen balloon and a hydrogen balloon on the moon (no atmosphere), they will both accelerate in the gravitational field the same. And if I place both of them on a scale, they will weight an amount that is also dependent on their masses. So, both inertial and gravitational accelerations lead to this sort of expectation. But magnetic and electric accelerations do not.
So it all comes down to one simple error in our formulation of physics, in my opinion. This error is in believing that mass, and space are different things. That massiveness is something special and separate from energy or light or forces or the space-time manifold. This error has led to a century of confusion in applying the equation E = mc^2, and in all sorts of phenomena where the wave forms of matter interfere with one another to create a variety of effects like tunneling and the onset of chaos, and gravitation and on and on.
Gravitation is about the most simple force to understand in this context as a simple thrust imposed by wave pressure striking the standing waves. When you get the idea of working with these standing waves, you come to learn that their interactions lead to line interference’s which resemble strings (imagine that!), and that Doppler shifts in the frequencies lead to interference’s from one particle to another. This leads one to consider all forces as exactly the same phenomena, interference’s. But the relative velocities, distances, and relation to the ambient wave energies lead to different effectiveness’ of these interference’s.
Gravity for example is a simple result of the arrival of Planck scale wave energies from deep space, which our matter here filters, and re-emits at our local resonant frequencies. i.e., Hubble flow shifts the apparent frequency of the resonance’s as they arrive here, and thus that energy interferes with and is filtered by, our matter. The earth does the same. And so we are pushed down harder by energy arriving from space than we are from energy departing the earth. It is that simple, and two guitar strings do it, BEC's do it, JJ's do it, and all sorts of other effects like the coupling of pendulums do it too. Resonant things, resonate. And if in the presence of wave energy, they resonate in cadence with that energy.
So, we see that treating matter as spherical standing waves, if one considers the interference’s between two such structures, leads to a breakdown in the ability of the standing wave to confine the build up of aether density in that standing wave, and so some of that aether is emitted out into space. And, we see that when we open our eyes, we find that the sun demonstrates this phenomena quite plainly and clearly in the corona temperatures. And if we look further, we find that the coronal mass ejection’s and all sorts of other effects are found to manifest in the sun as it interacts with the rest of the universe. And galaxies and the dark matter problem come into this thicket of evidence that confounds physicists too.
It is all there, all you need to do is open your eyes and look with an open mind and you will see it.
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Impulse EngineeringMatter, Strings, Aether & the Sun | General Review - Oct'96
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Spring of '96
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