As you get rid of attachments all
You will catch on to the
Land of nondesire.
From that in the yoga way
When you get on to the
Land of prana laya
You will get rid of mind.
Thus did the Mauni
Of matted hairlocks,
The Self-Realized One speak
And teach in compassion deep
For us to attain realization.
Yet have I realized nothing.
Nor have I not realized anything.
Rocked in deep distress
I splutter and falter in speech.
Woman-like I shed tears in profusion.
Devil-like I remain
For the world around to laugh and deride at me -
If to such a degenerate state
Thou leave me,
Is there anything for me to speak?
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!

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