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Mountain Man's UseNet ArchiveIndex Document | ||
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Summer 1995 | ||
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The 1995 Archive ... |
An Indian Prayer Christmas Day: North American Native Indian Prayer - for EveryDay {alt.native}
Human Rights & Mining: Native & Indigenous Peoples, Mining, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights {alt.native}
RandomQuotes: A Random Collection of quotes pumped into UseNet during '95 {all.news.groups}
Neutonian Contributions: Isaac Newton's first post to USENET in over 300 years! {sci.physics}
A Simple Thought Experiment:Terrestrial Islands upon an Ocean of Light ....{sci.physics}
Science, Dice & Sci.Physics: A selection of posts from sci.physics ...{sci.physics}
"The Ether of Space": The Search continues - The Aether may yet exist ...{alt.sci.physics-new-theories}
"Why Two Tides?": An Explanation for the Diurnal Oceanic Tides ... {sci.physics}
The WHY of Watching Owl: Where are you that dwell within the dreamtime? {alt.gathering.rainbow}
Consciousness for Robots (R2D2 Thread) : Natural {alt.consciousness,sci.physics,sci.cognitive,alt.sci.new-theories}
Santa Cruz Soul Surfing: Memorial Service for Beth Pitt - observations from Fang {alt.surfing}
History of Global Oceanic Surf Links: On the last day of the Southern Winter of 1995 ... {alt.surfing}
The Crackpot Index: A simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics.
Earth and Sun and Moon: Human Tribe - From the album of the same name - Midnight Oil, 1993.
The 1996 Archive ... |
Sacred Assembly Proclamation: Canadian Aboriginal Sacred Assembly '95, Hull, Quebec, 6-9 Dec'95 {alt.native}
Loving Unified Field Geometry: One quite topological post concerning a little of everything {sci.physics}
The Distribution of Stars in the Cosmos: A Scientific Predicition concerning Harmonic Distributions {sci.astro, sci.physics}
Seasonal Hemisphericity: When the winter breaks in the north, the central fire moves from the Southern Skies {sci.physics}
Australia Day in America: Australian Aboriginal Elders travel to the US to put matters right ...{alt.native}
Native American Poetry: A book review - Poetic Selections from the work of Larry Kibby
Native American Writings: A book review - Selections from the work of Julia White
Wise Women of the Dreamtime: Australian Aboriginal "Tales of Ancestral Powers" - book review - Johanna Lambert
Random UseNet Poetry: Water made in Dawn, Healer in Kind, Rainbow Songs, Shouting at the Wind, Powers and Magic
Surplus Answers: The Dilemma of the LayMan - as address by Dale Means (Acting Head Layman)
Differential Gravitation: A new theory of gravitation has been proposed on UseNet by Ross Tessien
Language and Nature: The language of the mystic and the poet - Max Desorgher
What is this thing called Life?: Shedding some light on the phenomena - miltozah
Gnostic Meditations on the Buddha: From - hermes95@accessone.com (Michael Green)
The Nature of the Heart: beyond the pumping of blood - Marcus S. Robinson
The Nature of Mind & Consciousness: continuance of the thread from usenet - Mountain Man (Jun'96)
Testing the Theory of Relativity: Introducing the Painted Pony ... Jones & Lebau (Sep'96)
Quotes from the Past: Looking back - perspective in the light of experience (Oct'96)
Common Cause of Gravity & Magnetism: An interesting post by Ralph Sansbury to sci.physics (Oct'96)
Why Old Guys Surf?: Ranjack and Foondoggy provide the necessary specifications ... (Oct'96)
TallMountain Awards: Background, Mary TallMountain, San Francisco, 23 Nov 1996 (Nov'96)
National Aboriginal History and Heritage Council: 1938 Day of Mourning - background (Nov'96)
The Yorta Yorta Land Claims: Daily progress reports by Rod Hagen (from Oct'96)
The Flight of Ducks: Multimedia documentation of a journey into Central Oz in 1933 (Nov'96)
Homesick for the Land: "Where is the land I have seen in a dream?" (Dec'96)
