Newsgroups: sci.physics
Subject: The Common Cause of Gravity and Magnetism
The basic idea here is that gravity may be due to radially
oriented electrostatic dipoles inside the earth's atomic nuclei;
the negative pole, with some multiple of the electron's charge,
is the inner pole and the outer pole has enought positive charge
so that the total charge is that of a proton; the distance
between oppositely charged poles is between 10^-12 and
10^-18meters inside the earth's atomic nuclei; the value of each
dipole increases with the distance between it and all other
dipoles so the force between any two dipoles is proportional to
the distance between the dipoles squared taking into account
their relative orientation; this means that the instantaneous
dipole-dipole force which varies inversely as the fourth power
between colinear dipoles reduces to an inverse square force; the
different sizes of dipoles determined by different pairwise
interactions and their different forces when summed together
over all pairwise interactions yields a single force and implies
a single unique dipole in each nucleus intermediate to the
pairwise extremes given above and closer to the the measured
values of nuclear radii in different contexts, about 10^-15
From this premise it is possible to derive all of the
substantiated predictions of General Relativity, most of which
have to do with the explicit interaction of gravity with
electrical and magnetic forces, without recourse to the
assumption that the force of gravity is a functon not only of
properties of the force source like its size, density, location
but also of its velocity and acceleration. The dependence in GR
of the gravitational field on the velocity and acceleration of
the force source leads to counter intuitive and subjectivist
space time distortions beyond Einstein's fantasies eg. those of
Hawking, Penrose, Whitten etc..
To make the same predictions as GR we must also correct a
similar mistaken assumption in Maxwell's theory of
electromagnetic forces. Maxwell had to withdraw his claims of a
crowded if not distorted ether filled with invisible cams that
propagated not only characteristics of the source like its
volume, density,and location but also of its motion; the
mathematics gave accurate predictions so perhaps one could
ignore the cams or isomorphic mechanisms. It was like the grin
of the cheshire cat in Lewis Carroll's Wonderland also of the
1860s. But one can't accept Maxwell's mathematics and ignore its
absurd implications. The mathematics predicted the observed
radiation but it also implied a mechanism for transmitting the
effects for which there was no independent evidence, which was
thus invisible but had the rigidity of iron. Such absurd
implications were swept under the rug and not until Feynman's
QED theory of Einstein's photons and probabilistic theory of
light and its interactions with matter was the problem resolved
-by substituting photons for waves at all frequencies. In
Maxwell's theory, the fact that the source of a radiated force,
a moving charge, was oscillating in a repetitive pattern helped;
just like the regular pattern of planets orbiting the sun and
the solar system orbiting the center of the galaxy etc helped
Einstein's use of a similar assumption in GR.
Maxwell's absurd implications can be avoided without
Feynman's circumlocutions that permit some general description
of the interaction of light with matter but prevent one from
knowing the specific interactions of specific photons or their
source with the receiver. If one acknowledges that light is not
a moving thing but the result of instantaneous forces at a
distance on charged matter whose inertia etc., delays the
appearance of received radiation, then the interaction of light
with matter can be described in terms of what actually happens
and not merely probabalistically. Is such a theory of light
consistent with measurements of the speed of light? Yes in all
but one case the observed values can be so interpreted; the
exception is Roemer's crude measurement which is far enough from
the other values to be regarded as a non coincidence. Roemer's
measurement is also an inconsistent one when moons of Jupiter
besides Io eg Europa are taken into account.
Similarly the absurd or probabilistic implications of GR can
be avoided by finding an alternative to the assumption that the
gravitational field is a function of the velocity and
acceleration of the source of the field. This alternative is the
assumption of instantaneous electrical interactions that
account for the delay in the appearance of received
electromagnetic radiation, for the apparent bending of light and
frequency shifts of radar due to the sun, of gamma rays due to
the earth, etc..
Getting back to the basics of the proposed alternative
theory. The proposed electrostatic dipoles also exist in
current carrying wires, transverse to and proportional to the
driving force of the current, inside the atomic nuclei and free
electrons of current carrying wires formerly characterized as
their spin.These dipoles which also increase with the distance
between interacting wires and decrease with the currents in
other wires as explained below produce the magnetic field of a
current carrying wire. (Experiments suggesting that electrons
and atomic nuclei do not have electrostatic dipoles do so only
after the effects of spin have been taken into account) These
dipoles are superimposed on the dipoles associated with gravity.
