Hymns of Thayumanavar
Know ye, mightier far than accursed anava,
Is ahankara, the murderous hunter devil.
It will befog reason,
It will not let you know the right.
Whatever it touches
It identifies the self with that
And will say unbearable things.
It will claim that it is equal to
Hari, Hara, Brahma and the rest of the Gods.
It will stand like the axle pin
Of a moving car,
Itself immobile in the center of things.
It will proclaim itself:
''Who is here equal to me?''
And filled with Ravana like spirit
It will establish its tyrannous rule
In the domain of the heart.
How can this poor slave
Be contending with it all the time?
Oh! Guru that instructs in silentness!
Oh! Mantra Guru! Oh, Yoga Tantra Guru!
Mauna Guru that comes in the line of Mula the Holy!

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