The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Dread of Begging |
Verse 1061
It is ten millions better not to beg, even from those
Precious few who find joy in generosity and thus never refuse.
Verse 1062
Were it the world's Creator who wished men to live by begging,
Men might well wish that He Himself also die a wanderer.
Verse 1063
There is no greater foolhardiness than saying to oneself,
"I shall end the pains of poverty by begging."
Verse 1064
The entire world is too small to contain the dignity of men
Who stoop not to beg even in the midst of destitution.
Verse 1065
Though it is only gruel thin as water, nothing is more savory
Than the food that is earned by the labor of one's hands.
Verse 1066
The tongue finds nothing more distasteful than begging
Even to simply plead for the cow's drinking water.
Verse 1067
This I beg of all beggers,
"If beg you must, beg not from (of) misers."
Verse 1068
The unsturdy ship called begging will break apart
The moment it crashes against the rock of refusal.
Verse 1069
Thoughts of the beggar's plight must melt one's heart,
But thoughts of refusals he receives crushes it completely.
Verse 1070
Is there any place a miser can safely hide
When inside him resounds the word "no" which slays beggars?
The Holy Kural
Written over two millenia ago by Saint Tiruvalluvar,
translated under the guidance of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Dread of Begging Chapter 107 of 133
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