Hymns of Thayumanavar
As the mind that is tossed about
In the light and darkness of knowledge,
As the chit that grows with the mind,
As the Siva Chit that encompasses chits all,
As unique, as permanency,
As objects diverse,
As the senses that cognizes those objects,
As the sense organs five, as the elements five,
As objects external, as objects internal,
As distant, as near,
As going, as coming,
As darkness, as light,
As good, as evil,
As today, as tomorrow, as eternal,
As one, as many, as all,
As none of these,
Thou who stand as thus
Can anyone know easy,
But those who had received Thy Grace?
Oh! Thou, Param that is Bliss
Encompassing in Pervasive Fullness,
The Universes many and Spaces vast!

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