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Barbarians --- by Terry Jones (2006) BOOK REVIEW and collection of research notes
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Editorial Comments |
For a small introduction to the distinction between history and historiology,
if you've time, take a look at this page about the emminent 20th century ancient
historian and historiographer, Arnaldo Momigliano.
It would become apparent to students of life and particularly of history, that there are very few historians able to engage the presentation of history - particularly ancient history for the period 0 to 300 - from a relational perspective. By this, relational perspective, I mean simply that nothing is excluded from examination and review about the period in question, but that the information so accumulated may be presented from different perspectives. Different traditions are equally represented in the picture.
The so-called "barbarians" were simply targets of plunder for the Roman empire machinery. Fragments of literature from the Irish Celtic barbarians, show a sophistication of both the Celtic Law and its related communities which extended over the British Isles, and western Europe, in Gaul and Germany. The Irish Celtic traditions were not directly plundered by the Romans. The pre-Roman law gave equal rights to women and men, equal rights to divorce and equal rights to hold property. Warrior queens are not uncommon.
The British Celts, not isolated like the Irish, suffered the direct conquest of their lands and traditions by the Romans. Their queen Boudicca, and their ancient religious center of Druidism, at Anglesea, regarded perhaps at one of the major centres of the Celtic ("Barbarian") traditions in Europe, were destroyed. Over the English Channel, the Gallic Celts, as documented by the authors (and their research notes) were one third destroyed or relocated. Roman roads were constructed not as a new technology, but as road over the top of existing roads, often constructed from timbers, for chariots. These chariots, the Roman's were to find, were of superior technology.
The sack and destruction of Israel, and the Judaic tradition is likewise presented as an act of plunder. Much of the greatest art work, treasure, gold, sculpture, even entire temples and monuments, were taken back to Rome, for display. Everything non Roman was perceived as "barbarian".
The ancient Egyptian "barbarian" tradition, established at Rhodes and at Alexandria is "Romanised". The absolutely huge Karnack Obelisk, according to the account of Ammianus Marcellinus (Book 17), is finally relocated for display in Rome.
Once conquered and subjects of the Roman empire, some Romans evens considered the Greeks, as "barbarians". The Greek ancient knowledge, consistent of philosophy, mathematics and science, was not an object of interest for the new and powerful collection of Roman warlords. The Roman empire was to become a tax machine, based on the plunder of "barbarians nations", and of course, taxations of the citizens of the empire itself.
The German "barbarians" were decimated in Dacia, and the entire empire was essentially a taxation and tribute, military plunder machine, driven by the professional rulers (of the "barbarians") the Romans. The Persian "barbarians" and their parallel empire, were the target of constant war, until the the appearance of the Huns.
Technology and science of the ancient world was plundered for power and tribute. To cut a long story short, the above two authors present a thesis...
Now, the problem remains that the answers to these questions are not exactly things called "facts", but more resemble things that might be termed "factals". These atomic elements of history are sometimes used by different historical commentators to derive certain hypotheses, and thereby frame a theory of history. Discernment and integrity are the hallmarks of great historians, in their ability to perceive the parallel paths of nations and tribes, politics and conquest, and to make a more and more "relational" picture of the history, and historiology, of the times.
History is obviously a massively parallel thing. Histories were written in parallel, and often destroyed in parallel. To the victors of the hard and cruel times of antiquity not only went the spoils, but the right by conquest, to publish literature -- often described as propaganda. The transmission of history is in the hands of the victorious.
Pete Brown
Barbarians: A Review |
The scene opens before the Roman empire has been formed, in 576 BCE, when Cyrus I, King of Persia began his rule, until 535 CE, and the Byzantine conquest of Ravena. Almost a thousand years of ruthless imperial oppression is recorded, enacted on the "subjects" of the empire, or the "Commonwealth", as Ammianus Marcellinus would sometimes call it.
The christian ecclesiastical historian Eusebius, attempts to make Mani christian, in his literature. Moreover, a sucession of christian bishops are by Eusebius asserted to have existed in Ctsiphon, and other Persian cities, around the time of Mani. There are reasonable grounds to reject this information. Although Manu existed, it is likely that he had never heard of christianity, and/or the fabrication of the Galilaeans. Mani travelled to India, and was quite the universal pilgrim. It is consistent to view him, not as a christian, but of the Persian religion by which Shapur I, and his father before him, had ruled, and passed on with the deathbed message ...
