Hymns of Thayumanavar
Adoration to the God-Guru who is Knowledge-Bliss (8/11)
With meeting nor parting none,
With attachment none,
With contracting nor expanding none,
With attributes none,
With coming nor going none,
With permanent form none,
With malas none,
With seeking none,
With divisions none as top, middle and botton,
With bindu nor nada none,
With diversity none of the elements five,
With knowledge none of Knower,
With drooping none,
With one and two none,
With searching none,
With having drunk deep
In the Sea of Bliss of Perfection Fullness -
That state indeed is the state eternal.
Thus Thou taught me. Oh! Mauni *[1]!
Oh! Thou, the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!

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