Mountain Man's Global News Archive
New Ideas in Natural Science Preceedings from Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia,
June 1996
Outline of Published Articles arising from the Conference
New Ideas in Natural Sciences, June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Date: 7 Dec 1996 10:01:31 +0300
From: "Alexander V. Frolov"
Newsgroups: sci.physics
Subject: Publication of Conference Papers.
Dear Sirs,
The book
"Proceedings of international scientific conference
"New Ideas in Natural Sciences,
St. Petersburg, Russia, June 1996",
English version, is ready for sale.
Contents of the book [with Page References] follow ...
Foreword [3]
Part 1: Contemporary Problems in Physics.
- Theoretical Investigations.
- Economic Effects of Space Energy Technologies (SET) on Individuals
and Society, Gruber Josef [5]
- Editorial "On the History of the Event" [14]
- Magneto-Voltaic Technology, A Solid State Approach for Tapping
the Zero-Point Energy Field (ZPE), Zielinsky A. [15]
- Researches on New Technologies, Address List [34]
- The Structure of Problems and Misconceptions in Modern Physics.
Methods for Solution, Possibilities and Consequences, Smirnov A.P. [35]
- On Physical Space Structure and New Interaction in Nature,
Baurov Yu.A. [45]
- The Hypothesis and The Equations of The Unified Matter Field,
Nassikas A.A. [61]
- Classical and Modified Electrodynamics, Zhilin P.A. [73]
- Tetra Space Co-ordinates (A tetrahedron-based system of space
co-ordinates), Hasslberger Josef [83]
- Galilei and Relativity Principle, Chirkov A.G. [87]
- A New Theory of the Unified Physical Field, Groshev V.L. [91]
- Physical essence of gravity constant and its consequences,
Vasil'ev V.V. [93]
- The Ether Model as Result of the New Empirical Conception,
Mishin A.M. [95]
- De Broglie Wave Physics, Butusov Kyrill P. [105]
- Expansion of Bor's Quantum Postulates, Klyushin J.G. [117]
- The Concept of Mass Process, Frolov A.V. [123]
- Thermal Electromagnetic Wave Generator, Lebed B.M, Petrov S.A. [135]
- Saha-Equation-Undeniable Evidence for the Physical Nature of Chemical
Bonding, Mueller M. [141]
- Quantum Electron Hydrodynamics Under Charge Neutralization Conditions,
Sanin A.L. [151]
- Energies, Impulses, and Forces Arising at Moving Electric Charges in
Vacuum, Fogel V.A., Shepsenvol M.A. [157]
- Formula for Relatively Stable Carbon Clusters, Volkov A. [167]
- On the Anisotropy of Electron, Efimov A.A. [173]
- Kozyrev-Dirak Emanation Method of Detecting and Interaction With
Matter, Shakhparonov I. [175]
- Non-dissipative Closed Electrical Current Process in Normal-State
(Non-superconductive) Electroconductive Media, Turchaninov G.S.,
Turchaninov I.G. [189]
- A proposed Experiment of Direct Detecting of The Vector Potential
Within Classical Electrodynamics, Onoochin V. [213]
- Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations,
Akimov A.E., Shipov G.I. [221]
- A Generalized Formula for the Lorentz Force Density and Maxwell
Equations, Klyushin J.G. [251]
Part 2. New Energetics. Practical Results.
- Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potential Benefits, Hurtak J.J.,
Bailey P.G. [261]
- Use of Regauging and Multivalved Potentials to Achieve Overunity EM
Engines: Concepts and Specific Engine Examples, Bearden T.E. [277]
- About the Local Tapping of Energy, Galeczki G. and Marquardt P. [299]
- The Secret of The "Cold Fusion", Kanarev Ph.M. [305]
- A New Direction In The Energetics, Becklemeshev J.A.,
Becklemesheva G.J. [311]
- Microscopic Acceleration Mechanism The Cold Fusion in Deuterated
Materials, Chicea D. [315]
- Free Energy Generation by Water Decomposition in Highly Efficiency
Electrolytic Process, Goryachev I.V. [319]
- A New Beginning for Thermodynamics, Hasslberger J. [325]
- Thermodynamic Principles and Problems of Self-Organizing in Physical
Systems, Berezovsky A. [331]
- Energy Transformation Dynamics, Mikhailovsky G.A. [349]
- Mechanisms of Energy Inversion and Self-Organization in Real Systems,
Smirnov A.P. and Smirnov A.A. [355]
- On the Second Beginning of Thermodynamics, Buinov G.N. [359]
- N.Tesla's Unique Experiments in Colorado, Ignatyev G.F. [365]
- The Work is Created by Means of Potential Field, Frolov A.V. [371]
- Thermal Engine With a Single Heat Source, Serogodsky A. [381]
Part 3: Gravitation and adjacent technologies
- Free Fall of Elementary Particles: On Moving Bodies and Their
Electromagnetic Forces, Rognerud N. [389]
- Construction an Engine for Free Space on the Base of a Pondemotor
Effect, Ignatyev G.F. [407]
- Experimental Fundamentals for Determination of the Nature of
Gravitation Interaction Carrier, Simakov A. [411]
- Gravitation Results from Interaction of Substance with Gradient of
Ether Density, Shulgin V.G. [415]
- The Quantum Gravitation, Shpakov P.D. [419]
- A Gyroscope Video Workshop Set Up to Observe & Determine Mechanical
Gyro Properties of Forces, Torques & Motions, McCabe F.J. [421]
- Rotating Hemisphere: Center of Mass Shift, Jeong E. [429]
- Diffraction of Gravitational Field, Butusov K.P. [451]
- About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth Influence
by Screening of the Part of Inflowing Surrounding Space Neutrinos,
Vinogradova M.G.,Khod'kov A.E. [457]
- Gravitational Technology, Uspensky G.R. [461]
- Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity
Breaking of Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experiment Using a
Spinning Gyro, Hayasaka H., Tanaka H., Hashida T., Chubachi T.,
Sugiyama T. [467]
- The Concept of Gravitation, Frolov A.V. [481]
- The Antigravitation Force in The Balanced Rotating System,
Kashuba V. [491]
- Compression of Standing Waves, Rhythm-dynamics and Third Condition
of Rest, Ivanov Yu.N. [495]
- The Beginning of Experimental Gravitonics, Poliakov S.M. and
Poliakov O.S. [529]
- Principles and Bases of the Support-less Movement and Realisation
of it in a Nature, Belostotsky Y.G. [537]
- The Inertial Propulsion Drives, Shukalov B.D. [545]
Part 4: Researches of Space and Time
- The Initial Principles of N.A.Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics,
Shikhobalov L.S. [553]
- Equivalence of Mass and Time, Abian A. [559]
- On the Question About Analytical Methods Those Reflect the
"Substance-Space-Time" Unity of the Nature in the Laws of Natural
Science, and About Main Properties of This Unity, Goriachko J.G. [569]
- Experiments on the Change of the Direction and Rate of Time Motion,
Chernobrov V.A. [575]
- The Energy Anisotropy of Space, Efimov A.A., Shpitalnaya A.A. [583]
- On Some Properties of the Physical Time and Space, Veinik A.I. [587]
- To a Question on Reserves of Information Interaction in a Nature,
Stavitsky V.I. [599]
- Generalized Golden Section and the Time Theory, Timashev A.R. [605]
- Information-Energy Model of Matter and Universe, Plykin V.D. [615]
- The United Holography Information Theory of the Universe,
Dvorin G.V. [621]
- The Lorentz Component of the Cosmological Red Shift, Sharipov M.R. [625]
Conclusion [635]
Resolution [636]
Contents [638]
Price is $60, posting included.
Way for payment is Western Union transfer
in INCOMBANK, St. Petersburg, Russia, for Mr. Alexander V. Frolov.
Numbers of copies for sale is limited.
Therefore please, make reservation
(preferably by E-Mail)
before you send any money.
Alexander V. Frolov
Production Editor
International MegaSciences Academy, Russia, St. Petersburg,
Institute for Free Energy,
P.O.Box 37,
St.-Petersburg, 193024,
E-MAIL: ..... alex@frolov.spb.ru
Mountain Man's Global News Archive
New Ideas in Natural Science Preceedings from Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia,
June 1996
Outline of Published Articles arising from the Conference