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Mountain Man's Global News Archive The Holographic Paradigm
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia
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The All-inclusive Holographic Paradigm |
The All-Inclusive Holographic Paradigm by Alan T. Williams Part 1 (Revised) In its infancy, the holographic paradigm articulated the novel concept that the human mind/brain complex functions as a hologram that both perceives and participates in a holographic universe[1]. That is to say, according to known physics and hologram theory[2], each human mind/brain complex seems to be a dynamic sentient/material holographic complex within a synergistic spacetime hologram whose boundaries are coextensive with the boundaries of our sub-light-speed material universe. This new paradigm was the result of the combined hypotheses and conjectures of Karl Pribram, David Bohm, Fritjof Capra and others in the 1970's. Much of the effort to solve the new paradigm was directed toward unifying the objective body of knowledge known as physics and the mystical-spiritual realm of subjective experience. Many individuals continue to equate mystical-spiritual experience with religious and/or metaphysical considerations incompatible with physics, thus the efforts to unify subjective experience with physics and to solve the original holographic paradigm reached an impasse. Interestingly, the solution of the holographic paradigm is entirely physical and the early paradigm conceived by Pribram, Bohm, et al., was (is) too narrow. The all- inclusive Holographic Paradigm described in this essay is an objective physical model in which both our synergistic material universe and intangible individual minds emerge as dynamic holonomic[3] projections within the all-encompassing hologram of ultimate reality itself. In other words, ultimate reality is the omnipresent all-inclusive hologram within which all other dynamic phenomenal holograms emerge. Three interesting areas of objective physical investigation: * 1. Expanding the narrow limits of the original holographic paradigm, the physical model of the all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm postulates that the human mind/brain complex is a composite hologram within a hologram within a hologram. That is to say, in principle each human mind/brain complex appears to be a synergistic sentient/material combination of tangible and intangible holonomic image events that emerge within the local spacetime hologram of our sub-light-speed material universe which itself emerges on some level of nonlocal holonomic activity within the all-inclusive ontological hologram of ultimate reality just-as-it-is. * 2. In the 17th century CE, René Descartes (1596-1650) noted that the physical body not only affects mind, mind also affects the physical body. The accumulation of knowledge in the past 100 years has greatly accelerated the ongoing investigations in the mind/brain area; nevertheless, the tangible/intangible, material/non-material interactions Descartes noted in his classic Mind/Body problem remain unsolved as humankind enters the 21st century CE. * 3. Objective consciousness itself and the physics of consciousness remain undefined and undescribed to this very day. Significantly, the physics of consciousness is a key issue -- indeed, the key issue -- in the solution of the all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm. Researching the literature on consciousness, one immediately notices that the term "consciousness" means many things to many people. Nevertheless, as a general rule, when one speaks of consciousness one is usually speaking of subjective, conditionally relative human phenomenological consciousness. Given this bias, both objective consciousness and the pre-existing underlying ground of ontological consciousness itself have been substantially ignored. It would seem that before either the physics of consciousness or the phenomena of consciousness can be properly defined and described, this longstanding neglect must be rectified. A few hypotheses: * The original holographic paradigm hypothesizes that the human mind/brain complex functions as a hologram that both perceives and participates in a holographic universe. * The new all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm is a comprehensive physical model of ultimate reality just-as-it-is. * Ultimate reality just-as-it-is is the omnipresent all-inclusive ontological hologram that contains and sustains all other transcendental and material holograms. * The all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm hypothesizes that our local subluminal spacetime continuum -- our synergistic material universe -- is a finite cosmic hologram that emerges within the all-inclusive ontological hologram of ultimate reality just-as-it-is. * The all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm also hypothesizes that each human mind/brain complex is a holonomic sentient/material composite that emerges within our finite holographic universe that itself emerges within the all-inclusive ontological hologram of ultimate reality just- as-it-is. Fundamental forces: There are four known fundamental forces or interactions in our material universe that affect all tangible and intangible forms of matter, and each