"The Buried Classic" from Ancient Greece, and the roots of the Western World ....The Life of Apollonius of Tyanaby Philostratus {220 AD}
Selected articles from the English translation of F.C. Conybeare, the Loeb Classical Library, Edition 1912
In an age when the Humanities are being neglected more than perhaps than at any time
since the Middle Ages, and when men's minds are turning more than ever before to the
practical and material, it does not suffice to make pleas, however eloquent and
convincing, for the safeguarding and further enjoyment of our greatest heritage from
the past.
Means must be found to place these treasures within the reach of all who care for the
finer things of life. The mechanical and social achievements of our day must not blind
our eyes to the fact that, in all that relates to man, his nature and aspirations, we have
added little or nothing to what has been so finely said by the great men of old.
James Loeb
September 1, 1912
The following selections of text from this work of Philostratus have been put together and published on the web for the explicit purpose so clearly outlined in the preface (above) by the original publisher James Loeb, over 80 years ago.
What you are about to read in the following selections are extracts from the complete work, which should be available in any major library. The work concerns the life of the philosopher-sage Apollonius of Tyana, as recorded by his "disciple" Damis, who followed him in his journeys across the ancient world.
One truly wonders why this work has not received the attention that it deserves, and the reasons for this are partly covered by the introduction which was prepared by the translator FC Conybeare in about 1912. This article by Conybeare also provides the historical context concerning the matter of the resource materials available to Philostratus, who put together the original work over one hundred years after Apllonius lived.
To my mind, the reasons that this work has been so obviously "suppressed" by the learned Christian classicists of yester-years is simply that works and actions of Apollonius are clearly more than just "another" philosopher of the Ancient Greek world. He is constantly referred to as a "philosopher-sage" and the distinction is one of great note.
Consequently, the parallel between the life of Apollonius of Tyana and the life of Jesus Christ cannot be mistaken. Both lived in the same era, and both performed "works" and "miracles". For those with a truly open mind, there is much to find enlightening in the parallel themes expressed in the record of the life of these two men.
It is quite likely that the reason that this work has been so conveniently "buried" by the Christian classicists is that the contemporary "doctrine" of Christianity is often exclusive of alternate aspects, and will rarely permit any corroborative substantiations of the nature of the Christian God from a source external to the bible.
This attitude to my mind is not wholesome, or one of openness, and as such is classified by myself as restrictive, and not conducive to any proper form of lateral thinking concerning the Being whom the standard Christian doctrine clearly espouse as being Infinite and Wise.
On the one hand the life of Apollonius of Tyana provides the student of life with an account of how a man may be seen to be "more" than just a philosopher, and on the other hand it provides an account as to how such a man deals with, and approaches the understanding of, the nature of nature.
PRF Brown
Mountain Man Graphics
Southern Spring of '95
INTRODUCTION - By the translator F.C. Conybeare, providing a strict literary background & summary to the work.
Selected articles:
{01}: Silence - The student of pythagorean philosophy would practice a vow of silence - what is learnt by silence?
{02}: The Corn Dealers - How can a single man who is sworn to silence reconcile civil strife and deal with people?
{03}: The manner of conversation of Apollonius - its characteristics and substance ...
{04}: The formulation of the journey to the brahmins of India, far to the East of the Ancient World.
{05}: Damis - The "Disciple and Scribe" of Apollonius - Their meeting and its outcome ...
{06}: The Official Registrar at the Border Post and the bridge into Mesopotamia ...
{07}: The Bully at the Gates to the Frontiers of Babylon - and how he was dealt with by Apollonius.
{08}: The King of Babylon - First meeting during the sacrifice of a horse ...
{09}: Of Eunochs and of Passion - Further discussion with the King of Babylon.
{10}: Of Kings and the Riches of Kings - Advice given by Apollonius to the king concerning his great wealth.
{11}: Leaving Babylon - The King's parting gift ... on return ...
