
Playing Poker with Constantine
the "Christian Poker Association"

Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia

Playing Poker with Constantine
& the "Christian Poker Association"




Tabulating the FULL DECK of Playing Cards for the CPA and the GPS

Name of Card Description of Card #Cards used by CPA #Cards used by GPS #CPA Deck #GPS Deck
Aces Gospels 4 Christian Aces
The Tetrarchy of Aces of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. (Tetrarchy means the "leadership of four".) The Four Aces were such powerful playing cards that a separate ready-reckoner table, called the "Ace Canon Tables". was routinely packed with each pack of CPA cards, and assisted the CPA Poker players in the playing of, and in the order of playing, their aces.
24 Gnostic Aces
An Arabic Infancy Ace, The Ace of Bartholomew, The Ace of Gamaliel, The Infancy Ace of James, The Ace of Judas, The Ace of Mary [Magdalene] The Ace of Nicodemus, The Ace of Peter, The Ace of Philip, The Ace of Pseudo-Matthew, The Ace of the Ebionites, The Ace of the Egyptians, The Ace of the Hebrews, The Ace of the Lord [by Marcion], The Ace of the Nativity of Mary, The Ace of the Nazoreans, The Ace of the Twelve Apostles, The Ace of Thomas, The Ace of Thomas - A 5th Century Compilation, The Infancy Ace of Thomas [Greek Text A].
4 24
Kings Acts 1 Christian King (of Acts)
One (Monotheistic) King - being the Acts performed by the Four Aces Holders on behalf of the One King
29 Gnostic Kings (of Acts)
The King of Peter, The King of Andrew, The King of Andrew and John , The King of Andrew and Matthew , The King of Barnabas, The King of Bartholomew, The King of John the Theologian, The King of Luke, The King of Mark, The King of Matthew, The King of Paul and Thecla, The King of Peter and Andrew, The King of Peter and Paul, The King of Philip, The King of Pilate, The King of Polyeuctes, The King of Simon and Jude, The King of Thaddaeus, The King of the Martrys, The King of Timothy, The King of Titus, The King of Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca, The Death of Pilate, The History of John, The History of Joseph the Carpenter, The King of Andrew, The King of John, The King of Paul, The King of Peter, The King of Thomas, The King of Peter and the Twelve Apostles.
1 29
Queens Sophia (Wisdom) 0 Christian Queens ("Sophia")
The "Feminine Influence" is conspicuously absent from CPA playing cards. For reference to the "Logos" see the "John"; for reference to wisdom sayings, see the The Sermon on the Mount presented within the "Matthew". Be aware that when the poet wrote about the divinity "in whom we live and move and have our being ..."; the Greek poet was talking about Zeus.
9 Gnostic Queens ("Sophia")
The "Feminine Influence" is conspicuously present in the GPS playing cards, as is the voice of the "Queen of Wisdom", Sophia.
0 9
Jacks Letters / Epistles 22 Christian Jacks
"Letters that 'Jack' wrote"

Attributed to the following: Paul (14), Unknown (3), Peter (2), John (3).
6 Gnostic Jacks
Some of the letters classified in this section are now regarded as CPA forgeries.
22 6
Tens Revelations/Apocalyses 1 Christian Ten
10th Heaven Revelation
12 Gnostic Revelations/Apocalyses 1 12
Nines to Twos Treatises 0 Christian Minor Cards
Minor cards (treatises) were generally not recognised as playing cards by the CPA, and possessed little or no value in the hand of Poker at CPA Casinos. It was all power play with four aces and the king of the CPA.
25 Gnostic Minor Cards
The GPS appear to have used some of these lesser cards extensively.
0 25
TOTALS All Cards Christian Poker Association (CPA) Gnostic Poker Systems Inc (GPS) 28 105




Thesis | TAOPATTA | Masterlist | Academic Summaries | Nag Hammadi Codices | Lucian Acts | Lucius Charinus