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NAMASTE2006 The spirit in me
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The Inner Journey of the Soul |
“The spirit in me honours the spirit in you” “Namaste” - a Himalayan (Nepalese) greeting
"Be a light unto yourself !" The last words of Gautama the Buddha on earth.
"No life on earth can exist without water, And the ceaseless flow of that water cannot exist without rain." Tiruvalluvar, Tirrukural
"Strive to give back the Divine in yourself to the Divine in All" Final words of Plotinus (c.270 CE) according to Eustochius
"It is the unfailing fall of rain that sustains the world. Therefore, look upon rain as the nectar of life." Tiruvalluvar, Tirrukural
“The ego is not an enemy to be subdued, but merely a compilation of unexamined habits of perception” David Hawkins “The Eye of the I”
"Life is a mystery; That means it cannot be solved" Osho, “Intelligence”
"Life is love and love is life" Nisargardatta Maharaj
"Dont try to force anything Let life be a deep 'Let-Go'. See God opening millions of flowers everyday without forcing the buds." Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, "Dying for Enlightenment"
"Be heroic, become a warrior. When faced with adverse situation dont react, just accept. Act calmly. Act powerfully. If you dont know what to do immediately Do nothing - wait until the answer comes to you." Stuart Wilde
"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror." Ken Keyes Jnr, "Handbook to Higher Consciousness"
"The more you depend on forces outside yourself the more you are dominated by them." Harold Sherman
"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother." Kahill Gibran, "The Prophet"
"Thoughts are like boomerangs". Eileen Caddy, "The Dawn of Change"
“The most important element in facilitating and upward movement of consciousness is an attitude of willingness, which opens up the mind through new means of appraisal to the possible variety of new hypotheses. Although motives for change are multitudinous As are the innumerable facets of the human condition, They’re most often found to arise spontaneously When the mind is challenged in the face of a puzzle or a paradox. David Hawkins “Power vs. Force”
"Disillusionment with yourself must preceed enlightenment." Vernon Howard, "The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power"
"You think because you dont understand; when understanding arises thinking disappears" Osho, “Intelligence”
"Worrying about what people think disempowers your values. It places control in their opinions and their reactions." Stuart Wilde
“Man thinks he lives by virtue of the forces he can control, but in fact, he’s governed by power from unrevealed forces, power over which he has no control.” David Hawkins “Power vs. Force”
"The mind cannot be silent. When there is silence there is no mind. When silence comes, mind disappears. When mind is there, silence is no more" Osho, “Intelligence”
“You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.” Norman Vincent Peale
“The mystics have compared man to a ladder. The ladder can be used for two things: you can use it to go upward, and you can use it to go downward ... [The rungs of the ladder are ... INSTINCT (of the body) INTUITION (of the heart) INTELLECT (of the mind) ...] Man is a ladder between heaven and hell” Osho, “Intelligence”
“All that you are seeking is also seeking you and if you lie, sit still, it will find you.” Clara Pinkola
“Owning one’s own inner flaws allows for non-judgemental respect for others and opens up the door to compassion for all humanity”. David Hawkins “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”
“Knowledge can be given to you, not intelligence. Intelligence is your own sharpened being.” Osho, “Intelligence”
“The spiritually evolved person who has few wants or attachments is relatively immune to grief, as the experience of the source of happiness originates from within and is not dependent on externals.” David Hawkins “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”
“Intuition is not intellectual. It is intelligence.” Osho, “Intuition: Knowing without logic”
“Acquisition is basically animal instinct survival, which depends on the ‘getting’of mate, food, territory, shelter, dominance and control. Thus to animal instincts the source of happiness Is programmed as coming from ‘out there’. It is therefore ‘gettable’ And consequently subject to loss.” David Hawkins “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”
“Thoughts are material things; subtle, but material. Thoughts are thus transferable. Emptiness is not transferable.” Osho, “Intuition: Knowing without logic”
“All aspects of human life are transient, therefore to cling to any aspect eventually brings grief and loss. Each incident, however, Is an opportunity to search within For the source of life, Which is ever present, unchanging And not subject to loss Or the ravages of time.” David Hawkins “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”
“Intuition is a mirror ... it does not create anything. Like a third eye, it simply informs.” Osho, “Intuition: Knowing without logic”
“The inner processing of attachments is dependent on the exercise of the will, which alone has the power to undo the mechanism of attachment by the process of surrender. The emotional pain of loss Arises from the attachment itself And not from the ‘what’ That has been lost”. David Hawkins “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness”
“Direction is subtle, delicate, fragile. Destination belongs to the ego; Direction belongs to life, to being.” Osho, “Intuition: Knowing without logic”
“When we can see into the mirror of relationship, then we can begin to see all of ourselves. To do this we need to recognise that we are not flawed Simply because we have negative traits. Recognising that we have negative traits Simply means that we are complete And in that completeness we gain Greater access to our non-local selves.” Deepak Chopra “SynchroDestiny”
