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Impulse EngineeringThe Arrow of Time In an Aether Universe | Outline of Ideas (Nov 96)
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Spring of '96
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Date: 20 Nov 1996 23:36:02 GMT
From: tessien@oro.net (Ross Tessien)
Organization: Impulse Engineering, Inc.
Newsgroups: alt.sci.physics.new-theories
Subject: The Arrow of Time In an Aether Universe
As always, the following opinions will not serve you well on any tests you may have to take in the near future. Read at your own risk. This essay deals with the Arrow of Time. The abbreviated version of what follows is that if you treat the universe as an ocean of aether, and "matter" as standing waves in that ocean, then you find that you cannot escape the notion that the ocean and the matter are made up from the very same, single, fluid. Namely, aether.
But if this is so, then massiveness becomes a measure of the amount of aether tied up in an individual standing wave. As such, any reactions that wind up reducing the mass of particles, must by extrapolation, emit aether. And so we find that the notion of matter standing waves departs from the notions of particles in an important way. Exothermic reactions of standing waves must emit "space". Observations outlined in my posts on Aether Tectonics describe this issue, and the observations of the SOHO spectrometers and other observations are outlined in that article.
This article lays out the notion of the arrow of time. This arises because all matter that remains today, is the liquid aether left over from the big bang, and which has not yet vaporized into "space". Thus, because of the expansive momentum of the universe, the aether is being depleted in pressure, and exothermic reactions are replenishing that pressure. So, the conclusion of this article puts forward that all exothermic reactions are aether emissive reactions. And that the reason those reactions take place at all, is precisely because the pressure in the matter standing waves is greater than the ambient pressure of the ocean of aether we call a universe.
In physics today, there is a problem in the interpretation of what time is all about. This arises because of the reversibility of processes and stems to the second law of thermodynamics. All processes, (i.e. of two chambers of gas at different pressures equilibrating at a mean pressure once allowed to mix), tend toward maximum randomization in a statistical manner. Boltzmann, Maxwell, and Thomson, along with all of the leaders of the day worked on this problem as they were formulating the laws of thermodynamics.
This time asymmetry arises in the consideration of entropy and available work, but it has far reaching consequences for all processes that are deemed symmetrical. The reason is, despite our notion that the various processes of radioactive decay, fusion, combustion of gasoline in a car, and simple mixing of fluids or materials being reversible, in practice, they do not tend to reverse. The tend in a singular direction and we call this direction the Future.
The reason that this is so, is because there is no net change to the universe based on the actions of these discrete particles. If there were some manner in which the universe were altered, due to some reaction, and the universe only wanted to be altered in this one direction for some physical reason, then there would be an obvious reason for time to progress into the future, and not into the past. But it appears that particle physics cannot, and likely could not ever offer up a solution to this conundrum.
The reason is plain if you happen to believe that particles are actually standing waves in a physical, material aether. Today, however, physicists believe that matter is made up of a bunch of pea like particles. These particles are self contained and come with a variety of properties including mass and a variety of fields for every occasion. and these particles, independent and self contained, move through the space-time of our universe, which is nothingness, but which somehow influences the motions of those particles despite its nothingness. We use names like geodesics.
Now in the aether model, using standing waves (which is just one of many forms of aether model, but it is the one I believe to be correct), we have a very very different concept of what a particle is. In this model, what we know as matter is none other than the very same aether, but it is resonating in a special way. This special way, is just a convergent standing wave not unlike the resonance’s of sonoluminescent bubbles following collapse as they ring at about 1 MHz. And it is precisely like the recent articles you may have read about Oscillons in Sci Am and elsewhere. Those Oscillons are just a one dimensional version of the same standing waves I am speaking of which are far better represented by the sonoluminescent bubbles as an analogy.
The point is this. If matter is just a resonance in a material aether, there must be some form of non linearity that is induced at extreme pressures such that those resonance’s can remain coherent. (Calculations which determine muon and tau masses as ratios of electron mass seem to bear this supposition out. The condensation pressure is at about E111 eV/m^3 based on some crude calculations).
What this means, is that there is in all reactions a conservation of aether. So, fusion reactions release aether that was densified in the standing wave resonance’s due to the mutual shielding from wave energy arriving from outside, i.e. from the balance of the universe. But where does it go? Well, it becomes, space. In other words, space is massive, and, it is flowing out of stars and into black holes. Yes, I do mean flowing out of stars.
And there is a sharp expansion at the chromospheric to coronal transition region of our sun. Across that boundary we find that the temperature of the ions in the corona rise by a thousand fold to the millions of degrees. This is counter to what one would expect, which would be that the ions would be radiating to space and cooling down just like our atmosphere. The accelerations are being found to be inertial in recent SOHO observations that show that the velocity dispersions are the same, independent of charge to mass ratios.