Electrostatic dipoles in the atomic nuclei of ferromagnetic
materials can also explain the magnetic field of these
materials; unlike materials composed of any of the other
elements, the atoms in these materials are bound together by
their electrons in configurations that prevent to some extent
the nuclear dipoles from changing direction so as to line up
with the gravitational field of the earth of which they are a
part; that is they prefer to line up with the nuclear dipoles
around them in the same domain or in the entire bulk material of
which they are a part. To make the nuclear dipoles in such
materials line up completely with the gravitational field of the
earth it is necessary that the bulk material containing the
nuclear dipoles also changes orientation - as in a compass
Now a magnetized piece of iron or steel held below a piece of
paper with iron filings on it can cause the iron filings to line
up in a certain way giving rise to Faraday's notion of invisible
lines of force; a piece of copper, silicon or what have you will
not be able to produce the same effect on the iron filings; the
reason for this is that the electrostatic dipoles in the nuclei
of silicon and of these other materials change direction
constantly so as to line up with the earth's radius from these
atoms toward the center of the earth etc; The force of gravity
can be shown to be nothing more than the collective force of an
enormous number of such electrostatic dipoles.
The Argument:
- 1) We argue that the spin of electrons and
nuclei can be better characterized in terms of charge
polarization inside the electrons and nuclei;
- 2) that
electrostatic shielding involving the relative displacement of
free electrons and lattice ions in conductive materials
producing a relatively large dipole does not shield against the
effects of charge polarization inside the free electrons and
lattice nuclei of such materials when they are carrying a
current, ie their so called magnetic effects;
- 3) that the
electrostatic dipoles associated with the gravitational effects
of satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, clusters,
superclusters etc were produced by a primordial force whose
initial effect was the forward motion of the atomic nuclei
within a large collection of nuclei and charge polarization
transverse to the forward motion and subsequently a torque on
these collections of transverse electrostatic dipoles which
moved together causing the galaxies etc to spin and spin off
stars and stars to spin off planets and planets to spin off
satellites etc.;
- 4) that the attraction of planets to the sun
requires a dipole inside nuclei tracking the sun in addition
to the one whose orientation is constantly changing so as to be
directed toward the center of the planet etc.;
- 5) that
Cavendish's measurement of the horizontal gravitational force
between lead balls is due to the attraction between the
transverse component of radial oriented dipoles inside the
atomic nuclei of the attracted balls; that to sustain the
dipoles in the atomic nuclei of planets and stars the
transverse dipole component fields may sustain one another; that
is the radial and longitudinal dipoles transverse to a force in
the latitudinal direction produce fields at right angles to one
- 6) that the longitudinal dipole field can produce a
radial dipole and the radial dipole field can produce a
longitudinal dipole and thereby the radial and longitudinal
fields can be selfsustaining (Note in Newton's theory the radial
force of gravity comes first and the orbital motion of the earth
is due to this force and a uniform velocity that was assumed
always there or produced by a First Mover who then went away.
Here we are assuming that a primordial force was partitioned
into ever smaller circular movements and forces and that the
force causing the earth ot orbit the sun and spin is a part of
this total primordial force. Gravity then comes second and
results from the dipoles produced by this force on particles
held in orbit by electrical forces; The resulting dipoles may be
self sustaining or the primordial force, perhaps initiated a
finite number of years ago with a big explosion remains,
however far removed from the earth and acts to sustain the
Hubble accelerative expansion and may act directly and
constantly to sustain the electrostatic dipoles inside every
atom after thermal collsions.);
- 7) that Einstein's explanation of
the bending of starlight by the sun etc can be otherwise
explained in terms of a small relative delay in response to em
radiation due to the greater residual dipole in atomic nuclei on
the side of the earth facing the sun; similarly for the red
shift of radar reflections from planets.