Barbarians: my research notes |
VANDALS & HUNS p.196 "When they are hostile, the Latin and Greek sources paint an extraordinary and vivid picture of horror. Roman writers did, as we have seen, distort the truth about those whom they regarded as 'barbarians'. But by the 5th century this was being done in a new way because the barbarians were seen in a new way." p.152 ROME TURNS OUT THE LIGHTS: “We know now that the propaganda of Roman history, that Rome was the great creator of engineering mastery and scientific thought, is the very opposite of the truth. The non-Roman world of the Eastern Mediteranean was making new discoveries and inventions in each generation, and its knowledge & abilities were not recovered until well into the Middle Ages, or later.”Chronologically Rearranged by century
CENTURY: BC Persians: p.156 PERSIAN BARBARIANS - 470 BCE: Xerxes, Persian King CYRUS – 6TH BCE: Human Rights Charter : Tolerance p.159 CRASSUS – 55BCE: Control – (Pompey, Caesar, Crassus) 40,000 Legionnaires lost to Persians p.164 BATTLE OF HARRAN: 30,000 killed, (10,000 to China, Asia) p.166 PARTHIAN CIVILIZATION: “Education was at the heart of this civilization” PARTHIAN WARS – 55BCE: for 600 years p.137 HELLENES: Barbarians of Medieval Technology ALEXANDRIA: Machines p.140 ROME THE DESTROYER: 146 BCE - Destruction of Carthage “Not a line of Punic remains” TEMPLE OF JERUSLEM OBLITERATED: Contents removed to Rome DRUIDS and DACIANS: Exterminated p. 146 PHILO OF BYZANTINE – 200 BCE: Machines of War ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM: Complex gears p.148 “THE DIVINE ARCHIMEDES”: “Burning Mirrors” Besieged - Syracuse, Sicily p.150 RHODES: Story of Julius Caesar & “The Pirates” - (76 BCE) p.30 ROMAN LAW: Forgotten until 1070; rediscovery of Justinia Code ** Byzantine Code Roads: Romans paved over top of Celtic timber Original Pre-Byzantine Code? Gaius (2nd CE) p.67 EMPEROR AUGUSTUS – 1st BCE: Introduced a poll tax p.31 COLIGNY CALENDAR: Garrett Olmstead (1989) Iron Masters; Ploughshare (350 BCE) “Gallic Vallus” Chariot (Superior Technology) (Burials have wagons) p.37 CELTIC GOLD: c.50 BCE: Vercingetorix * (Gallic Chieftan) – gold coins p.41 CAESAR’S ARMIES: killed 1 million Gauls [Plutarch] and enslaved 1 million more 1/3 Gallic population – 55 BCE *Defensive * Dungeon 5 years, strangled “Barbarian” CENTURY: 1st Century ====================== p.45 BOUDICA: Celtic Law: Women had rights to divorce and property [Irish “Brehon Laws”} p.51 CLAUDIUS - 43 CE: ** Roman Law: Male p.57 DRUIDS – 60CE: Menai straight to Island of Anglesey p.63 TACITUS: Robbers of the World – {Agricola, 30) 70AD: Britain - Silver p.66 BRITAIN: Latin & Roman - (Gov. Britain 78-84) CENTURY: 2nd ============= p.90 JEWS CRUCIFIED – Early 2nd CE: 2,000 Jews of the town Emmaus Roman historian – Florus Quintilius Varus Florus, Epitome of Roman History – II, 88 p.95 ARMINUS: German Barbarian Leader p.100 TRAJAN’S COLUMN – 101 ? 106 CE: Death & Roman ruthlessness on a grand scale AUGUSTUS: Inscription in “Temple of Augustus, Ankara, Turkey” “Three times I gave gladiatorial shows in my own name, and five times in the name of my sons or grandsons, in which shows about 10,000 men fought to the death” -- These are ROMAN QUALITIES: - Not Barbarian p.101 DACIAN GENOCIDE: by Trajan - (101 ? 106 CE) Zalmoxis (philosopher & sage) and King Burebista - Strabo 7, 3, 5 GALEN – 2nd CE: “Townsmen/City-dwellers carried off harvest” p.68 RUNAWAY INFLATION: Coinage lot its value and prices soared It is believed that shopping that cost 1 denarius in 2nd CE, cost 27 denarius by the late 3rd CE and then rose to 150 CENTURY: 3rd ============= p.68 EXPANSION OF EMPIRE CEASED – 3rd CE: with a collapse in the supply of slaves and plunder or new land, the whole Empire became one giant taxation machine p.70 EMPEROR GOTHICUS II – 270 CE: Plague outbreaks 235 ? 285 CE: 49 proclaimed Emperor by different groups of soldiers p.118 EMPEROR PHILIP, THE ARAB – 247 ? 