Hymns of Thayumanavar
Who was it that gave this egoity
So much authority?
Is there no other place for this maya,
But my thought?
Will ''sky flower'' and ''mirage water''
Ever a practical use have?
Even my instructed state
Is in confusion thrown
Lest I receive Thy Grace
To seek refuge in Thee.
It performs Indrajal *[1] in my mind,
Establishing the illusory world as permanent.
When shall I receive the secret
Of conquering this? Pray tell me.
Oh! Thou Jnana Guru
That expounds in Thy Grace
The six faiths established
And the accord of Vedanta-Siddhanta philosophical state
For all the worlds in cardinal directions to know.
Oh! Mantra Guru! Oh, Yoga Tantra Guru!
Mauna Guru that comes in the line of Mula the Holy!

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