“Beloved Pan, and all ye other gods who haunt this place, Give me beauty in the inward soul; And may the outward and inward man be at one. May I reckon the wise to be wealthy, And may I have such a quantity of gold As a temperate man can bear and carry, Anything more? The prayer, I think, is enough for me.” The prayer of Socrates to the local deities, Plato, “Phaedrus”
“Once you can see yourself in others it will become much easier to connect with them, and through that connection to discover unity consciousness. The door to synchro-destiny will open. Such is the power Of the mirror of relationship." Deepak Chopra “SynchroDestiny”
“At every moment we have the choice of either feeling gratitude for what has been given to us or indulging in grievances about what is missing. Grievance and gratitude are polar opposites. Grievance focuses on what is not there - the imperfections of relative love - and looks for someone to blame. Gratitude recognises what is here - the simple beauty of human presence and contact - and responds to it with appreciation. When we reflect on how life is possible only because it is held, surrounded and nourished by a field of kindness, this gives rise to natural gratitude.” John Welwood, “Healing the Wound of the Heart”
“Great love can both take hold and let go.” A.R.Orage
“Everyone and everything around you is your teacher.” Ken Keyes Jnr, “Handbook to Higher Consciousness"
“There is only one courage and that is the courage to go on dying to the past, not to collect it, not to accumulate, not to cling to it. We all cling to the past and because we cling to the past we become unavailable to the present.” Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, “Walking in Zen, Sitting in Zen”
“You should always be aware that your head creates your world”. Ken Keyes Jnr.
“Perfect kindness acts without thinking of kindness”. Lao Tse
“What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday. And our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of the mind.” The Buddha
“For those who believe no proof is necessary. For those who dont believe no proof is possible.” John & Lyn St. Clair Thomas, “Eyes of the Beholder”
“You must understand the whole of life not just one little part of it. That is why you must read. That is why you must look at the skies. That is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for that IS life.” Krishnamurti
“The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white. Neither need you do anything but be yourself.” Lao Tse
“Change is never a loss - It is change only.” Vernon Howard, “The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power”
“What kind of appreciation can transform your life? Appreciation that consists of two vital components: Gratitude plus valuing. It is this combination of gratitude and valuing that gives appreciation its power as a transformative energy.” “The Power of Appreciation”
If we could learn to live from the level of the soul, we would see that the best, most luminous part of ourselves is connected to all the rhythms of the universe. Deepak Chopra ‘Synchrodestiny’
Relationship is a tool for spiritual evolution, with the ultimate guide of reaching unity consciousness. We are all inevitably part of the universal consciousness, but the real breakthrough happens when we start to recognise that connection in our daily lives. Deepak Chopra ‘Synchrodestiny’
Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and let your whole life be a revelation. Eileen Caddy ‘Footprints in the Sand’
Everyone and everything around you is your teacher. Ken Keyes Jnr ‘Handbook to Higher Consciousness’
Death is the greatest illusion of all. OSHO
Where the mind goes, energy flows Ernest Holmes
The closed mind is seemingly comfortable, because it often only represents a state of maturational arrest. Denial on the other hand, is only a temporal fix, because it is based on a vulnerable premise. The difficulty with a closed mind is it is innately prideful. Maturity entails the capacity to live with the unanswered and uncertainty, and take pleasure from the fact that it is a stimulus to learning and further growth and leads to progressive discovery. David Hawkins ‘Truth Vs Falsehood’
In the proximity of death, the whole concept of ownership stands revealed as ultimately meaningless. Eckhart Tolle ‘A New Earth’
You can never be free until you disengage. So allow life to flow as you find it. The way it is, is the way it is. Stuarts Wilde ‘Infinite Self’
Watch nature, because it is your greatest teacher. It moves and flows and moves on again. There is an incredible beauty out there in the mountains, in the forests, to teach you it’s silence, its beauty, its humility. Stay aligned to that. Stuart Wilde ‘Infinite Self’
There is no other God other than life itself OSHO
No one can love you until you love yourself, and you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself. Raymond Charles Barker
The ability to be detached from all things and all people, and yet still see yourself as part of the whole of humanity, is one of the greatest paradoxes of the spiritual journey. Wayne Dyer
Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in being, instead of lost in your mind. Eckart Tolle ‘A New Earth’
To be upset over what you don’t have Is to waste what you do have. Ken Keyes Jnr ‘Handbook to Higher Consciousness’
Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much. Language consists of five basic sounds produced by the vocal chords. They are the vowels A, E, I , O and U. The other sounds are the consonants produced by air pressure: S, f, g and so forth. Do you believe some combination of such basic sounds could ever explain the ultimate purpose of the universe, or even what a tree or stone is at its depth? Eckhart Tolle “A new Earth’.
