
"The Buried Classic" from Ancient Greece,
and the roots of the Western World ....

The Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Philostratus {220 AD}

The Tax Collector at the BorderPost ...

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1995

The Tax Registrar at the Mesopotamian Border ...

Such was the companion and admirer that he had met with, and in common with him most of his travels and life were passed.

And as they fared on into Mesopotamia, the tax-gatherer who presided over the Bridge (Zeugma) led them into the registry and asked them what they were taking out of the country with them.

And Apollonius replied:

"I am taking with me temperance, justice, virtue, continence, valour, discipline."

And in this way he strung together a number of feminine nouns or names.

The other, already scenting his own perquisites, said:

"You must then write down in the register these female slaves."

Apollonius answered:

"Impossible, for they are not female slaves that I am taking out with me, but ladies of quality."

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"The Buried Classic" from Ancient Greece,
and the roots of the Western World ....

The Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Philostratus {220 AD}

The Tax Collector at the BorderPost ...

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1995