Hymns of Thayumanavar
Is there anyone among the
Educated or the uneducated
Who like me went after women
With waists slender as lightning,
Wearing anklets wailing, as it were.
''Oh! These waists will break, surely break,
Under the weight of those
Rounded fullsome breasts!''
What shall I do?
Alas, it is my cruel fate! My evil lot!
Which it is, I cannot say!
Melting in wondorous love
And falling as an uprooted tree
Repeatedly at Thy Feet, we pray:
''Thou our Treasure!
Our Lord, we are Thine slaves.
Thou, who to teacheth the truths of life eternal
To Sanaka and the rest of Saints Four,
Seated Thyself under the Northern banyan tree
Facing the Southern direction!''
Oh! Thou the Reality that eludes seeking!
The God of Knowledge
that dwells in my thoughts!
Thou the Bliss Refulgent!

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