{12}: On the High Mountain Road over the Caucasus - towards the ancient lands of India ...
{13}: The Boy and the Elephant - An observation on the nature of CONTROL ...
{14}: An article concerning Elephant's tusks, by Juba - the ancient soverign of Libya.
{15}: The Animal Kingdom - observations by Apollonius on various natures within the animal kingdom ...
{16}: An observation concerning the order in which the wild elephants cross the rivers of the land ...
{17}: The First of the Indian Rulers - King Phroates - Meeting and discussions with Apollonius ...
{18}: King Phroates and Apollonius - On the Sages of India and the advance of Alexander the Great half a millenia before.
{19}: Apollonius and king Phroates - On sleep, water and wine ...
{20}: The court of judgement of the Indian King - On a dispute concerning Buried Treasure and Land
{21}: Departure from Phroates - His Letter to Iarchas - and the journey continues onwards
{22}: The Limit of Alexander the Great - in the spread of the ancient kingdom of Greek Conquest to the east
{23}: On the existence of unicorns in the ancient lands ...
{24}: On Nut Gathering and Ancient Ecologies ...
{25}: On the existence of dragons in the hills of the ancient lands ...
{26}: Nearing the end of the Journey - Approach to the Habitation of the ancient sages of India
{27}: The Habitation of the Indian Sages - and on the Indian Sun
{28}: First Meetings of the Indian Sages, of Iarchas and of Prescience
{29}: Of Self Knowledge, and of Man, and of Gods - First Discussions ... Eastern Sage to Western Philosopher/Sage
{30}: Of the nature of the Soul, of the Teachings of Pythagoras and of the World Culture ...
{31}: The Indian Sages receive the King
{32}: The folly of the King, and his discussion with Apollonius
{33}: Iarchus the Sage speaks of the esteem of (Pythagorean) number and of virtue ...
{34}: Further Conversations with the King in the presence of the Sages
{35}: Discussions relating to the Elements of the Cosmos, its Living Nature and its Gender ...
{36}: The Healings of the Sages ...
{37}: Further Discussions on Divination, ForeSight and the emergence of Medicinal Knowledge ...
{38}: Discussion of Mythological Creatures ... Magnetic stones, Griffins, Dragons and the Phoenix.
{39}: Apollonius' Departure from the Sages of India after Four Months Sojourn ...
{40}: TO BE CONTINUED .... signed Mountain Man, Oz ... at the Southern Winter's End, 1996
NOTE: This work is in progress. It is hoped that a more complete work will be
presented at a later date. The aditional material will concern the return of Apollonius
to Egypt and his native land, and the events which occurred in "The Life of Apollonius of
Tyana". Again I would repeat and stress ... this is a genuine classical text which
should be locatable in any major library around the planet, and I would recommend to
interested researchers that they endeavour to obtain for themselves the full and complete
works of this ancient text. And in particular, I would like to single out those who call
themselves Philosophers after the style of what_the_west_has_taught_of Aristotle.
And I would state quite clearly that it is my considered opinion that Apollonius of Tyana
represented a greater philosopher than Aristotle, or any of the "noble thinkers", because
of his works which are clearly demonstrated in this account. For there is a clear and
natural distinction between the nature of a philosopher and a sage. And in this work it
is the nature of the latter which is being constantly brought to the forefront of mind.
It is my considered opinion that this account offers the "hidden bridge" account of the
difference between the philosopher and the sage. Compare the accounts of the life of
Aristotle with that of Apollonius. While Aristotle's world-view has been widely publicised
as the foundation of classical philosophy, it has been done so in ignorance of this account
of the world-view expressed by Apollonius of Tyana, as published by Philostratus in or around
the year 220 AD.
For a comparitively modern world-view which deals in this "hidden bridge" I would recommend
browsing the writings of Dr Charles Alexander Eastman. I have placed one such work upon
the web, itself published in 1911, and entitled
The Soul of the Indian, and in
particular the first chapter entitled "The Great Mystery".