Regarding the magnetic effects of current carrying wires:
Electrostatic dipoles inside atomic nuclei and free electrons
can produce the magnetic force observed between parallel (or
however oriented) current carrying wire segments r meters apart
where the currents are nevA and nev'A' say. The Amperian force
per unit length between the two parallel current segments then
is 10^-7 times (nevA)(nev'A) divided by r^2. which could also
be written as (9 times 10^9 divided by ((3)(10^9))^2) times
(r)(v/v')(nevA)(r)(v'/v)(nev'A') divided by r^4 which is the
force per unit length between nA and nA' electrostatic dipoles
which are larger the greater r is and the greater v is compared
to v' etc.. That is the electrostatic dipoles are in part due to
the emf causing the speed, v, of the electron and in part due
to the lack of interference from other dipoles. When the
current in one wire is much larger than the current in another
wire, the interference effect on the smaller current is greater
and so the increase in its dipoles is less than the increase in
the dipoles in the wire carrying the larger current. The
expansion of the dipoles inside the atomic nuclei and free
electrons can be represented as K(S)res and k(s)reS where K(S)
is the ratio of one dipole before consideration of the other eg
S over s+S or over s; k(s), similarly. The mechanism for the
expansion of the dipole can be described in terms of the
elliptization of an orbital system ie of an initially
circularlly orbiting particle made to move in a transverse
ellipse perpendicular to an applied tangential electrostatic
force at some point on the orbit. The assumption that there is
only one orbiting charge and that the the magnitude of the
charge being polarized is that of a single electron or positron
can be modified; perhaps the simplest assumption is that the
proton consists of a negative charge of -e and a positive charge
of +2e so that the net charge is as observed.
One might object to this theory on the grounds that
electrostatic shielding is not effective in shielding against
magnetic fields; the answer is that a large number of similarly
oriented small electrostatic dipoes inside the nuclei and free
electrons of a piece of metal produce entirely different fields
than an excess of free electrons on one side of the piece of
metal and a deficiency on the other; this can be shown
mathematically as well as by the experiments cited below.
One might also object that each pairwise force between one
wire segment carrying current i(1) and many other sements would
imply different dipoles associated with the same segment; Now
it is true that a dipole inside one wire segment cannot at the
same time be the product r(1,2)s(1) and also r(1,3)s(1) where
s(1)=i(1)/c and the distance between segments 1 and 2 denoted
is not equal to r(1,3), the distance between segments 1 and 3.
But the actual dipole involved here, r(1)s(1), where r(1) is yet
to be determined is equivalent in its effects to the sum of
dipole-dipole forces involving different dipoles for the same
wire segment The mathematical procedure for determining r(1) etc
and the unique dipole r(1)(s(1) etc is as follows:
The force on the first of three current carrying wire segment
due to the other two wire segments is
[ks(1)s(2)r(1,2)^2]/r(1,2)^4 +[ks(1)s(3)r(1,3)^2]/r(1.3)^4
where k denotes a constant of proportionality and the other
terms are as defined above. We set this expression for the force
equal to another expression, in terms of unknowns to be
determined, for the same force, namely
[ks(1)s(2)r(1)r(2)]/r(1,2)^4 + [ks(1)s(3)r(1)r(3)]/r(1,3)^4.
Note this equivalence will only be valid if r(1)r(2)=r(1,2)^2
and r(1)r(3)=r(1,3)^2; that is if r(1)=r(1,2)^2/r(2) and
r(2)=[r(1,3)^2/r(1,2)^2]r(3). The force on the second wire
segment due to the first and third gives a similar equation
which will hold under similar conditions. Now we have enough to
r(2)^2=[(r(1,3)^2)/(r(1,2)^2)][r(2,3)^2] and
r(1)=[r(1,2)^2]/r(2). Proceeding in this way we obtain r(3) and
thus unique dipoles for each segment. The procedure generalizes
for many however oriented current segments even if the currents
are of different magnitudes.
In 1984 I was invited to MIT to repeat some experiments
carried out several years before at the Polytechnic University
of New York. The experiments involved measurements of small
attractive forces about 10^(-7to-5)Newtons, between uncharged
current carrying wires(900Amps to 25Amps) and a charged cm^2
foil(2kV) and two oppositely charged foils separated by a thi,
eg 1mm dielectric(.42kV). The attraction appeared to increase
with increasing currents contrary to the accpeted theory that
the magnetic force of current carrying wires was independent of
the electrostatic force of charged conductors(Note that induced
oppositely directed currents cause repulsion). The first
experiment was published in the Rev Sci. Instr.(3/85), a brief
discussion appeared in the Electrical Engineering
TImes(12/28/87). A related patent was accepted by the US patent
office(4,355,195) and a paper purporting to be a duplication of
one of the first experiments using completely different
apparatus and orders of magnitude of currents presented results
which did not confirm my original findings(RSI, kD.F.Bartlett
10/90). And why should it. Because it was not as advertised an
honest duplication of the original experiment cited.