material or non-material form is itself a discrete aggregation of physical energy or energies. The four known fundamental forces are electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force and gravitation. Each of these four known forces or interactions is limited to our synergistic subluminal spacetime continuum -- and perhaps to other similar material universes elsewhere, if such exist. A bold prediction: The all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm postulates that a presently unrecognized fifth fundamental force exists as well. The unrecognized fifth fundamental force is the pre-existing underlying physical energy of consciousness itself. In other words, consciousness, per se, is an objective, quantifiable continuum or spectrum of omnipresent physical energy, just as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is an objective, quantifiable continuum or spectrum of physical energy. If that proves to be the case, conditionally relative human phenomenological consciousness is embedded within and represents only a limited portion of the comprehensive continuum of phenomenal consciousness, just as visible light is embedded within and represents only a limited portion of the comprehensive electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Contemporary physics and cosmology confirm that our material universe -- our subluminal holographic universe -- is some type of open system. The all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm postulates that our material universe is a dynamic hologram embedded within the all-encompassing physical energy of the continuum of phenomenal consciousness; embedded within a non-material domain of objective physical energy that exists beyond the finite boundaries of our material universe; a quantifiable physical energy that enters and leaves our open subluminal spacetime continuum, perhaps by interfacing with the electromagnetic zero point field[4]. That is to say, superluminal information generated by higher level phenomenal consciousness may enter and leave our synergistic spacetime continuum by interfacing with the relativistic energies of the zero point field at the zitterbewegung, the trembling motion of the ZPF. The higher level conscious energies entering our open spacetime continuum through the ZPF energy interface, or interfaces, may provide information that directs the organization and evolution of lower level aggregations of energy called matter within our subluminal material universe. And the energy leaving our open spacetime system provides positive and negative feedback information to the nonlocal cosmogenic holomovement[5] that produces our local synergistic holographic universe. Conclusion: The physical model of the all-inclusive Holographic Paradigm is a vehicle for understanding both consciousness itself and reality just-as-it-is. It points directly to the objective, quantifiable physical energy of the continuum of phenomenal consciousness as the presently unrecognized fifth fundamental force. Ontological consciousness and the continuum of phenomenal consciousness both pervade and wholly encompass our local spacetime continuum, our sub-light-speed material universe. The postulated fifth fundamental force may be seen as *the primary fundamental force*. In other words, the all-encompassing physical energy of ontological consciousness itself is the pre-existing underlying ground of uncreated absolute pure being that contains and sustains all existence whatsoever. Notes: 1. The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes: Exploring the Leading Edge of Science, edited by Ken Wilbur, Shambhala, 1982. October, 1995, reprint: ISBN 0877732388. 2. Hologram theory: http://holo.com/holo/book/book1.html 3. Holonomic: having the characteristics of a hologram ("The term 'holonomic' was introduced by George Leonard to refer to entities 'in the nature of a hologram'; see G. Leonard, The Silent Pulse, Dutton, New York, 1978." Supra.). 4. Zero Point Field: http://www.jse.com/haisch/zpf.html 5. Holomovement: the dynamic phenomenal activity of a comprehensive transcendental or material hologram. For example, the comprehensive totality of our holographic material universe is one complete sub-light-speed holomovement. Go to http://www.livingston.net/hermital/holopara.htm for an HTML version of The All-Inclusive Holographic Paradigm. ======================================================================= The All-Inclusive Holographic Paradigm by Alan T. Williams Part 2: Hologram Theory and Holography In 1947, while working on information theory in England, Hungarian electrical engineer Dennis Gabor[6] developed his theory of holographic information storage and coined the words hologram and holography. Combining the Greek words holos (whole, entire) and gramma (anything written or drawn), a hologram is defined as the whole [or entire] message. Holography refers to the information storage process. Gabor received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics[7] "for his invention and development of the holographic method". Gabor performed experiments using incandescent light and the results were good enough to prove his theory, but the experiments were less than satisfactory due to the random phase relationships (the "noise") incandescent light produces. Practical holography