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The Gospel of Buddha
Compiled from ancient records by Paul Carus, 1894The Purpose of BeingChapter 99 of 100
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
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The Purpose of Being |
In the due course of evolution sentiency appeared and sense-perception arose.
There was a new realm of being, the realm of soul-life, full of yearning,
with powerful passions and of unconquerable energy.
And the world split in twain:
there were pleasures and pains,self and notself,
friends and foes,
hatred and love.
The truth vibrated through the world of sentiency,
but in all its infinite potentialities no place could be found
where the truth could abide in all its glory. [2]
And reason came forth in the struggle for life.
Reason began to guide the instinct of self,
and reason took the sceptre of the creation
and overcame the strength of the brutes and the power of the elements.
Yet reason seemed to add new fuel to the flame,
increasing the turmoil of conflicting passions;
and brothers slew their brothers
for the sake of satisfying the lust of a fleeting moment.
And the truth repaired to the domains of reason,
but in all its recesses no place was found
where the truth could abide in all its glory. [3]
Now reason, as the helpmate of self,
implicated all living beings more and more
in the meshes of lust, hatred, and envy,
and from lust, hatred, and envy
the evils of wrong-doing originated.
Men broke down under the burdens of life,
until the saviour appeared, the great Buddha,
the Holy Teacher of men and gods. [4]
And the Buddha taught men the right use of sentiency,
and the right application of reason;
and he taught men to see things as they are, without illusions,
and they learned to act according to the truth.
He taught righteousness
and thus changed rational creatures into humane beings,
just, kind-hearted, and faithful.
And now at last a place was found
where the truth might abide in all its glory,
and this place is the heart of mankind. [5]
Buddha, O Blessed One,
O Holy One, O Perfect One,
thou hast revealed the truth,
and the truth has appeared upon earth
and the kingdom of truth has been founded. [6]
There is not room for truth in space,
infinite though it be. [7]
There is not room for truth in sentiency,
neither in its pleasures nor in its pains;
sentiency is the first footstep of truth,
but there is not room in it for truth,
though sentiency may beam
with the blazing glow of beauty and life. [8]
Neither is there any room for truth in rationality.
Rationality is a two-edged sword
and serves the purpose of love
equally as well as the purpose of hatred.
Rationality is the platform on which the truth standeth.
No truth is attainable without reason.
Nevertheless, in mere rationality there is no room for truth,
though it be the instrument that masters the things of the world. [9]
The throne of truth is righteousness;
and love and justice and good-will are its ornaments. [10]
Righteousness is the place in which truth dwells,
and here in the hearts of mankind
aspiring after the realization of righteousness,
there is ample space for a rich
and ever richer revelation of the truth. [11]
This is the Gospel of the Blessed One.
This is the revelation of the Enlightened One.
This is the bequest of the Holy One. [12]
Those who accept the truth and have faith in the truth,
take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. [13]
Receive us, O Buddha, as thy disciples
from this day hence, so long as our life lasts. [14]
Comfort, O holy Teacher, compassionate and all-loving,
the afflicted and the sorrow-laden, illumine those who go astray,
and let us all gain more and more in comprehension and in holiness. [15]
The truth is the end and aim of all existence,
and the worlds originate so that the truth may come and dwell therein. [16]
Those who fail to aspire for the truth
have missed the purpose of life. [17]
Blessed is he who rests in the truth,
for all things will pass away,
but the truth abideth forever. [18]
The world is built for the truth,
but false combinations of thought
misrepresent the true state of things
and bring forth errors. [19]
Errors can be fashioned
as it pleases those who cherish them;
therefore they are pleasant to look upon,
but they are unstable and contain the seeds of dissolution. [20]
Truth cannot be fashioned.
Truth is one and the same;
it is immutable. [21]
Truth is above the power of death,
it is omnipresent, eternal, and most glorious. [22]
Illusions, errors, and lies are the daughters of Mara,
and great power is given unto them to seduce the minds of men
and lead them astray upon the path of evil. [23]
The nature of delusions, errors, and lies is death,
and wrong-doing is the way to perdition. [24]
Delusions, errors, and lies
are like huge, gaudy vessels,
the rafters of which are rotten and wormeaten,
and those who embark in them
are fated to be shipwrecked. [25]
There are many who say:
"Come error, be thou my guide,"
and when they are caught
in the meshes of selfishness, lust, and evil desires,
misery is begot. [26]
Yet does all life yearn for the truth
and the truth only can cure our diseases
and peace to our unrest. [27]
Truth is the essence of life,
for truth endureth beyond the death of the body.
Truth is eternal and will still remain
even though heaven and earth shall pass away. [28]
There are not different truths in the world,
for truth is one and the same
at all times and in every place. [29]
Truth teaches us the noble eightfold path of righteousness,
and it is a straight path easily found by the truth-loving.
Happy are those who walk in it. [30]
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The Gospel of Buddha
Compiled from ancient records by Paul Carus, 1894The Purpose of BeingChapter 99 of 100
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
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