Regarding the electrostatic force that produced the residual
electrostatic dipoles in atoms that accounts for gravity: A
primordial electrostatic force, perhaps as part of a big bang
explosion, produced the motion of the superclusters, the
galaxies, the present 200km/sec orbiting of the sun around our
galaxy's center, the 29.9km/sec earth around the sun the
.465km/sec spin of the earth about its center. Note the
throwing, batting or cueing of a ball is ultimately an
electrostatic force between the outer electrons in the hand,
bat or tip and the surface of the ball. Such forces may have
produced the initial linear motion of atoms and the
elliptization of circularly orbiting particles inside atomic
nuclei and free electrons. This produced a separation of centers
of positive charge and negative charge inside atomic nuclei
etc.. Such dipoles produced in the big bang perhaps in galactic
clumps of atoms interacting with the primordial linear force
gave rise to a torque accounting for the spin of galaxies etc.
and the spinning off of planets from the stars and satellites
from the planets. It may be that the radially and longitudinally
oriented dipoles once produced by a latitudinally directed force
are capable by their mutual interactions of sustaining
themselves as in the dipole chain model of ferroelectrics(see
Feynman v2p5-5). It may also be that the force producing the
Hubble accelerative expansion or other motion of galaxies, the
orbit of the solar system and the orbit of planets about the sun
etc is an ever present force which is needed to sustain the
dipoles inside atomic nuclei as well as the accerlerative and
component motions of the galaxies.
Regarding the size of the electrostatic dipoles: According to
Cavendish even as interpreted above the gravitational constant
for a small lead ball horizontally pulled toward a larger fixed
lead ball was about 6.67 times 10^-11; and according to
Eratosthenes (from the different shadows of sticks at noon on
the solstice day at Alexandria and at Syene 948km south, the
curvature of the assumed spherical earth) the earth's radius was
nearly today's value R=6,371km.; and according to Galileo and
Newton the earth pulls objects down such that the downward
acceleration is, whatever the object, GM/R^2=9.8 meters per
sec^2; from these three observations, Cavendish inferred the
density of the earth to be nearly 5.5kg/cubic meter, the
accepted value now based on improvements in Cavendish's method;
Hence the force of the earth whose mass then is 5.98 times
10^24kg on a proton of mass 1.67 times 10^-27kg on the earth's
surface R=6.37(10^6) meters away from the earth's mass
concentrated at the center is .24 times 6.67 times
10^-11+24-27-12 = 1.6(10^-26) Newtons. Compare this to the
gravitational force between two protons one meter apart which is
(6.67)(10^-11) times [(1.67)(10^-27)]^2 which if set equal to
the force between electrostatic dipoles of unknown length s ,
(9)(10^9)(es)^2 implies s=(.9)(10^-18). We are assuming that the
charge displaced is 'e' when in fact it might be some multiple
of 'e' greater than one. The mass of protons are known from
their deflection when propelled by an electric field through a
magnetic field in mass spectrometers; that is from the degree
of charge polarization inside the nuclei due to the electric
field propelling them and the strength of the magnetic field
relative to the degree of charge polarization in the nuclei due
to gravity and the gravitational strength of the earth.
Now consider how many atoms there are in the earth and how
many protons plus neutrons in the average atom eg a total of 28
if all silicon on average. (56 if all iron , 12 if all oxygen
etc..) There are 6.02 times 10^26 atoms of silicon in 28kg so
if the mass of the earth has (5.98 times 10^24)/28 times 6.02
times 10^26 atoms and each of these times has 28 (= 14protons
plus 14 neutrons) yields 3.6 times 10^51 dipoles. Hence the
force between half these dipoles concentrated at a point R/2
meters from the surface and a single dipole at the earth's
surface is (9)(10^9)(3.6/2)(10^51) times
[(6.37/2)(10^6)(1.6)(10^-19)(.9)(10^-18)]^2 divided by
[(6.37/2)(10^6)]^4. This reduces to
(3.32)(10^60-38-36-12)=(3.32)(10^-26) Newtons compared to
(1.6)(10^-26) as calculated above in the usual way.
