
Albert Einstein

{ 1879 - 1955 }

A Selection of Quotes

<<<<<<<< CONTENTS >>>>>>>>
The teaching of Relativity
The formulation of Relativity - and the child ...
On the Moon being there without Looking at It ...
Intelligence and the ultimate & fundamental ends
The goals of science & religion, and our understanding of life
The mystic emotion, knowledge, and religious sentiment
The cosmic religious experience
The Temple of Science, and the Scientific Assembly
Human beings and their circle of compassion
The student, success, service, and the task of educators
Imagination and Knowledge
The Tree of Life
Two Goals of Freedom
Spiritual Development of Individuals
Morals and Emotions
The Difficulty of the Sages
Belief and Knowledge
The Nature of Authority and Fundamental Ends
The Christian Religion and the Human Goal
The Definition of Science
Predicting the Weather ...
Living Things
The first step in the setting of a 'real external world'
Experience: Personal and Cosmic ...
A collection of "One Liners" from various UseNet posts ...
Further resources on the web

The teaching of Relativity

The formulation of Relativity

On the Moon being there without Looking at It ...

Intelligence and the ultimate & fundamental ends

The goals of science & religion, and our understanding of life

The mystic emotion, knowledge, and religious sentiment

The Temple of Science, and the Scientific Assembly ...

The cosmic religious experience

Human beings and their circle of compassion

The student, success, service, and the task of educators

Imagination and Knowledge ...

The Tree of Life ...

Two Goals of Freedom ....

Spiritual Development of Individuals ....

Morals and Emotions ....

The Difficulty of the Sages ...

Belief and Knowledge (Newton - 1900's) ...

The Nature and Authority of Fundamental Ends ...

The Christian Religion and the Human Goal ...

Definition of Science ...

Weather Prediction ...

Living Things ...

The first step in the setting of a 'real external world' ...

Experience: Personal and Cosmic ...

From a UseNetPost by Colin_Douthwaite@equinox.gen.nz (Colin Douthwaite), 27 Mar 1995 05:06:19 GMT

A collection of One Liners ....

Further References on the Web:

Elsewhere within the Mountain Man's domain ...

JAMES CLERK MAXWELL: Einstein placed on record his view that the Scot's work resulted in the most profound change in the conception of reality in physics since the time of Newton. Maxwell's researches united electricity and magnetism into the concept of the electro-magnetic field. He died relatively young, and indeed some of the theories he advanced in physics were only conclusively proved long after his death. For example, he did not live to see proved in the laboratory his theory that when a charged particle is accelerated, the radiation produced has the same velocity as that of light: it is a unification that remains one of the greatest landmarks in the whole of science. It paved the way for Einstein's special theory of relativity. Maxwell's ideas also ushered in the other major innovation of twentieth-century physics, the quantum theory.

Theories of the Aether: From ancient times before the dawn of even preHistory man has wondered of what is the comos made. The existence of the internet has enabled an exponential increase in the communication of information between peoples all over the planet - via E-Mail, E-Mail ListServers, the UseNet (or News) Groups, the WorldWideWeb (such as where you are now - at least partially:), and the Internet Relay Chat. This document examines and indexes a large number of articles concerning the existence of the cosmic aether which have begun to re-emerge from out of the doldrums of the quantum vacuum, and concludes with an article consistent by an address given by Albert Eistein himslelf, in 1920, concerning the hypothetical aether.

Mountain Man's UseNet Archives: You will find here a scattering of scientific matters being discussed - sometimes technically, sometimes (very) generally ... I have collected them out of interest, and you may read them out of the same should you be so inclined.

Elsewhere outside the Mountain Man's domain ...

Erk's RELATIVITY PAGES: Eric Baird's Relativity Information archive - covering the fundamentals from the past, and the alternative ideas which have been discussed quite recently. The site includes downloadables, history and new theories and many other interesting "Relativistic Issues". At this site you may freely obtain the first proper release of Einstein's Relativity book in Windows 3.1 helpfile format. Probably the most comprehensive website for general research information on Relativity in this area at present. Recently updated with the transcripts of some of the hallmark papers presented by Albert Einstein during the period from 1905 through 1920 at which time his Theory of Relativity was being presented to the scientific world.

ALBERT EINSTEIN ON-LINE: A great resource of information relating to the works of Albert Einstein.

The Dynamic Structure of Space: If you have ever wondered ... why space and time are inseparable, or why there is a speed of light constant, or why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, or why time is relative to the rate of travel through space as a function of the speed of light constant, or what time is actually a measure of, or why the frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation are inversely related, or why energy exists in discreet quanta, or even which came first, the chicken or the egg ... then this researched presentation, by Steven Kaufman will at least provide an interesting and thought provoking exercise ...

NIELS BOHR: "Discussion with Einstein on epistemological problems in atomic physics" .... Originally published in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist, P. A. Schilpp, ed., pp. 200-41 The Library of Living Philosophers, Evanston (1949).

AE ONLINE: Page maintained by Steven M. Friedman.

NCSA GROUP: US National Center for SuperComputing Applications: General Relativity - Numerical relativity, black holes and gravitational waves - brief descriptions

ETERNAL SURF ARCHIVES: The Eternal Surf: What more can I possibly Say ... ?

AE PICTURE TRIBUTE: A collection of photographs of AE from the age of 14 years through the rest of his life ...

The sci.physics and alt.sci.physics.new-theories NewsGroups are always a great source of information. However, in regard to the technical specifications of the current beliefs surrounding the Theories of Special and General Relativity, for which Albert Einstein was well known, perhaps the best references will be found in the Physics FAQ.

The physics FAQ is presently located on the web at the following locations:


A Selection of Quotes from

Albert Einstein

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1995