New Ideas in Natural Science: Outline Articles arising from the Conference, St Petersburg, RUSSIA (Dec'96)
FAQ: Learning to Surf: An alt.surfing primer document - by Chris Payne via Tom Tweed (Dec'96)
Two Shepherds & The Dreamer's Light: A short verse received from cyberspace (Dec'96)
The DRIP model of light: An analogy to photon behaviour which removes the mystery from QM. (Dec'96)
Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits: The planets orbit at the nodes of waves of fluctuations in solar output (Dec'96)
The Nature of Work: What is the nature of work? Michael Green provides the specifications (Dec'96)
The Internet Science Education Project: Jack Sarfatti, Ph D introduces Post_Quantum Physics (Dec'96)
The 1997 Archive ... |
On the Nature of the Soul: Observations by the mountain man - natural & scientific specifications of the soul (Jan'97)
A Response to The Sacred Circle: Trish King - global acknowledgement of the Cosmic Law (Jan'97)
The Vedas and Modern Science: From the oldest literature on the planet - modern insights (Jan'97)
The Ocean Of Light Experiment: Warning !! This Thought Experiment may be irreversible ... (Jan'97)
The 8 Distance Systems of Space: An introduction to K12 Resources and the works of David Kaufman (Jan'97)
HTML Background Color Chart: Specifications for Netscape Versions 3.0 or higher - courtesy MTM Research (Jan'97)
Gnosis Overview: An introduction to Gnosis and Gnostic Literature by Dean Edwards (Feb'97)
Advances in Indian History: Decipherment of the Indus seals and Indian History (Feb'97)
The Most Ancient Writings: From 3700 BC, The Creation Hymn of the Rig Veda (Feb'97)
The Big Bang Myth: Scientific Sojourns ... An article by Keith Stein (Feb'97)
The Seed of Stoke: Planted like a seed in the soul ... from Foondoggy in alt.surfing (Feb'97)
The Magic Coat: Mantle of Youthful Journeys ... Foondoggy in alt.surfing (Feb'97)
UseNet Poetry of Wisdom: The 1997 Archive of Random Poetry of Wisdom
Natural Law & Layers Theory: An outline of the appearance of layers in nature ... by Island
Genl. Jan Smuts (South African philosopher-statesman, father of "Holism", 1870-1950) wrote regarding the "mountain"
Photon Counts: The distribution of cosmic energy (photons) by way of the EM spectrum
Goldie's Post: Your daily life is your temple and your religion.
Self-Organising Systems FAQ: Information on a newly emergent field of the sciences - from Chris Lucas.
Threads from sci.physics: Discussions upon the nature of this and that
Understanding Karma: Discussions upon the nature of that and this
Great Mistakes of the Physicists: Isn't the physics going astray? by H. V. Ansari
Problems and the Philosophy Inherent in Modern Physics: A set of pertinent questions by Paul Stowe
What is Fire?: The Undetectable and the Non-Existent - Mati Meron, and other threads
Alt.Surfing Reference: dmc posts footnote in regard to the homeland of the mountain man.
The 1998 Archive ... |
Against Excessive Skepticism: Against Close-minded Science ... Selection of Quotes from William Beaty
the Last Good Wave: Foondoggy weaves more magic moments in alt.surfing
The Principles of Natural Systems: The Six Principles of Birch, with commentary by (the Permacultural) Bill Mollison
The Cause of Gravity, EM & QM: Further mathematical specifications of the aether by Paul Stowe
Of Gurus and Masters: An opinion of Samuel, on the difference ...
Indigenous Spirituality: The exchange of a pair of Old Timers on considered matters of depth and simplicity ...
The Wave Nature of Matter: Ray Tomes quotes Wolff on the wave nature of all things ...
Senses and Physics: The senses - 4 modern forces and the 4 ancient elements - of nature
Heart and Mind and Soul and Spirit: Mountain Man muses over some celestial metaphysics ...
The Heart's Role in Consciousness: Emergent evidence to suggest the heart is more than it seems ...
The Aether Hypothesis and MMX: Did Michaelson & Morley's experiment disprove the existence of Aether?