Anytime one reacts to events and conditions, one flips back into thinking-man weakness. Reaction is an affirmation that first one doesn’t control events and, second, one considers reality to be, that which is outside of oneself. Stuart Wilde ‘The Quickening’
If you can recognise illusion as illusion it dissolves. The recognition of illusion is also its ending. Its survival depends on you mistaking it for reality. Eckhart Tolle
To be detached you must know that all right-versus wrong dichotomies are the invention of people. Right does not exist independent of man. The universe is simply the way it is, running on the principles that we have defined, but still running independent of our opinion about it. Certainly it is fine to have strong opinions about anything that you choose, but the moment you become attached to these ideas, and thereby define yourself by them, you shut off the possibility of hearing another’s point of view. This attachment to ideas and to making others wrong is the history of the being called human being, and it accounts for untold wars and misery since the beginning of recorded history. Wayne Dyer “When you see it You’ll Believe it’
There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that’s your own self Aldous Huxley
It’s more important to be the right person than to find the right person. Ken Keyes Jnr ‘Handbook to Higher Consciousness’
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, That most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened About shrinking so that other people Won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us: It is in everyone, And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love’
You do not find compassion simply by listening to people; You open up the channel by removing the barriers to tenderness within you. Among the rewards are self-respect, connection of the deepest and most vital kind, and a straight road to making a difference. “The Art Of Possibility”
The underlying premise of a spiritual partnership is a sacred commitment between the partners to assist each other’s spiritual growth. Spiritual partners recognise their equality. Spiritual partners are able to distinguish personality from soul ... because spiritual partners are able to see clearly that there is indeed a deeper reason why they are together, and that reason has a great deal to do with the evolution of their souls. Gary Zukav ‘The Seat of the Soul’
Love in your mind Produces love in your life. This is the meaning of heaven. Fear in your mind Produces fear in your life. This is the meaning of hell. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love”
When we surrender to ‘God’ We surrender to something bigger than ourselves – To a universe that knows what its doing. When we stop trying to control events, they fall into a natural order, an order that works. We’re at rest while a power much greater than our own takes over, And it does a much better job than we could have done. We learn to trust that the power that holds the galaxies together Can handle the circumstances of our relatively little lives. Surrender means, by definition, giving up attachment to results. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love’
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others is the meaning of life. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love’
Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts. It’s a ‘world beyond’ that we all secretly long for. An ancient memory of this love haunts all of us all the time and beckons us to return . Fear is our shared lovelessness, our individual and collective hells. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love’
Heaven is a conscious choice to defy the ego’s voice. Marianne Williamson ‘A Return to Love’
Those who are patient in small and trivial things and control themselves will one day have mastery in great and important matters. Anonymous
Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul Wayne Dyer ‘The Power of Intention’
"I am" is an ever present fact, while "I am created" is an idea. Neither God nor the universe have come to tell you that they have created you. The mind, obsessed by the idea of causality, invents creation and then wonders "who is the creator?" The mind itself is the creator. Even this is not quite true, for the created and its creator are one. The mind and the world are not separate. Do understand that what you think to be the world is your own mind. All space and time are in the mind. There is only imagination. It has absorbed you so completely that you just cannot grasp how far from reality you have wandered. No doubt imagination is richly creative. Universe upon universe are built on it. Yet they are all in space and time, past and future, which just don't exist. It is you who are in movement and not time. Stop moving and time will cease. Past and future will merge in the eternal now." --- "The I AM man" whose name escapes me for the minute ...
“Namaste” “The spirit in me Honours the spirit in you”