
"The Buried Classic" from Ancient Greece,
and the roots of the Western World ....

The Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Philostratus {220 AD}

The Limit of Alexander the Great

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1995

The Limit of Alexander the Great ...

And they rode out of Taxila, and after a journey of two days reached the plain, in which Porus is said to have engaged Alexander: and they say they saw gates therein that enclosed nothing, but had been erected to carry trophies. For there was set up on them a statue of Alexander standing in a four-poled chariot, as he looked when at Issus he confronted the Satraps of Darius. And at a short distance from one another there are said to have been built two gates, carrying the one a statue of Porus, and the other one of Alexander, of both, as I imagine, reconciled to one another after the battle; for the one is in the attitude of one man greeting another, and the other of one doing homage.

And having crossed the river Hydraotes and passed by several tribes, they reached the Hyphasis, and thirty stades away from this they came on altars bearing this inscription:

"To Father Ammon and Heracles his brother,
and to Athena Providence and to Zeus of Olympus
and to the Cabeiri of Samothrace
and to the Indian Sun and to the Delphian Apollo."

And they say there was also a brass column dedicated, and inscribed as follows:

"Alexander stayed his steps at this point."

The altars we may suppose to be due to Alexander who so honoured the limit of his Empire; but I fancy the lndians beyond the Hyphasis erected the column, by way of expressing their pride at Alexander's having gone no further.

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"The Buried Classic" from Ancient Greece,
and the roots of the Western World ....

The Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Philostratus {220 AD}

The Limit of Alexander the Great

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1995