High level Information Technology Management relating to SQL database software 1985 to 2013:
In part the integration of RDBMS software services with the
organisation's database application layer, existent or non-existent.
Relational Database (RDBMS) Workflow Systems Engineering,
specialising in the Microsoft SQL Server relational database;
design and engineering of business specific database applications to enhance operations, administration and executive
information systems; database migration projects to SQL environment;
applications development; database integrity systems and exception monitoring systems;
automated financial reconciliation systems; information system umbrellas; executive information systems design and
implementation; complex analysis tasks and projects; information reporting
of any scale of complexity; automation of the foregoing.
MOTTO ....
Nothing is impossible
In reverse chronological order, the following tasks have been
successfully completed ....
- [2010-13] Consultant Northern Beaches Community College.
Formerly Manly Warringah Community College based in the Northern Beaches of Sydney. These implementations cover full financial reporting from the Esced college management software, credit card data transfer to major banks, Dept. Education statistical reporting, data integrity exception reporting and all forms of SQL database troubleshooting.
- [2009-10] Consultant Intercept Training Group - Security and Bodyguard Certifications
- [2008] Provision of automated comprehensive database information systems
via the LittleSteps RDBMS portal software for SQL Server for a number of
clients in various industries:
Manly Warringah Cabs - Designed and implemented a fully functional automated back-office
for the Manly Warringah Cabs Cooperative. An SQL Database was established to be automatically updated on a daily basis from the
flat-file generated on the real-time despatch system. All forms of government statistical reporting were then automated,
including the monthly KPI Statistical returns, sub-reporting to RSL Taxis as a separate fleet, automated email of reports
to large-scale operators, automated driver suspension notification via source data from the state authorities, etc.
References should be sought from the now retired Managing Director for the period until October 2008.
- [2007]
Provision of automated comprehensive database information systems
via the LittleSteps RDBMS portal software for SQL Server for a number of
clients in various industries:
Intercept Training Group - Security and Bodyguard Certifications
The leading Group in NSW for certificate level training in the security industry,
consolidation of numerous databases and data sources to one consolidated
database, and the establishment of tailor-made reporting services to
match the workflow and information reporting requirements in this industry.
Gilbert + Tobin - IP Australia (Trade Mark)
Data Integrity Exception Analyses..
Engineered at the 2007 Law Firm of the Year were automated comparison and analyses between the data held at IP Australia instructed by Gilbert + Tobin, and the data held in Gilbert + Tobin's InProtech Database with respect to their
large Australian Trade Mark portfolio. The LittleSteps reporting and analysis tool
has been configured here to report and analyse data integrity exceptions according
to the following schematic. Further information regarding the services outlined in
the following schematic may be obtained in
this document.

Authored: A small thesis in the field of Ancient History.
- [2006]
Provision of automated comprehensive database information systems
via the LittleSteps RDBMS portal software for SQL Server for a number of
clients in various industries:
Gilbert + Tobin - 2007 Law Firm of the Year.
This large firm has specialist Intellectual Property Management Services associated with their broad scope of industry.
The LittleSteps reporting and analysis tool has been configured here
to report and analyse data maintained in the InProtech Database, a
world-wide IP Management Software distributed and supported by CPA Global. The reports include
complex Overseas Associate Reciprocity statistics, global portfolio
reports of many descriptions and many dimensions, by which summary
data can be "drilled into" to report on multiple levels of detailed
data. Multi-dimensional reporting extends to internal Exception
Management Systems, and analyses of data integrity issues, and
all processes are automated.
- [2005]
Provision of automated comprehensive database information systems
via the LittleSteps RDBMS portal software for SQL Server for a number of
clients in various industries:
IOH (Injury & Occupational Health Management) Wollongong - Head Office - practice
management reporting across internal head office divisions (Rehabilitation,
Medical, Physiotherapy, Risk Management, etc). The solution engineers the
automated import of the Gumnut database (MS Access) into SQL Server. The
solution also provided consolidated financial management reporting across
all divisions. Automated reconciliation utilities were able to identify
the occurrence of various integrity exceptions in the source database
allowing the preparation of summary AR to GL journals substantiated
by the relevant detail. A number of unique analysis tasks were created for
this organisation.
- [2004]
Further provision of automated comprehensive database information systems
via the LittleSteps RDBMS portal software for SQL Server for a number of clients:
South East Community College, Nowra and the Manly Warringah Community College
based in the Northern Beaches of Sydney. These implementations cover full financial
reporting from the Esced college management software. Both these
colleges are part of the ACE (Adult and Community Education) sector.