Most of the force pulling the proton downward comes from
dipoles on the same radius
to the earth's center and on nearby radii whose net downward
force is projected through small angles on the proton's radius.
The number of such dipoles is within a few orders of magnitude
of the 10^51 total. Since the concentrated dipole in the center
of the earth is not a real entity we do not have to take into
account the strong interference effect of it on the dipole in
the surface proton compared to the weak interference effect of
the single proton dipole on the hypothetical concentrated total
dipole. When we compute the pairwise force between our surface
proton and one about 10^6 meters away we are implicitly
weighting the importance of this force relative to protons a few
meters away etc by the R^-4 term for the force; that is when we
sum all these pairwise forces the implicit 10^(-18+6) dipole
length is given much less weight than the 10^-18 length dipoles
etc.. Also the degree to which the unique intermediate dipole in
the atomic nuclei, that would give the same result as these
pairwise constructs, can expand due to the primordial force
proposed, is limited by the electrostatic force between the core
of the atomic nuclei and the proposed oppositely charged
orbiting particle or particles around the core. Hence the
intermediate value of the unique dipole that would give the same
sum of forces as the sum over the pairwise dipoles is probably
closer to 10^-18 eg 10^-16 which is in the range of measured
values of various atomic nuclei in various experimental
contexts; also as we mentioned the amount of charge displaced
might be more then 'e' so that the distance between poles could
be smaller.
Regarding the attraction of the planets to the sun: This
requires an additional dipole inside the planet's nuclei
oriented along lines between these nuclei and the sun roughly
parallel to each other and to a line from the center of the
planet to the sun. If the sun threw off such material that
coalesced and formed planets and then attracted it back toward
the sun and in the case of the earth, the earth's dipoles are
oriented with their positive pole on the outside which explains
the accumulation of free charge on the surface of the earth and
the similar potential gradient of the atmosphere; if this was
the case then the outer pole of the sun's dipoles is negative.
Thus the outer positive pole of the earth's atomic dipoles are
attracted to the negative outer pole of the sun's atomic
dipoles.. At a greater distance from the planet the dipoles
associated with the spin of the planet and facing the sun may be
substantially weakened by oppositely directed spin dipoles on
the dark side of the planet. This demands that we add a solar
dipole component in the planet's atomic nuclei of a size that
is similar to the spin dipole component oriented along the
planet's radii and that the solar component dipole in each
atomic nucleus changes orientation as the planet changes its
position with respect to the sun just as the spin component
dipole changes orientation as the earth's radius on which it is
situated changes direction as the earth spins. The need for such
an added dipole is that it would help to explain why the earth
does not fall apart under the influence of the sun's attraction
of one side and its repulsion of the other. That is the side of
the earth nearest the sun is more attracted to the sun but also
because of the added dipole in the atomic nuclei, the atoms of
the earth nearest the sun are more attracted to each other when
compared to atoms on the dark side of the earth. Both of these
effects larglely cancel so that the net gravitational force on
the sunny side of the earth is the same as that on the dark side
except for the observed tidal effects. Similar considerations
apply for dipoles in the atomic nuclei of the the earth, other
planets and the sun tracking the center of the galaxy.
