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Mountain Man's Global News Archive Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
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Heart and Mind and Soul and Spirit |
On 7/5/98 EDT, Rabbi Yossi Markel (Moshiach@nauticom.net) posted one in a series of posts concerning the Kabbalah: Subject: Kabbalah series 2.04.04 Section 2 - Hishtalshelus Kabbalah Series - Hishtalshelus THE QUINTESSENTIAL LIGHTS OF THE SELF The light before the lessening. In order to understand all the above, one must first understand how the Sefiros are in the Inner Person called the Yechida and how sefiros come out of a person into action now using Chesed as an example - if someone does something kind for someone: - there is the Kindness in his SOUL,from which the actual Kindness comes from, - there is the Kindness in his MIND,like when he thinks of doing something Kind, - there is the Kindness in his HEART,like when he feels (Kind emotions) for others, - there is the Kindness in ACTION,when he actually does the Kind thing And this is how it chains down. Rabbi Yossi Markel Moshiach@nauticom.net MOSHIACH http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5246/ KABBALAH ON LINE http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5245/ The material in this series is authored and copyrighted by Rabbi Yossi Markel Mountain Man wrote: ...[snip].... It is my observation that many folk, when first starting out on the journey to re-discovery of their place in this world, often have difficulty coming to terms concerning an understanding of what these faculties (above) are ... What is the SOUL? Great are number of folk who would find it difficult to answer this question, and many are the responses when they arrive, ranging from its denial, to the various descriptions afforded from cultural and mystical perspectives. What is the MIND? Philosophers have argued to and fro concerning the nature of the mind for the length of the written record on this planet. In our contemporary world we find inter-disciplinary conferences such as "Towards a Science of Consciousness" which are attempting to apply the investigations of inter-disciplinary sciences to this question. Considering this, even though each individual is of course in one sense intimately connected to him or herself, there is no real wonder that this question can engender many sub-questions. What is the HEART? There is little help in today's scientific world for the seekers to the answer of this question. Often referred to by singers and poets, by statesmen and stateswomen, by the common and uncomplicated folk of the planet, the heart is conspicuous in its absence amidst the current specifications of the discussions concerning the nature of consciousness in almost all academic circles, philosophical and scientific. What is the ACTION? How are folk moved to action? How do folk take control of every action? How can folk heal the action of others who do not understand themeselves or their actions? Such are the deep questions which come to one, not only at the commencement of the journey of life, but at many places along the path. I have contemplated these myself for many decades, and below will outline the observations over this time. I must warn folk that the following observation consists of an analogy, or a metaphor, which appears to many, far too simplistic to warrant serious attenton. Nevertheless, all I can say is that it represents just one way of approaching the above questions, one mechanism of instruction, or one mandala of contemplation, which brings all of the above questions together in confluence, for indeed, of such faculties (above), is the "ecosystem of the soul". I would appreciate comments and criticism, for I too am just a traveller on another path ... The heart and the mind are akin to the binary system of the earth and the moon, hosting the terrestrial aspects of the visions of our lives amidst their ancient air and water, and the endless diversity of that ancient element of nature, earth. Together, they bind the terrestrial into a whole, the one affording the place of nurture and growth, with abundance of the elements of life, the other the more objective and illuminating perspective, upon the matters of the emotions, desires and indeed - life. The soul and the action (spirit) are akin to the sun and the sunshine, which are part of a higher environment, the cosmic. Neverthless, the sun, through the sunshine, is an eternal spring of the cosmic fire (EM energy to scientists) which permeates the terrestrial ecosystems, providing the motion of the winds, the cycle of the waters, and the energy for growing life. It also provides the mechanism whereby the moon casts visible light, in the midst of the night, across the shadow of the earth-fields. We are as a cosmic ecosystem of the soul, and our natures are more than the terrestrial appearances, for these are indications of the movement of a cosmic influence, and one which we, as a race, have only glimpsed. The deeper cosmos is as an immense ocean of fire (EM energy ~~ "star-shine"), and we, who are often so proud and arrogant of our petty knowledges, stand on the shores of a remote and scattered terrestrial island, as another evolution of the ancient mariners who looked out upon the terrestrial seas, under the sun and the moon of yesteryear. Pete Brown Mountain Man Graphics, Australia Publications of Peace and Of Great Souls http://www.magna.com.au/~prfbrown