Bushfire & Environmental Services - based in St. Georges Basin, in
the Shoalhaven. This industry contracts projects, both of small scale and
of very large scale, in Bushfire Protection and Assessment, and in a range
of Environmental Issues.
Small personal project in Computational Mathematics completed and published.
- [2003]
A patent process is continued for a new method of RDBMS IT management:
Australian Patent application filed: RDBMS portal software & methodology
United States patent application 10/624,910 - RDBMS portal software
Australian Trade Mark Registered: LittleSteps
Prototype tool developed for the SQL Server environment
Consultancy experience expands to include (Community) College Management systems
Production implementation of of the Professional SQL Esced
College Management application by DPM, at
the head office of the Southern Adult Education College, in Nowra.
Migration of 4D college management data to SQL with independent analyses,
including reconstruction of General Ledger, and independent detailed financial
audit mechanisms enabling the identification of 4D financial detail and its
reconciliation to summary reporting for all accounts.
DEMO: LittleSteps Southwind database, for Northwind SQL Server database
Authored: A Theory of Organisational Intelligence
- [2002]
Provisional Australian Patent filed for a universal relational database tool.
Consultancy in IT Management, SQL Server database, IP environments.
Major LittleSteps clients include Davies Collison Cave
(MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, BRISBANE; largest Australian IP firm)
Major LittleSteps project: Implementation of ARNO 2.2 at DCC Sydney Offices
Provision of dynamic database conversion scenarios, analyses, etc
Provision of exception management system; development & production
Provision of intellectual property management audit frameworks
Authored: Brief History of Modern Database Technology & IT Management Practices
- [2001]
Consultancy in the intellectual property database management applications environment;
Specialising in InProma, from Maxim Technology. Clients include, but not restricted to:
Maxim Technology, Spruson & Ferguson, Davies Collison Cave, Hodgkinson Old McInnes.
Other (non IP) clientelle in Wang VS environment and/or migrating to SQL environment include:
Tennant Australia, Latham Australia, Infinity Solutions.
Consultant advice in development of AI Systems using SQL database (University of Technology, Sydney.)
Migration of FACT (Wang VS Platform manufacturing application) to SAP (SQL database).
- [2000]
Consultancy in the intellectual property database management applications environment;
migration projects involving implementation of Maxim Technology's InProma application;
moving data warehouse sized information structures from Wang VS platforms to SQLServer;
design and engineer Inproma to CPA (Computer Patent Annuities) data import/export applications
Establishment of Automated Intellectual Property (IP) Database Integrity Systems:
An address made to the Inaugural International InProma Users Meeting,
held at the Pacific Hotel, Manly Beach, Sydney, in April of the Y2K.
A word document form of the address can be obtained here
Development and pilot of SQLServer environment application software such as:
Performance/Resource Monitoring System: via VB app online or via scheduled review report(s).
Database Integrity Systems: Low level table scanning and alerts - See the RowCounter System"
SQL Data Drill: Generic analysis and data presentation tool capable of "drilling" into aspects of the database
InProma to CPA Export Module: Quality assure and enable E-Audit of the InProma to CPA export data module.
InProma to CPA Import Module: Quality assure and enable E-Audit of the InProma to CPA import data module.
TSQL=Transact Structured Query Language: mastery of this all-powerful engineering and reporting tool.
InProma Specialist: Intellectual Property Management Applications Environment.
Open additional Shoalhaven Office: Operative out of Falls Creek - PO Box 194 Huskisson, NSW 2540
- [1999] Gradual mastery of TSQL on SQLServer (6.5 and 7), Crystal Reports and Info.
Crystal Reports Courses - Training Course and Advanced Crystal Reports - with Aeronaut.
A decade of business and financial report writing experience receives a new toolkit.
Automated business reporting out of SQL to an intranet or the internet.
Company Services Document: SQLServer Database environment
- [1998] - In Spring: Complete 10 years service in IT Management and evolving systems area, and then move on.
Establishment of a small computer consultancy business
Specialist in effecting database repair and recovery after "irrecoverable crashes".
Specialist in effective Office Automation solutions in open environments.
Clients include: Tennant Australia, Latham Australia, Shalake P/L, Maxim Technology
Newport Beach Office: Operative from September - PO Box 194, Newport Beach, NSW 2106