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Mountain Man's UseNet ArchiveRandom Poetry in Cyberspacecollected from UseNet in 1996 | |||||
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Autumn of 1996
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turtle@aicap.s21.com (Turtle Heart) wrote:
Tobacco Indian
(c)Copyright 1995,AICAP
Turtle Heart. Ahnishinabeg Artist.
E-Mail: turtle@aicap.s21.com
Web: American Indian Computer Art Project
American Indian Computer Art Project (AICAP) 619-374-2208
PO Box 111, Johannesburg California 93528-0111
Land of Kaw-ii-Su Ancestor.
Land of Light.
lisa frost
And within each human, regardless
Through this touch
For the essence is love, and the
For that which heals is already the core of
73623.2507@compuserve.com (Peter Gibbs) wrote:
Air I am,
(Repeat and/or blend with:)
Air inspires us,
(Repeat and/or blend with:)
Earth my Body,
Solid as a rock, safe within the harbor
Freedom is the fire gonna break our chains,
How's that for starters?!
Peace and harmony,
~ ~ ~ Rain-
u2f16@cc.keele.ac.uk (F Janin) wrote:
And there my daughter child,
Sapphire, Felstar Janin.
~~~Robinson Jeffers
we have forgotten what it is like to be you
we remember imagining that what survived us
and would remember the world as it appears to us
we kill you again and again
eating the forests
and dying of them
leaving you the morning
~~~ W. S. Merwin
- Alan Williams
When you have a quiet moment, seek egolessness and remember that the
human body and nervous system are merely the organic user interfaces
that interpret holonomic materiality for a unique transcendental entity
that emerges reciprocally within the unconditioned vital energy of
uncreated absolute Pure Being.
Subject: Verse 5: Becoming
- Alan Williams
E-Mail: hermital@livingston.net
Physics, Metaphysics and the Holographic Paradigm
And how can the healer
not love those whom she heals?
For she has embraced
them in entirety
of body, soul and mind.
of whatever evil or disease
she might find,
she has touched the indelible essence,
the purity, the absolute manifestation
of human kind.
deliverance is a reflection in kind.
healing touch is said reflection combind.
all human kind.
Enclosed and encapsulated within heart and mind,
the hope of love becomes certainty
when it is a reflection in kind.Rainbow Songs ...
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 96 05:09:23 -0800
From: 73623.2507@compuserve.com (Peter Gibbs)
To: alt.gathering-rainbow
NewsItem: news:960305014335_73623.2507_FHV86-2@CompuServe.COM
Subject: Rainbow songs
We are opening, We are opening
We are opening, We are opening
We are opening up in sweet surrender
To the luminous love light of the One.
We are opening up in sweet surrender
To the luminous love light of the One.
Fire I am,
Water, Earth and Spirit I am
Fire protects us,
Water cleanses,
Earth heals us
Air my Breath,
Water my Blood, and
Fire my Spirit
Ancient as a stone, strong as the sea.
Solid as a rock, deep within the Mother
Water flow around me.
Gonna stop the fire of destruction.
Healing is the fire flowing through our veins,
Gonna rise with the fire of * Freedom!
~:-) in-the-
~ ~ ~ FaceVoices
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 96 08:46:27 -0800
From: u2f16@cc.keele.ac.uk (F Janin)
Item: news:4hv7e2$7h5@gerry.cc.keele.ac.uk
Subject: Voices
Shouting at the wind.
A walk upon the shore,
Amidst high winter's voices,
The crash and boom of eternal waves,
The rush and draw, sigh and gasp,
Before the turbulent verdigris deeps,
Launch forth assaults with mighty roars,
Splendid dragons capering advance,
White breath stopping just short of our toes,
Upon the verge of their domain,
While whirling buffets of intangible power,
Entice and hurl our minds and forms,
Amongst spaces and soft walls of sound,
To trip and stumble in shifting sands,
That tremble in fractured stability,
Immmersed in the wonder, almost hovering,
Where dragons dissolve in the land,
Floating translucent to the furies,
Transcending her mortality,
Incipient flight of an albatross,
Born to ride the storm,
So too, here my son, in joyous fury,
Form enfolded, to my own raging heart,
Finds his voice, dragonheart cry,
To meet those of deeps and heavens,
In eternal tournament defy,
Yet should I release him,
From this anchoring grasp,
Not yet, not yet,... young warrior brightPowers and Magic
Date: 25 Jun 96 15:35:47
From: asheera@aol.com (Asheera)
To: news.alt.consciousness
Subject: Powers and Magic
My friend from Asia has powers and magic, he
plucks a blue leaf from the young blue-gum
And gazing upon it, gathering and quieting
The God in his mind, creates an ocean more real
than the ocean, the salt, the actual
Apalling presence, the power of the waters.
He believes that nothing is real except as we make it.
I humbler have found in my blood
Bred west of Caucasus a harder mysticism.
Multitude stands in my mind but I think that the
ocean in the bone vault is only
The bone vault's ocean: out there is the ocean's;
The water is the water, the cliff is the rock, come
shocks and flashes of reality. The mind
Passes, the eye closes, the spirit is a passage;
The beauty of things was born before eyes and
sufficient to itself, the heart-breaking beauty
Will remain when there is no heart to break for it.Elders
Date: 21 Jul 96 15:35:47
From: asheera@aol.com (Asheera)
To: E-Mail
Subject: Elders ... W. S. Merwin
we have been here so short a time
and we pretend that we have invented memory
who do not remember us
would be like us
but it will be your eyes that will fill with light
and we turn into you
eating the earth and the water
departing from ourselves
in its antiquity Becoming
When an autonomous
egoless awareness
transforms across
the initial
reciprocal boundary
into holonomic
inner space,
the imperturbable
egoless equanimity
of unconditional
Pure Consciousness,
Pure Being,
remains undisturbed.
Free of ideation,
free of all
holonomic imagery,
the egoless monad
yet perceives
only egoless ONEness,
and the mathematical
reciprocal of one
is one.
If an egoless monad
in conditional
by generating
or acknowledging
a second awareness,
the conjoined pair
the germinal nucleus
of an autonomous
holonomic Mind.
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 14:16:12 -0700
From: Hermital
Reply-To: hermital@livingston.net
Organization: Consciousness/Holographic Paradigm
Newsgroups: alt.insight, sci.philosophy.meta, sci.cognitive, sci.misc, alt.zen+budo, alt.sci.physics.new-theories, alt.consciousness.mysticism
Thu, 09 Jan 1997Mountain
are all the others?
Where are
the sophisticated,
the afflicted,
the demogogues?
As I climb step
by tenacious step
along the tortuous
unmarked path
between tree line
and summit,
even entities
near and dear
in earlier,
less trying times
pursue human ends
by human means.
In the transparent
rarefied atmosphere
above the clouds,
mountain ranges
into the distance,
it is clear
that cohabitation
in human form
is an intensive
learning experience
for those who seek
and that each
emergent entity
must travel his
or her own path.
all paths converge
at every summit.
Mountain Man's UseNet
Random Poetry in Cyberspace
collected from UseNet in 1996
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Autumn of 1996