would necessarily await the development of a coherent light source, namely, the laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). "Coherent light" means that all of the light emitted by the laser has the same wavelength and is in phase (there is no difference in the phase relationships of the emitted light). In 1958, Charles Townes[8] and his co-workers at Columbia University, New York, including Arthur Schawlow[9] (1981 Nobel Prize in Physics[10]), and a research group led by Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov[11] and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov[12] at the Lebedev Institute for Physics, Moscow, simultaneously and independently analyzed the possibilities of applying the maser principle (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) to the optical region of the EMR spectrum, culminating in the first operating optical maser (the laser) -- designed by Townes and suggested by Basov and Prokhorov -- in 1960. The laser is the coherent light source that makes contemporary holography possible. Among other changes in operating conditions, the step from microwaves to visible light permitted a 10^5 increase in frequency. Townes, Basov and Prokhorov shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics[13] "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle". Compared to the long day of Plato and Aristotle that has illuminated Western tradition for more than two millennia, hologram theory and holography are only a brief flash of lightning in the cosmos of scientific knowledge as humankind enters the 21st century CE. Nevertheless, this bright flash of holographic lightning may usher in a new day that illuminates the cosmos beyond the purview of either Plato or Aristotle. Conventional optical holograms: Fifty years after Dennis Gabor articulated hologram theory, conventional laser holography[14], acoustical holography[15] and electron holography[16] all use the holographic method. And computational holography[17], a computer synthesized realtime 3-D interactive "holovideo" or virtual reality display of holograms, is a growing area of interest. Conventional laser (optical) holography and conventional photography are both light-dependent. They effectively record only the information contained in the limited optical region, the visible light region, of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Light travels through a given medium in a wave-like form. To capture the information contained in the incident light waves, photographic film with an appropriate emulsion speed records the pattern of light obtained from an object or scene of interest. A conventional photograph records the amplitude -- the intensity -- of the incident light waves, but intensity is only part of the information contained in the light waves. A hologram records both the intensity and the phase relationships of the incident light waves. Thus, according to present scientific understanding, a hologram captures the whole message contained in the incident light waves of interest. Conventional holography requires two light beams: A reference beam and a diffraction beam (also called an object beam). A laser provides a coherent light beam which is used for both purposes. A beam splitter, an optical device that divides the coherent beam into two parts, is placed directly in the laser beam. One part of the divided coherent beam is focused directly on the film by a strategically placed mirror(s) and focusing lens(es). This unmodified coherent light is the reference beam. The second part of the divided coherent beam is first directed onto the object of interest and the modified light waves reflected by the object are then focused on the film where they interact with the reference beam. The interaction of the coherent information in the reference beam and the modified information in the diffraction beam (the object beam) creates a unique interference pattern (diffraction pattern) that is recorded (encoded) in the film emulsion. When the developed film is again placed in the path of a coherent light beam, the encoded information is projected into local space and an inverse image of the original object is reconstructed. Conclusions, Part 2: Conventional photography and optical holography are light-dependent. Electron and acoustical holography demonstrate that holographic principles are valid in domains beyond the optical region of the EMR spectrum. Hologram theory and holographic methods are a significant advance in imaging concepts and techniques. Dennis Gabor thought it might take twenty years before his theory could be applied to electron microscopy. Electron holography actually took fifty years to come of age through the use of the Möllenstedt biprism. Holographic concepts and methods are much more versatile than Gabor might have imagined in 1947, and new applications of his theory and methods continue to be brought forward at an increased pace. Continued in Part 3 (under construction) Notes: (cont.) (Notes 1 through 5 may be found in Part 1) 6. Dennis Gabor: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1971-1-autobio.html 7. 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics Presentation Speech: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1971-press.html 8. Charles Townes: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1964-1-bio.html 9. Arthur Schawlow: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1981-2-autobio.html 10. 