248 CE: Most (immigrants) Romans already quit Dacia BAGAVDAE – 280 CE: (Warriors) Suppressed uprising (Carausius – 286 CE) p.72 CARAUSIUS: Self-proclaimed Emperor minted coins in London (90% Silver) – Nero Days and Gold Appointed by Diocletion as “Commander of Nth Sea Fleet” p.74 ALLECTUS: Officer of Carausius - British Emperor 293 CE – Coins 297 CE – Constantius (Constantine's Father) London seized, Allectus killed Persian: p.173 SASSANIANS: 60 miles West of ancient Persian city of Shiraz BISHAPUR – 266CE: Temple Complex, Roman occupation ROCK RELIEF COMMEMORATE – Humiliation of Roman Emperor by Shapur I 1 Gordian III - (244) 2 Philip the Arab (2) 3 Valerian p.175 ARDASHIR (SHAPUR’S FATHER) – 224CE: Ordered the complete destruction of all record of the Parthians EMPIRE: He called “Iran”: New state a ‘centralized Theocrasy – (p181) p176 THE KINDGOM OF THE LIE: The Roman empire was referred to as this p.178 SHAPUR I – 241 CE: Comes to power: Sassanian were “courtly”, manners etc p180 SASSANIAN RELIGION: Anahita, Ishtar, Aphrodite: Sacred Fire (Persian) DIVINE LIGHT: Spirit, Goodness & Purity: “Ahura Mazda” p.181 DEATHBED ADVICE ARDASHIR ? SHAPUR I: “Consider the Fire Altar and the Throne as inseparable as to sustain each other. His rule was the will of God”. ZOROASTRIANISM: basis ... “The Avesta” (17 Hymns) Ardashir used "The Avesta" as a basis for his legal code * The “Logic” was that religion provided justice, the basis of an ordered society that could sustain military expenditure” The MANTRA was that ……. ‘There can be no power without an Army’ ‘There can be no Army without Money’ ‘There can be no Money without Agriculture’ ‘There can be no Agriculture without Justice’ SHAPUR & THE MESSIAH MANI: “Religious philosophy was a big issue” p.182 ROME/PARTHIAN WARS – 3RD CE: Zoroastrian revolution in Persia ELKESAITES: Jewish Sabbath, Vegetarianism … MANI (India) MANI: Original sin was eating meat SHAPUR CORONATION: Mani invited to Coronation, accompanied on campaigns ZOROASTRIAN PRIESTS: “Fire Rituals”, cleanse conquered land p182 SHAPUR – MULTI CULTURALISM: Inclined to traditional Persian multi-culturalism (e.g. conversion with Greek Philospher) ZOROASTRIAN PRIESTHOOD: Shapur persuaded them to expand the AVESTA”, to include Metaphysics & Astronomy, Medicine (texts used were from Greeks & Indian sources) FREEDOM OF WORSHIP: for Manicheans, Jews etc proclaimed so long as they liver under Sassanian Law and paid taxes SHAPUR INVADES SYRIA: Deports Greek speaking (C) – Persis, Parthia, Susiana & Babylon “There appeared a (CB) of Ctesiphon” p.186 QUEEN ZENOBIA: “Bat Zabbai” (Warrior Queen) PALYMYRA: Main city Roman province of “Syria Phoenice” – TRADE PLACE OF PALMS: Un- Romanised: Temple of Baal built after Romans ‘moved in’ SHAPUR LOST MESOPOTAMIA TO PALYMYRA p.183 PEOPLE IN THE EAST: found it hard to come to terms with Roman power, the great problem was that the Romans were such “Upstarts” – by the standards of religion, they had a very short history and virtually no culture SOLOMON’S TEMPLE AT PALYMYRA 272 Shapur I dies; Zoroastrian priesthood in power; toleration "off the agenda". 272 Mani: tried and condemned, partly as a pacifist, killed c.276 273 Emperor Aurelian "demoloshes Palmyra; inhabitants are slaughtered". 295 Persian War resumes; Rome repelled from an attack on Ctesiphon Rome captures harem and entire Royal family of "King of Kings". Loss of control of NW persian lands of Roman Empire (Armenia, nth Mesopotania) CENTURY: 4th ============= 309 Sassanian Emperor Hormizd II dies Magi appoint unborn baby as successor (Shapur II) DIOCLETION: Pound of Gold = 50,000 denari c.307 ? 100,000 c.324 ? 300,000 c.350 ? 2.1 billion denari “Rich got richer and the poor got poorer” ? DOMESDAY BOOK – 295 ? 305 CE: The Emperor commissioned this book so that he could correctly tax everyone in the Empire, it was ordered that none could ever leave their farm or change their job”. 306 CE – Constantine accepted as “Saviour of Social Order” in Gaul/Britiain; ruler of Celtic Lands “The distinction between Roman & Barbarian at the time when Constantine assumed power was not at all clear” 312 "Thorough-going military conquest of Italy by a Balkan-born military commander, Constantine." p.188 324 Huge war with the commander of the Eastern forces; 25,000 dead 325 "Having come to power he decided to move the whole focus of the empire to the East, replacing the palace-city of Byzantium with a great new capital, Constantinople, New Rome, on the very border of Asia. The old latin Empire was doomed to a peripheral enterprise, concerned with agriculture and the Germans." 337 Constantine dies, almost a signal for ... 337-350 PERSIAN WAR Resumes: Shapur II vs Constantius p.69 350CE: “Land tax had tripled within living memory” p.75 CLAUDIUS MAMERTINUS: “Rural revolt became quite overtly anti-Roman” – (x1, 3 & 4) 362 CE – “People preferred to live under the barbarians” 363 Julian marches on Ctesiphon, and loses life. Rome loses territories acquired 295. 350-357 Shapur II defends Persia against the Huns 375 Huns appear in Dacia, their origin still a mystery. Long range bows 50-63"; equivalent to Medieval English longbow)
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