But I digress, back to time. So, what is it about our universe that leads to the asymmetry of time? Well, we need to answer that by looking way back in time to the big bang and we must ask ourselves, what was that? As I said, the aether flows into black holes. The way that can occur is if the kinetic energy of any convergent flow of aether exceeds the condensation pressure potential energy at some radius, then inside of that radius, when the pressure begins to build up, rather than reversing the inward momentum of the aether, the KE will induce the phase transition upon the aether involved. That will give rise to the birth, and growth, of a core inside of the Swarzchild radius. that core will be composed of condensed aether. Note, I have conservation of aether while the current concepts have in its place, a singularity. And also, I have gravitation as being imposed by wave motions thrusting standing waves in the directions of bodies which act like shields, not as a pull.
In any case, you know the adage What goes up, must come down. Well, what goes in must come out, too. And so we wind up with a requirement that sooner or later, all black holes must breach their confinement due to the fact that (well, my opinion that) they are not holding themselves together by any magical attractive gravitational force. Instead, they are highly compressed, and confined by the kinetic energy of the convergence of aether into that region. The energy density of such a convergence climbs by the radius ratio raised to the fourth power. So, if you measure the KE of a spherically convergent wave of energy out at some radius R_o, and then you measure that same wave front some time later at a smaller radius R, you will find that the energy of the wave front is now,
So, if that value of E exceeds the condensation pressure of the aether, then you will get a collapse of that region of space-time, and the space-time nodal manifold will flow into that hole. The radius at which that occurs is the Swarzchild radius, R_s. So, we get,
Now here is where the arrow of time finally shows itself. You see, the big bang was nothing more or less than a huge black hole core that breached its confinement! The previous universe that had been flowing into the hole finally slowed down it’s momentum, and the core expanded out to the Swarzchild radius. Once that occurred, you had what physicists today like to call a naked singularity. Only it wasn’t a point of zero dimension. Instead it was a physically large core of intensely pressurized aether in its condensed state. We know all about this from liquid water and vapor water so it shouldn’t be too bizarre to grasp.
Now what happens to liquid water if you expose it to outer space? Well, it boils. And in that process, it breaks into smaller and smaller droplets. i.e., it becomes atomized. Finally, all of the droplets are able to evaporate as the ball expands out to a large enough volume and there is no more liquid water remaining, just the vapor. So, the same thing is going to happen to our liquid aether, highly compressed to far in excess of the ambient pressure of the surrounding universes aether.
At first, the vaporization will be inflationary, just as with the water ball. The aether will boil. Then it will break into smaller and smaller droplets as the liquid becomes mostly vapor. But some droplets will remain and they will be the final droplets of liquid aether to vaporize. They will still be in existence because they will have been trapped in the acoustic nodes formed by the boiling process. And so they will all be vibrating in unison with one another. And yes, you guessed it, they will be, **standing waves** trapped in the acoustic nodes, and in their convergent cores will harbor the remaining liquid droplets of the liquid aether core that breached confinement ~15 billion years ago.
So, we have in our universe today, a bunch of droplets that are trapped in the acoustic nodes of the aether. These droplets exist at the Planck scale at about E-35 meters. And surrounding them are tremendous standing waves. There are E20 shells to a single standing wave out to the scale of the nucleus of an atom. And another 15 orders of magnitude to get up to what we know as a meter.
When exothermic processes transpire, they do so by releasing aether out to space. Exothermy is a process by which aether escapes and helps to increase the pressure of the quantum vacuum, or the ocean of aether we call a universe.
The arrow of time, then, is simply a measure of the direction in which aether is released, or vaporized. That direction is the future. The direction in which aether is accumulated into individual, or groups, of standing waves, is the past.
Therefore, all processes that increase entropy, release aether to space. And that is all there is to know about the Arrow of Time in our universe. The Arrow of Time, is a direct result of the direction in which aether is released in order to help out bolster the pressure of the ocean of aether we call a universe.
On the Planck scale, Time itself is a measure of the period of the vibratory energy of the nodal structure of space. The resonance of that vaporization process, or in other words, the fundamental acoustic frequency of the resonance of those not yet vaporized droplets of aether.
Now if you want to know about the arrow of time in other universes that are a part of the Gigaverse to which we belong, then there are other regions which are compressing due to expanding shock waves from other big bangs. In such a region, one would expect to obtain exothermic reactions from mass gaining reactions.
So, if you ever hear that the amount of energy released in laboratories is smaller than it was in previous years, beware. That could signal the advancing of an aether pressure front. You see, such a big bang expansion of aether ought to be super-luminal for a period of time until the shock drops down to light speed. this is the same thing that occurs in the explosion of an atom bomb. The shock is super sonic and the energy reduces by a factor of about 1/R^3, until the velocity drops down to about the sound speed. At that time, the shock transitions to a sound speed pressure front, and then the drop in pressure of the front falls to the familiar 1/R^2 relationship.
The same ought to occur with the aether. So we ought to expect inflationary motions at super luminal velocities at first, and then sound speed (or light speed if you prefer), expansion of the pressure information following that.
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Impulse EngineeringThe Arrow of Time In an Aether Universe | Outline of Ideas (Nov 96)
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Spring of '96
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