Hymns of Thayumanavar
In the state of waking (jagra)
The ten indriyas *[1],
The five potencies *[2] and the five speech forms *[3],
The ten vayus *[4],
The inner organs (antakarana) four *[5],
Together with Purusa
In all the tattvas five and thirty
Are in the eybrow center seated.
In the dream state (swapna)
That is centered in the throat
Are the vayus ten,
The indriyas ten,
The inner organs (antakarana)
Together with Purusa -
The tattvas five and twenty active art.
[1] Ten sense organs - five of cognition and five of action:
a. 5 organs of cognition (jnanendriyas) are: 1) tongue 2) eyes 3) skin
4) ear 5) nose
b. 5 motor organs of action (karmendriyas) are: 1) hands 2) feet 3) mouth 4) anus 5) penis - Total 10
[2] 5 sense potencies or tanmatras: 1) taste 2) sight 3) touch 4) hearing 5) smell
[3] 5 speech forms: 1) talking 2) memorizing 3) singing 4) weeping 5) exulting
[4] 10 airs in the body: 1) prana 2) apana 3) udana 4) vyana 5) samana
6) naga 7) kurma 8) girihara 9) devadatta 10) dananjaya.
The functions of these 10 airs are as below:
1) prana: It rises from the muladhara (solar plexus) and traversing the ida (left)
and pingala (right) nadis (subtle nerve channels) reaches the cranium. And from there
emanates 12 matras (or angulas) long through the nostril, of which 4 are expelled
and the balance of 8 are inhaled within. Thus in a day 21,600 apirations take place.
Of these 7,200 are wasted away, leaving 14,400 breaths to be contained within.
2) Apana: Hovering around the anus, it helps in the evacuation of wine and bowels.
3) Udana: causes hiccough, cough, etc.
4) Vyana: Diffuses the essences of food taking over 72,000 nadis.
5) Samana: It brings about equilibrium in the flow of the airs.
6) Naga: Causes sneering, stammering, etc.
7) Kurma: Moves the movement of eye balls.
8) Girihara: Causes yawning.
9) Devadatta: Causes movement of eyelids, laughter, etc.
10) Dananjaya: Makes the body swell after death, before it escapes through the cranium.
[5] Antakaranas or inner organs of intelligence.
They are mind (manas),
intellect (buddhi), will (chitta), egoity (ahankara).

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