
Mountain Man's Global News Archive

Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits

by Ray Tomes

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Summer 1996

Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996 12:03:48 GMT
From: rtomes@kcbbs.gen.nz (Ray Tomes)
Organization: KC Computer Services
Newsgroups: alt.sci.physics.new-theories, sci.physics
Subject: Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits

Current research concerning the study of the nature of the sun, and particularly in regard to fluctuations in the sun's output have provided an increasingly new wealth of data. Such projects include the Gong Project, and other similar ones.

As an example, it has been found that there are strong solar oscillations of period 160 minutes and many between 5 and 6 minutes. If you calculate the internodal distance of these periods as electromagnetic waves (half the wavelength) the answers turn out to be 9.6 and 0.33 astronomical units respectively.

This is a simple calculation:

160 minutes * 60 seconds/minute * 299792 km/second / 149.6*10^6 km/a.u
[period]--- * [convert to secs] * c --> wavelength [convert to a.u.]

Because the internodal distance is half the wave, we divide the above result by 2 to arrive at an internodal distance of 9.6 astronomic units for the 160 minute periodic fluctuations, and 0.22 astronomic units for the shorter fluctuations.

Very strong indirect evidence for such long electromagnetic waves is that the outer planets (Saturn to Pluto) are near multiples of 9.75 au from the sun and the inner ones (Mercury to Mars) at multiples of 0.35 au. from the sun. It seems that the distances or periods have changed slightly since the solar system formed but that the planets did form at the nodes of standing electromagnetic waves which have the same periods as solar oscillations. This is quite remarkable, and needs to be highlighted:

For further information
please contact:

-- Ray Tomes -- rtomes@kcbbs.gen.nz -- Harmonics Theory --
Web Reference: http://www.vive.com/connect/universe/rt-home.htm


Mountain Man's Global News Archive

Solar Harmonics & Planetary Orbits

by Ray Tomes

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia - Southern Summer 1996