The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Understanding Strength |
Verse 471
The prudent act after weighing the strength a deed demands,
One's own strength and the strengths of allies and opposition.
Verse 472
Nothing is impossible for those who perceive the nature and the means
Of their task and proceed with determination.
Verse 473
Ignorant of their strengths, many plunge zealously
Into projects, only to miscarry midway.
Verse 474
How swiftly men perish who praise themselves, unappraised of
Their real measure and unable to live peacefully with others.
Verse 475
Load too many of them and even peacock feathers
Would break the cart's axle.
Verse 476
He who has climbed out to the tip of a tree branch
And attempts to climb further will forfeit his life.
Verse 477
Know the measure of your capacity to give, then give accordingly -
Such clarity is the way wealth is preserved.
Verse 478
A small income is no cause for failure,
Provided expenditures do not exceed it.
Verse 479
The wealth of a man who lives unaware of his own measure,
Appears to exist, then disappears without a trace.
Verse 480
Unless weighed with prudence, a philanthropist's wealth
Will promptly perish, measure by measure.
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Understanding Strength Chapter 48 of 133
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