Now the largest distance between atomic nuclear dipoles on
the earth implicitly determining the maximal size of the dipoles
is about 10^6 meters whereas the distances for planets to the
sun is 5.79(10^10) for mercury, (1.49)(10^11) for earth to
5.9(10^12) meters for pluto and for the sun to the galactic
center 10^4 parsecs= (3)(10^20) meters. Lets see what the atomic
nuclear dipoles in the sun and earth must be to give the
observed gravitational force between them and if they are small
enough to be consistent with the known distances between atoms
at various temperatures etc..That is we must be able to write
the total dipoles as keRs and KeRS where k and K are functions
of the relative influence of the total dipoles on each other
etc; the totall dipoles here are proportional to the masses(note
the planet masses are .22,4.87,5.97,.64,1899.7,568.8,86.9,103.0,
.013 times 10^24kg vs the sun's(2)(10^30)kg.); that is to the
number of protons plus neutrons, denoted, protons-neutrons, in
each mass. Since the sun is .75H+.25He so that 1.75kg of sun
contains 6.02 times 10^26 molcules each of which contains on
average 1.75 protons-neutrons so 1kg of sun contains 6.02 times
10^26 protons-neutrons in a volume that is larger of course than
that of 1 kg of a solid planet; but 1kg of any planet or the
sun contains the same number of protons -neutrons. There are
about 2(10^30) kg in the sun. Hence the sun contains 6.02 times
10^26 times M = 12 times 10^56 and earth contains 6.02 times
10^26 times m = 3.59times 10^51 unit dipoles in the earth.The
total dipoles are: k(s)RS is 1.2(10^57)k(s)RS* and K(S)Rs is
Hence GmM/R^2 = 9(10^9)mM[6.02)(10^26)]^2 times kK times
s*S* times (N)(2.56)10^-38 divided by R^2. If N=1,this implies
kKs*S*=(.0079)10^-61-11+38 = (10^-36) approximately. Now RkS*
and RKs* are the magnitudes of the dipoles associated with the
sun and planet respectively where R is about 10^11 to 10^13
meters.. But we also know that the earth's dipoles cannot be
larger than atomic nuclei about 10^-15 =RKs* that Ks*=10^-26
which implies kS*=10^-10 and RkS*=10^-10+11 so the dipoles on
the sun are 10 meters in length.
This sounds impossible. Perhaps the charge of the dipole
could be somehow larger so that instead of the sun's dipoles
being eS* etc., it could be e*S* where e* is the charge on say
1000 electrons or more and S* could be that much smaller. After
all at the high temperatures (T=5.77(10^3) to 1.5(10^7)
degrees Kelvin of the sun the average kinetic energy is
(1.5)(1.38)(10^-23)T Joules =.5mv^2 where 1.602(10^-19)Joules
=1ev and 9.1(10^-31)kg times v^2 gives the speed of an electron
at this temperature; that is about (10^-20)Joules /(10^-30) at
the low 5770 degree value of T suggesting v=10^5 meters per
second for this temperature; but below the sun's surface then
with much greater temperatures, v is far in excess of the 10^6
meter/sec velocity of the electron around the hydrogen or helium
nuclei. This suggests that dipoles much larger than those
proposed for atomic nucle are possible within plasmas between
groups of electrons and groups of ions, protons or helium
nuclei separated by distances that can still be many orders of
magnitude smaller than ten meters.
Similar reasoning could explain the dipole attraction between
the solar system and the center of the galaxy. But what about
the moon 3.84 times 10^8 meters away which suggests that if
RKS* = (10^8)KS*=10-15 say that (10^8)ks* = 10^-36+15
suggesting that Rks*=10^-13 meters. Perhaps this is a problem or
perhaps the tidal effects of the moon on the earth and vice
versa and perhaps the amount of charge polarized inside the
earth's atomic nuclei is larger than we first considered; that
is, Ne , where N is greater than on.
What is the relationship of gravity to the net spin of the
planet, satellite, star, galaxy etc. and to the number of atoms
contained in each? Clearly as in Newtonian gravity theory the
gravitational attractive force of a planet etc is proportional
to the number of atoms. It is then proportional to the angular
momentum but if the angular velocity was increased and the mass
was decreased so that the angular momentum remained the same
would the attractive force remain the same? Blackett suggests
such a possibility and a correlation between magnetic field and
gravitational field in the May 1947 issue of Nature regarding
the planets, the sun, and a few stars. An extension of this idea
is that a primordial electrostatic force produced a linear
momentum of galaxies or clusters of galaxies which was
partitioned first into the angular momenta of the spinning
galaxies and then into the spinning stars and then into the
spinning planets and their satellites. That is the strength of
the magnetic field is a function of the total of the angular
momentum components and the linear momentum component and the
number of protons-neutrons in the mass considered.The total
force may also be evident in each of these objects down to the
planetary satellites.If for example the total force produces
charge polarization inside atomic nuclei and electrons initially
in a high temperature plasma state, the effect of the assumed
linear force on charge polarized nuclei and plasmas would be to
cause a torque on individual nuclei but also on large clumps of
electrons and nuclei. This mechanism could provide a rationale
for the approximate covariation of gravity with angular momentum
that Blackett, Wilson and others had observed and an explanation
of why the relationship might not be more exact. Thus any
accelerated object, eg a bullet, a rocket, a plane, a car, a
frisbee, a skidding or spinning billiard ball etc has
electrostatic dipoles produced in its atomic nuclei transverse
to and proportional to the accelerating force which even if
mechanical is still ultimately electrostatic; The tendency of
linearly propelled atomic nuclei to then rotate may add to the
aerodynamic efficiency of spinning projectiles. The resulting
dipole field may or may not be self sustaining against thermal
disturbances as in the dipole chain model of ferroelectrics
(Feynman v2p5-5, 11-10).
