Hymns of Thayumanavar
Adoration to the God-Guru who is Knowledge-Bliss (7/11)
In the midst of this body cavern
That holds the birth seed,
Me that is like copper with verdigris,
Thou kindled the fire of jnana;
And in compassion melted my being within
And at the point of time appropriate
Thou alchemized with the mercury of Grace
And transformed me into gold of purest fineness
And Thou accepted me in your service.
What shall I speak of that Love Divine!
Thou, who flourishes
In the finite end of Vedanta-Siddhanta
That is renowned and precious.
And in the jnana of those great beings
That stand in nondual state
Who have accepted me in their service
And had been accepted by Thee in Thine service.
And under the wild banyan tree so sacred.
Oh! Thou the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti
That flourished in all these!
Oh! Thou, the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!

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