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics Presentation Speech: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1981-press.html 11. Nicolay Basov: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1964-2-bio.html 12. Aleksandr Prokhorov: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1964-3-bio.html 13. 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics Presentation Speech: http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1964-press.html 14. Conventional laser holography: http://www.holoworld.com/holo/links.html 15. Acoustical holography: http://physical-acoustics-www.nrl.navy.mil/index.html 16. Electron holography: http://info.physik.uni-tuebingen.de/holo/members/oral/hres1/hrelho.html 17. Computational holography: http://lucente.www.media.mit.edu/people/lucente/pubs/siggraph95.html ======================================================================== The All-Inclusive Holographic Paradigm by Alan T. Williams Part 3: Dynamic Phenomenal Holography * Questions A superficial understanding of the original holographic paradigm -- the concept that the human mind/brain complex functions as a hologram that both perceives and participates in a holographic universe -- may leave the impression that a dynamic holonomic data base is somehow encoded in the physical matter of the human brain. Or that the holographic universe is produced by some unknown process that functions in some presently unexplained way. One wonders how either concept might be scientifically explained. * What medium is used as the coherent reference beam to encode and reconstruct holographic information in the brain? * What medium is used as the coherent reference beam to encode and reconstruct our local spacetime continuum? * What is the physical location of the coherent reference beam that is used to encode and reconstruct our holographic universe (our local spacetime continuum)? * Exactly where are the dynamic interference patterns (diffraction patterns) that represent our holographic universe encoded in the higher order physical energy that exists beyond and wholly encompasses our local spacetime continuum (our holographic universe)? One should be quick to note that it is not possible for either the human mind/brain holonomic complex or the holographic universe to use coherent light as the reference beam for their respective holographic processes. One should also note that electron and acoustical holography demonstrate that coherent media other than light can be used as a reference for the application of holographic principles. * The all-inclusive holographic paradigm[19] The classical abstract forms envisioned by Plato do not exist in physical reality just-as-it-is, but Plato was intuitively on the right track. Human beings perceive other humans as separate individuals; nevertheless, all entities are inseparably ONE on the highest level of experience where the fundamental relationship of each entity with objective, underlying ONEness is 1/1 = 1. There is no emerging *from* the ONE. There is only differentiation *within* the ONE. And the moment of differentiation for each entity is that very instant at which the individual either creates or accepts even a single vibration that is something less than ONEness, i.e., 1/n+1 = < 1 (the symbol < means "less than"). In the ultimate phenomenal hologram that describes the comprehensive ONEness of all existence including itself, the imperturbable ground of underlying ONEness itself acts as the coherent reference beam and the objective non-material physical energy of reciprocally emergent (conditionally relative) thought vibrations acts as the proactive diffraction beam. At the very instant of differentiation -- of becoming something less than ONE (1/n+1 = < 1) -- each autonomous entity becomes (acts as) the dynamic holonomic beam splitter in its own solipsistic holographic projections. The projected interference patterns, or diffraction patterns, are encoded in the transcendental thought-wave matrix. Each autonomous entity may also collaborate with other autonomous entities to produce synergistic holograms within which any or all participants may experience the projected holonomic image events either separately or in common. * Conclusions, Part 3 Both the human mind/brain complex and our subluminal material universe are holographic projections of diffraction patterns generated by objective non-material higher level physical energies of the continuum of phenomenal consciousness: Diffraction patterns that create, pervade, encompass and sustain our finite lower level holographic universe (our local spacetime continuum) when reconstructed by the coherent physical energy of imperturbable ontological consciousness, uncreated absolute pure being. Continued in Part 4 (under construction) Notes: 19. See also "Paradigm" at http://www.livingston.net/hermital/paradigm.htm. ====================================================================== A complete HTML version can be found at http://www.netdot.com/hermital/holopara.htm Constructive comments welcome: hermital@netdot.com -- Alan There are no shortcuts to wisdom and there is no end to learning. Consciousness, Physics and the Holographic Paradigm: