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An Alternate Theory of | Chapter 6: Theories of the History Christianity involving Fraud & Fiction
| Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
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""It is, I think, expedient
to set forth to all mankind
the reasons by which I was convinced
that the fabrication of the Christians
is a fiction of men composed by wickedness.
Though it has in it nothing divine,
by making full use of that part of the soul
which loves fable and is childish and foolish,
it has induced men to believe
that the monstrous tale is truth."
Introduction |
There is a valid distinction between people who believe that Christianity
The resource is focussed on the final category, involving fiction and fraud.
This index is by no means compehensive.
For a summary schematic and introductory discussion of the theory space
in which both historical and mythical Jesus theories coexist, see this page.
PRF Brown
Theories of the History Christianity involving Fraud & Fiction |
This book is available on the net in full. Whelas writes:
The compelling proofs of duplicitous fraud of priestcraft and Church
exposed in this book must convince even the most credulous and
devout Believer, that the system of "revealed religion" which he
"drew in with his mother's milk" and has in innocent ignorance
suffered in his system ever since, is simply a veneered Paganism,
unrevealed and untrue; is a huge scheme of priestly imposture to
exploit the credulous and to live in power and wealth at his
The author then goes on to explain ...
The word "new" here is significant. It clearly indicates that at the beginning of the fourth century, Christianity, as created by the Council of Nicea, was indeed a new religion, and was preceded by the religion established by Apollonius three centuries previously, which may be more properly called Essenism, a form of Neo-Pythagoreanism in character, the new doctrines which Apollonius brought from India and introduced among the Essenes, which gave rise to the new sect known as the NAZARENES or THERAPEUTS, whose doctrines were essentially Buddhist in nature.) Since this date humanity has been led astray. It is the purpose of this book to correct this historic error and to bring humanity back to the truth, so that, purged by the recent suffering, mankind once more will return to the true scientific path of natural, healthful and humane living taught by the great Pythagorean philosopher, Apollonius of Tyana, nearly two thousand years ago.
PRF Torrens claims that the emperor Constantine "ordered" the gospels. They were allegedly written by one person, a man called Eusebius of Caesarea, Constantine's loyal servant, who actually signed thousands of manuscrits with the name SIMON ...for a total of 4500 to 5200 signatures...
Note that the publications appear in Spanish, and no English translations of the work appear to be avalable as at August 2006.
A cult surrounding Jesus Christ, son of God and originator of Christianity, appeared during the second century. Early historians, however, never mentioned Jesus and even now there is no actual proof of his existence.
On the one hand, an actual historical figure missing his cult, on the other, a cult missing its actual historical figure: intriguing mirror images.
R.G. Price in his online works elaborates an analysis of the field by means of framing
a spectrum of historical possibilities that may also be translatable as "a spectrum of
belief" surrounding the orthodox "Tetrarchy of Gospels":
(2) The Gospels are generally true but somewhat exaggerated accounts of a real Jesus who had a following of people who thought he was the Son of God. He wasn't born of a virgin and didn't walk on water or perform miracles or rise from the dead, but the Gospels reflect his true teachings and the basic events of his life, and he was crucified by Pilate. The Gospels come from eye witness accounts mixed with a little legend.
(3) The Gospels are generally true but somewhat exaggerated accounts of a real Jesus who was influential in the region. He may or may not have really been crucified by Pilate. He was later mythologized and elevated in status. The Gospels come from eye witness accounts mixed with legend.
(4) The Gospels are mostly fabricated stories inspired by a real Jesus. The Gospels come almost entirely from legends and scriptures, but are still loosely based on the actions of a real Jesus whom we don't know very much about.
(5) The Gospels are mostly fabricated stories inspired by a real person or persons from a spectrum of time, perhaps from events as far back as 200 years before the supposed life of Jesus. Over time stories were put together that cobbled various political events and persons into a single "Jesus Christ" figure. The events and teachings in the Gospels are mythologized, but based on real-life events that took place over time and were done by a person or various people. The Gospels come almost entirely from legends and scriptures, but are still based on the actions of some real people, without which the story of Jesus would never have come into existence.
(6) The Gospels are completely fabricated stories based on scripture, legends, and the mystical beliefs of existing Jewish cults. There is no human figure at the center of the Gospel stories at all. The Gospels were generally written in the same manner that most scholars claim, during the late 1st century to early 2nd century, but there is no person at the core of them, whether all of the writers themselves knew it or not.
(7) The Gospels are completely fabricated stories based on pagan myths about figures such as Dionysus and Mithras. The Gospels were written by directly mixing Jewish and non-Jewish religions and beliefs into stories that borrow from both traditions. The meaning of the Gospels has been largely lost and generally has little to do with Judaism.
The entire Graeco-Roman priesthood - the "Sacred College of the Pontifices" - could rightfully have consider themselves utterly redundant. Constantine did not want any other authority in the empire other than his own. He therefore supported a Jewish "Holy Writ: so that he could rightfully make the entire Graeco-Roman priesthood redundant. They would not need their temples and shrines and they would not longer use them for any business. They would not need the temple gold and silver and bronze and treasure and art and statues -- and so Constantine ordered his army to plunder the temples.
Constantine was a gangster. He had no regard for the Greek civilisation. He was only interested in two things. GOLD, so that he could continue to pay the army, particulalry the barbarian chieftans who lead it, and ABSOLUTE POWER which ended up corrupting him just like the Twelve Caesars presented by Suetonius.