In the above mentioned ferroelectric model the dipoles are
assumed to be composed of poles, concentrations of charge that
are fairly constant over time unlike our model of charge
polarization inside atomic nucle which changes rapidly with the
position of the orbiting charged particle(s) inside the nuclei
but which averaged over the orbital time period represents a
displacement of centers of negative and positive charge in a
specific direction. In both models the dipole-dipole interaction
is the same but the interaction of one dipole with a single pole
of the other is different in the two models. In our model the
action of one dipole on the single pole of another is to produce
a transverse elliptical motion of the single pole, rather than
as in the ferroelectric model to produce a motion of the pole
only in the direction of the dipole field and thereby to sustain
a dipole field. It is conceivable that the longitudinal and
radial dipoles initially created by the primordial force acting
in the latitdinal direction causing the planet to spin could
also sustain the dipoles then produced; that is the longitudinal
dipole field would act to produce radial dipoles after thermal
collisions etc and vice versa. Perhaps this occurs more readily
in spherical spinning objects. But it is also conceivable that
the force producing the accelerative motions of the galaxies and
so in some small component part, the spin of the earth is
constantly creating the dipoles anew; that the First Mover or
the force producing the accelerative Hubble expansion of the
galaxies is always however far away "with" us also in the sense
of sustaining the electrostatic dipoles of the gravitational
force in our atoms.
For explanatory purposes suppose the primordial force acted
only on a clump of atoms that became the spinning earth when
dipoles produced in the atomic nuclei transverse to the initial
linear force responded then to the linear primordial force by
also spinning. The spinning might continue in the absence of
friction by inertia. But what prevents the dipoles from
disappearing due to thermal collisions of atomic nuclei with the
inner shell of electrons, if there is no force to produce them?
Now working backwards suppose the linear primordial force is
associated with the movement of the solar system in the galaxy;
then further backward with the movement of the galaxy in a
cluster etc. and that the primordial force remains. The
existence of this primordial force then is the cause of the
movement of galaxies is the cause of the movement of stars is
the cause of the sustained dipoles in the atomic nuclei of the
planets of stars that have planets which otherwise would be
reduced to zero after a few seconds of thermal collisions. When
the moon was spun off the earth and when we launch a satellite
by rocket, the satellite is accelerated to a velocity that
exceeds the velocity that would bring it back to earth but at
all times during this transitional state and once it is in orbit
around the earth it is also being acted upon by the force which
causes the spinning of the earth and the earth's orbital and
galactic motions and so it responds like everything else to this
force when the force that launched it is removed; that is the
nuclear dipoles in its atoms are sustained, even when they have
superimposed on them during the time of launching other dipoles,
and its motion with the earth around the sun etc is sustained as
well as its motion toward the earth constantly just enough to
keep it in orbit.
