Hymns of Thayumanavar
Adoration to the God-Guru who is Knowledge-Bliss (6/11)
When in my pre-biographical state,
I lay fettered in the dark chamber of anava,
Thou released me
And adorned me with the misery's jewel (of pasa)
Like a babe with eyes unopened
And christened me with name appropriate
And for the illusory body
That goes by the name of maya (truth)
To be fortified,
Fed me with the food of undying karma
And created for me the play
Of coming and going
Across the vast grounds of universes several.
And when I slipped from the path of righteousness
That scriptures have laid,
Thou got me harrassed by the Messenger of Death;
And thus removing my obstacles
Took me to the House of Bliss
That knows neither day nor night
And there laid me,saying:
''Do thou in accord slumber.''
Thus did Thou perform for me.
Oh! My Father who art of Cosmic Mother Form.
Oh! Thou the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!

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