Hymns of Thayumanavar
The body drooping in tenderness,
The bones melting in love,
The eyes streaming fountains of joyous tears,
Thinking of the love
That like the magnet draws the needle,
The heart throbbing in anguish,
Singing, dancing and jumping,
Trembling within,
The bedewed moonlike face,
Overspread with joy, rising in endearment,
The palms spread flower-like in supplication
And the tongue singing in praise thus:
''Oh! The Heavens!
The delicious rains that descend from the heavens!
Long may Thou be'' -
Thus unto the surging waters of the sea
Whose floodgates are open
Is the love of Thine devotees.
And to such love art Thou easy of reach.
Wilt Thou be of access
To hardhearted persons like me?
Thou, the God of Compassion Fullness
That dances in rapture in the chit sabha
Defying description!

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