Returning to the Blackett and Wilson conjecture, the reason
for the relation between gravity magnetism and angular momentum
may be due to the component of the ever present force that is
manifest in the linear and angular velocity components of the
motion of the astronomical body. The more atomic nuclei there
are in the body and the greater its velocity components the
greater the gravitational and magnetic fields of the body. Hence
a spinning motion given to a ball by a momentary force may
produce initially additional charge polarization in its atomic
nuclei in radial oriented directions but without repetition of
this force perhaps through the self sustaining interaction of
radial and longitudinal dipole fields the charge polarization in
the atomic nuclei quickly becomes zero due to thermal
collisions. In the case of the planets, measurements of their
magnetic fields is complicated by the fact that different parts
and layers of the gaseous planets rotate at different velocities
and for the planets near the sun the sun's magnetic field has
an influence on the measurements. The fact that the gaseous
planet Jupiter has a magnetic field ten times stronger near its
equator than the earth even though it is several hundred times
larger in mass and the fact that the direction of the field is
opposite to its surface rotation is perhaps understandable in
terms of different directions of rotation in different regions
and is consistent with the Blackett and Wilson theory; Also the
similarity of Neptune to Jupiter except that Neptune is about
one twentieth of the mass of Jupiter and the similar ratio of
their magnetic fields to the ratio of their masses can be so
With repetition of the force causing linear motion or spin,
the dipoles can be sustained. This would imply that an airplane
traveling from Europe to the US for example is kept up not only
by Bernoulli's principle but also by a small antigravitational
repelling force between the atomic nuclear dipoles in the plane
and those of the Earth below that should increase with the
Bernoulli effect with the speed of the plane. By the same token,
a plane traveling from the US to Europe would be heavier the
faster it traveled but would have then also a greater degree of
If in small spinning objects in particular,eg baseballs, the
field of the longitudinal dipoles could sustain the radial
dipoles and the field of the radial dipoles could sustain the
longitudinal dipoles then the initial outside force could be
removed and the objects at least until frictional forces had
acted for enough time could depending on their direction of spin
become heavier or lighter as the airplane described above. A
related phenomenon might be Henry Wallace's patent 3 626 605 of
a kinemassic machine, a pair of wheels of brass like giroscopes
which are rotated at a speed of 20,000/60 rps and at the same
time one is rotated about another axis the wheels appear to be
propelled upward of become lighter (New Scientist 2/14/80). I
haven't read the patent and do not understand exactly what
occurs as described in the magazine. The rotation speed is
several times greater than that suggested by Blackett for a
bronze sphere 1 meter in diameter which Blackett said should
produce a magnetic field of 10^-8 Gauss. DePalma, Kidd,
Strachan, and Laithewaite have, I am told, reported similar
gravitational anomalies of spinning objects but I don't know the
details or references. Any information on this would be
appreciated and could be sent to Box 492 NY NY10185 or
Regarding the Gravitational red shifts and bending of
electromagnetic radiation. Before considering the esoteric
experiments conisder the commonplace observation of improvement
in the reception of radio frequencies at night from reception
during the day. This is attributed to greater radio activity
during the day but it could also be attributed to a decrease in
the distance between colliding free electrons and lattice ions,
nuclei and their surrounding electron shells in the receiver
antennas when the antenna is on the sunny side of the earth.
When a star is obsdrved against the background of stars at
say midnight its position seems to be about 3/3600 degrees ahead
of its position when its position is determined at the time of
year it is visible during an eclipse near the sun at noon; that
is the greater residual nuclear dipole seems to make possible a
difference in the delay of reception; a longer delay as the
earth truns more before light from the particular star becomes
visible. That is the proposed theory explains the bending of
light, by gravity without requiring a distrotion in the trhee
dimensional Cartesian coordinate system representing physical
space for out of the ordinary observations according to
Einstein's ingenious formula A similar explanation applies to
the red shift in radar reflections from venus and mercury when
they are on the opposite side of the sun; that is the
gravitational effect of the sun is not to change the time scale
of light wave disturbances in the ether near the sun so as to
increase the time between successive peaks and valleys of a sine
oscillation but to influence the radar receiving antennas on the
earth so that they do not respond as quickly to changes in
oscillating forces on the free electrons in their antennas
resulting in a lower frequency for the received oscillation of
charge in the radar antenna. Similarly for other red shift
experiments like Brault's on the gravitational red shift of
solar lines (Bull Amer Phys Soc. 8,28 1963). The red shift of
gamma rays as a function of their heighth 22.5 meters above the
earth's surface and the gravitational field of the earth may
have a similar explanation. That is the shift should be greater
the greater the distance between the source and the receiver at
least during the day; if the experiment is performed at night
the results should be a lesser delay. But the cause of the delay
is not the gravitational field of the Earth but the effect of
the sun's gravitational field on the earth's gravitational field.
Recent variations in the gravitational constant when
electostatic means are used to create stability in balance
measurements may be explained more clearly in terms of these
effects than of GR effects.
Ralph Sansbury
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Do Gravity and Magnetism have a Common Cause?a post from Ralph Sansbury