Hymns of Thayumanavar
The logic of silentness realized
By those who reached the Seventh Land of Yoga *[1]
That is beyond the counts of One and Two usually spoken of,
The Fullness that is perfect,
The One Being without none other,
The Beginning of all else,
The Bliss that is unchanging and everlasting,
The Peace that is the state of coolness soothing.
[1] The seven Lands of Yoga and those who reach them are enumerated thus:
1) Subeccai - Those who have renounced bad associations.
2) Vicaranai - Those who have learnt the holy scriptures.
3) Danumanasi - Those who have renounced the three basic desires - land, woman and gold.
4) Satvapatti - Those who have realized jnana.
5) Asanjatti - Those who have performed tapas.
6) Patarta Bhavanai - Those who have transcended illusions.
7) Turiyakai - Those who have become Siva.

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