Hymns of Thayumanavar
Not a word of kindness have I.
Charity know I none.
Never have I shed tears
Or trembled in fear
In response to my feelings.
Oh! Thou, who art my soul Master!
I am Thy slave.
And is it for me alone
This confrontation with
Twin karmas *[1], triple gunas *[2],
Quadruple karanas *[3],
The quintuple senses *[4],
Lust and the rest of sextuples *[5],
The octapule attachments *[6] that assail
This forlorn man, more and more?
Thou, of Form Nine *[7]!
[1] Good and evil deeds.
[2] Sattvam -- equanimity, tamas -- passivity, rajas -- activity
[3] 1) mind 2) intellect 3) will 4) egoity
[4] 1) taste 2) sight 3) touch 4) sound 5) smell
[5] 1) lust 2) hatred 3) miserliness 4) greed 5) obstinacy 6) vengefulness
[6] 1) lineage 2) beauty 3) youth 4) learning 5) wealth 6) power 7) generosity 8) liberty
[7] 1) Brahma 2) Vishnu 3) Rudra 4) Maheshwara 5) SadaSiva 6) Sakti 7) Sivam 8) Nada 9) Bindu

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