The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
The Avoidance of Drunkenness |
The Avoidance of Drunkenness |
Verse 921
Those who crave intoxicating drink each day
Will neither be feared nor famed.
Verse 922
Do not drink liquor. If some wish to, let it be those
Who have no wish for the esteem of exemplary men.
Verse 923
The sight of the drunken man's revelry is unbearable
Even to his own mother. How must it then appear to the wise?
Verse 924
The virtuous damsel called decency will turn her back
On men who indulge in the grievously vile vice called drunkenness.
Verse 925
To spend one's wealth to purchase self-oblivion
Is the result of being oblivious to what constitutes proper conduct.
Verse 926
Those who always sleep are akin to the dead.
And those who constantly drink are like men who have taken poison.
Verse 927
The drooping eyes of those who drink secretely reveal that secret,
Drawing forth their neighbor's endless ridicule.
Verse 928
Stop denying, "I never drink." For next time you drink
The mind's hidden secret will be told, then and there.
Verse 929
One may as well carry a candle underwater to search
For a drowned man as use reason to sober one drowned in drink.
Verse 930
Cannot the drunkard who sees while he is sober the drunken state of
Another realize the shameful degradation of his own drunkenness?
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
The Avoidance of Drunkenness Chapter 93 of 133
Web Publication by Mountain Man Graphics, Australia