Hymns of Thayumanavar
Fragmenting the chains of desire to smithereens,
Kicking off the stake of egoity,
Filled with the mast *[1] of advaita,
Blowing out the six faiths
As in a stream through the proboscis,
Gazing intensely upward
Until the darkness of pasa became
A mere shadow underneath,
Swallowing the straying mind as balls of food
And feeding on it to the full.
Tearing the resplendent veil of maya to shreds,
Controlling by the shining goad of Chinmudra
Held in the hollow of Thy palm,
In the fragrant juice dipped
In the waters of chinmayananda bliss,
Filled with Grace Divine,
Thou brought me up as a jnana elephant
Of towering prescense!
Oh! Mantra Guru! Oh, Yoga Tantra Guru!
Mauna Guru that comes in the line of Mula the Holy!
[1] mast - rut of elephant

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