In this world where it is said
That there is none who knows all
And none who knows nothing
I earned the title of one
Who knows nothing at all,
Ignorant among the ignorant and learned least.
To such as me, Thou, that day,
Taught the True Wisdom.
How shall I, this lowly servant,
Ever recompense Thy kindness?
''Oh, Ye! God of Death of horrid shape,
With body dark as night,
Eyes round as pits,
Teeth curved like the crescent,
You cannot terrify me with all your bluff!
It will not sell with me!''
Oh! Lord, my Treasure!
Thou who gave me the tongue to quip him thus!
Oh! Thou the Reality that eludes seeking!
The God of Knowledge that dwells in my thoughts!
Thou the Bliss Refulgent!

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