Why Does Gravity Attract?: Discussions in sci.physics seeking the metaphysics behind the mathematics.
Averaging cannot Yield Anistropy: Philosophical and mathematical observations by Tom Roberts.
Causes in Physics: Further discussion of the deeper meanings behind current Physics theory.
Death of a Sandbar: Can this be the end of the FoonBunker Sufbreak? Modern crisis management ...
The Ancient Elements of Nature: QUESTION: Are these to be regarded as a Proto-Science?
Processes of Science & Mathematics: Is Mathematics a Science? Mati Meron's express opinion ...
Are the Sciences Reducible to Physics?: Arguments presented against excessive and ardent scientific reductionism.
Golden Precepts: A Sieve for Panning for Golden Precepts - trappings of a spiritual prospector.
Just Another Surf Story: A reminder not to let the other “stuff” of life cloud the issue (Jack)
The Holographic Paradigm : Consciousness, Physics and the All-Inclusive Holographic Paradigm (Hermital)
NonEquilibrium Thermodynamics & Life: A few interesting posts about thermodynamics and life.
What is the shape of a falling Raindrop?: Close enough to a sphere, no matter what popular artists might think.
The Two Body Problem in GR: You thought the 3-Body problem of celestial mechanics was bad?
Discussions on the Aether: Examination of attenuation gravity induction heating - Le Sage (Dan M & Paul Stowe)
Big Bang and the Smoking Gun Analogy: Examining the evidence of a smoking gun, or a smoking cup of coffee?
The Music of Our Sphere: Leading to the Schumann resonance ... one of the more subdued posts of Uncle Al.
The 1999 Archive ... |
Nature and Surfing: Sponge asks "What is the exact physiological allure of surfing?"
Attenuation [Pushing] Gravity : An Overview of the Concept of Attenuation [Pushing] Gravity (Paul Stowe)
World Surf Day 1999: Story/Report filed from the remote tracts of (Surfing) Vancouver Island (Cam).
Secret Society: A glimpse into the secret life of a deep-woods PNW surfer - Lemming®.
A Dunce's Dictionary: "A Guide To The Disguise of Stupidity" - 3TreesCondor® @lexiconographics.com.np
The 2000-2007 Archive ... |
NAMASTE: "The spirit in me honours the spirit in you. [Nepalese greeting 2006]
NAMASTE: "The spirit in me honours the spirit in you. [Nepalese greeting 2007]
NAMASTE: "The spirit in me honours the spirit in you. [Nepalese greeting 2009]
Many are the postings into UseNet which are trivial chatter, but every so often, I stumble across a gem of wisdom, or a simple and appropriate saying, or simply an article which strikes me as interesting and worth archiving for any future reference.
It is for this reason that I have collated a number of articles on the web which, by one means or another, I have captured from the realm of the usenet. These articles are the raw articles and, should you perchance stumble over ones of yours amidst this collection, and strenuously object to its presence amoung this humble collection, then E-Mail me, and I will probably remove it ....... ;-)
I have no strict selection criteria for the following articles. They have been gathered from many disparate News Groups, and cover many (possibly) unrelated subjects. However, it is my observation that the nature of nature is just about as diverse as there are living beings on this planet that we call earth and, that although all things often appear disparate and unconnected, from certain aspects even the greatest of dualities are afforded considerable resolution.
The above selection of UseNet posts has been gathered since the Southern Winter of 1995 ...
Since this time there have emerged on the net a number of specialised usenet (newsgroup postings) archive organisations. Perhaps the best known one at the present time is DejaNews. For those who find it interesting to either examine, or perform text string searches, on the content of the usenet discussions, such archive sites and services are essential.
As with all the other publications at this website of Mountain Man Graphics, this publication is dedicated to those who see themselves as the students of Life, and who research the profound nature of the eternal flame with an ardour unmatched except by that of the cosmic fire of the susnhine itself.
May your feet explore the path to the journeys' end,
and may the Age of Information dawn within.
Pete Brown
Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
Publications of Peace and Of Great Souls