The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Understanding the Right Place |
Understanding the Right Place |
Verse 491
Neither deride the opposition nor initiate a campaign
Until you possess the strategic place from which to strike.
Verse 492
In battle a fortified place yields numerous advantages,
Even to those possessing power and prowess.
Verse 493
Even the weak may powerfully prevail if they choose the right
Field of action, establish good defenses and then fight well.
Verse 494
When an attacker attacks from a strategic location
His enemies' thoughts of conquest become unthinkable.
Verse 495
In the river's depths the crocodile is unconquerable,
But others may defeat it if it departs those waters.
Verse 496
The massive chariot with mighty wheels cannot sail the sea,
Nor can the ocean-going ship travel the land.
Verse 497
Fearlessness is the only friend one needs,
If ceaselessly he ponders from which place to pounce.
Verse 498
If a large army assails a well-entrenched small army,
Its power will be repelled and it will retreat.
Verse 499
Even if they have neither potent resources nor strong fortresses,
It is difficult to conquer a people on their own soil.
Verse 500
The fearless elephant may slaughter a multitude of warriors
Yet be slain by a single jackal if his legs sink in muddy marsh.
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Understanding the Right Place Chapter 50 of 133
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia