Hymns of Thayumanavar
In a house of refreshment
Enough will be the choice
Of diverse things to eat.
Unto it the four ends of man -
dharma, artha, kama and moksha,
The ends that Vedas and Agamas declare
The critical path of jnana,
The methods of demonstration and inference -
Of such varieties is the choice made
That the clamor of I-ness is stalled.
Realizing the four paths
And their gradations from chariya to jnana
And cognizing the difference
Of anu paksa *[1] and sambhu paksa *[2]
And the functions of maya and the rest(karma & anava)
And overcoming the mental aberration
That gives the distortion of one and two -
''To stand thus is our tradition.''
Thus Thou declared. Oh! Parama Guru!
Oh! Mantra Guru! Oh, Yoga Tantra Guru!
Mauna Guru that comes in the line of Mula the Holy!
[1] anu paksa - Jivas striving to reach God.
[2] sambhu paksa - Jivas made to strive by God to reach Him.

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